Dear Swamy, Can you please check our horoscopes and advice whether we can start any business in the near future. Both me and my husband are not currently happy with our jobs and would like to start something on our own. Self DOB : 16.09.1973 TOB : 06.30 AM POB : Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Husband DOB : 02.01.1968 TOB : 11.30 AM POB : Chennai, Tamilnadu Currently, we are out of India in Middle East and would like to get back for starting something on our own. Also can you guide us on any specific business which will be fruitful, as we are thoroughly confused (we have some few specific projects on hand). Awaiting for your favourable response, Regards, Sara16
Re: Starting a business - Advice needed to check for the correct period - please help Dear Learned Members, Please can some one take up my issue and advice us regarding our careers and business prospects as we are totally frustrated with the present situation. Awaiting your response at the earliest, Regards, Sara16