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Stress busting. Easy and inexpensive options

Discussion in 'Posts in Regional Languages' started by crazywriter, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. crazywriter

    crazywriter Platinum IL'ite

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    Nowadays, many people suffer from stress. Thanks to hectic working schedules, most people have some stress related problem or the other.

    Especially in the case of women, as they multitask, which is eventually not good. It is a well known fact that women don’t take much care of themselves. They are too busy looking after their family to worry about their wellness.

    Working women are in a worse state, as they have to handle pressure at home, as well as at work.

    I have mentioned a few means to reduce stress, and calm you down. Most are easy options and not very expensive. The only condition required is that you have to take a little time out for yourself. No excuses will be entertained! :)

    Grow plants. Growing plants is one sure shot way to bust your stress. The feeling that comes with watching your plants grow is irreplaceable. If you have space constraints, then you can have potted plants in your balcony, or in your living room.

    Water your plants daily, and talk to them, this helps soothe your nerves. Talking to planst also helps them grow fast. Apart from contributing to your good health, growing plants also helps in the greater goal of environmental conservation. Plus, the fragrance of wet mud does wonders for your mood.

    Have a pet. Having a dog/cat/aquarium/brids (uncaged!) is a special experience. Studies have shown that taking care of someone else is good for health, especially in the case of older people. Seeing your pet running to you when you are back after a longhard day at work is pure heaven. Petting them is also good for you, according to studies.

    Get a pedicure. What better way to relax than by getting a foot massage. Go to the nearest parlour and get a pedicure done once a month. The warm soaking, the massage and the painting of your nails will do you a world of good.

    Get an oil massage. Ask your husband/mother/sister/wife/father/brother to oil your head. The oil is good for your hair, and the massage is good for your stress.

    Gorge on chocolates. According to studies, having chocolates, especially dark chocolates helps in improving your mood. If you are health concious, then I suggest you can have the low calorie and special chocolates for diabetics. I have had diary milk low fat and it tastes pretty good. There are also low calorie ice creams.

    Shop! Which woman does not enjoy shopping? We all love to buy clothes, shoes, jewellery and bags for ourselves and our loved ones. This may not be possible too frequently, as we should not empty our purses right at the start of the month. But once in a while, it is good to indulge yourself. If you are low on money, but really need that booster, then buy something small, like a scarf, or a pair of slippers from roadside vendors, which costs about Rs.100.

    Meditate. Ok, I am no yoga guru, but this practice works. Seat yourself in the lotus posture (Padmasana). Hold your back straight. Close your eyes, and sit still. Just observe the thoughts that enter your mind. Try not to connect these thoughts with anything. Simply be a spectator. It will not be easy. All random thoughts keep coming up, and it is natural that we connect it with something else. Don’t fight it, but take it slow. Eventually you will be able to reach the desired state. This helps to clear your mind. At the end of it, you will feel really calm.

    All these methods are tried and tested by me, and they have worked. I must humbly admit that I am no wise one, and these are just options that will help soothe your nerves. I thought that by sharing my stress busters with all you lovely ladies will help in adding a glow to your smile, and a spring to your step!

    The basic point to be noted is that the fact that you are doing something for yourself is itself a comforting thought. And it is absolutely essential to recharge your batteries when they become low, in order to resume the hectic life that we all need. There is no point in killing yourself over so many things. Take a pause, relax, and then resume. We need to feel good in order to stay happy.

  2. sonal1611

    sonal1611 Gold IL'ite

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    really nice options.. n i will suggest one... learn some musical instrument.. :):)
  3. crazywriter

    crazywriter Platinum IL'ite

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    dear sonal,

    thanks for your comments and that is indeed a good suggestion.

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