Hi, I have a 1 year 9 month old baby currently on breastfeeding only at night. She takes before falling sleep. Most of the time she wakes up during night and asks for it like 3 to 4 times. The frequency differs on every day. Now I would like to slowly stop the night feedings as well. Please let me know all possible tips that I can follow to make this easy for her. Will she be hungry during night times if i stop it? If so should I feed her regular milk whenever she cries during night. My baby has been breastfed directly. Hever got to use to feeding bottle except using sipper bottle for water. Should I use sipper for feeding regular milk during milk? Any pointers would really help me.
Try to make her sleep without milk. When she wake in night, put her on shoulder and make her sleep or give water instead of milk. You need ur family help to stop night feed. My husband slept with lo once he turned 1 1/2 yr. when he cries for milk, he make him sleep without milk. First few days it was hard but later my lo slept throughout night without feed. Train ur lo to sleep when u sing or pat him on shoulders or when u cradle instead of giving milk and make her sleep. So that they get used to sleep on own without need of milk to sleep. My pediatrician said when kids grow they don’t get hungry in night just they need something soothing to go back to sleep. Change that habit. Try above options. If u have elders in home, u can give the baby to them while they sleep. When the baby cry uncontrollably then feed else they get used to sleep without u. I did that for my first baby.
9 months is still young to sleep all night without one or two feeds. sippy cup milk if baby gets used to in the day then night also you can try.