1. Despite so many colors, white is considered classic 2. Despite so much noise and sounds, silence is considered ultimate 3. Despite so much to eat, fasting is considered healthy 4. Despite so many places to travel and see, meditating in solitude is considered superior 5. In spite of so much to see, looking within is apex
"Old is gold" is an adage. Same good old movies in black & white are classics. But I don't know reason for old haunting songs are classical! But in science white is not a colour but a mixture of colours . A rotating disc with multitude if colours appear always white. The gap in successive notes though silent but that only produces the music an expert in music avers. When plenty of food in varities available for consumption yet I don't eat as a penance then it is fast. But when poor persons forced to fast for want of food it is not fast . I wonder why left spouse with kid in palace to forest to get enlightenment? Why a distant cave in mountains as in Thiruvannamalai is needed to meditate upon Almighty for realisation? Anything atop a mountain or a pinnacle cause attraction like a lightning arrester! Like a Murugan temple at Palani or Balaji At top of 7 hills.
I thought it was all blithering yet someone out there appreciates and award a like after (a)waiting my response. God Bless us all.