Hi Ladies, Before getting married, was not interested in vastu. My parents house is south east facing. My husband insisted that south facing entrance is never good for the family. However i have spent my 22 years of life in south facing houses and i have to tell you i had an awesome life. Good education, great job, my dad started getting better salary package etc.... we got married, eventually moved to a apartment which is south facing and he searched for this apartment in a hurry. And we are living in this place for past 2 years and TTC right from day one. MY husband says nothing is working out in our life due to the south facing apartment. My question is: Is SOUTH WEST/EAST facing house bad for a family?
As far as i know south is not good for many. We have faced lot of bad luck in south facing house during my childhood days. That time we don't know abt all this vastu. My dad lost job, so many issues and we came to know abt it later. North is best.
OP, Generally south entrance is not preferred as it is considered yama dwara and ppl fear that death and misfortune will afflict the home occupants. This is a common held belief. If you want to get really technical about it, the best house direction for a family is usually determined by some good astrologer based on the birth star of the head of household or the combined stars of the couple. It is entirely possible that your birth star and more importantly the birth star of your father as head of household is positively impacted by a south facing entrance and therefore you had such a great time in such a house during your childhood years. You can verify this by checking the actual nakshatras of the persons involved for yourself. Now coming to the present problem, you would have to check the birth star of your h and yourself and check for compatibility with the house direction. Usually since there are 4 directions they will tell you which is the best one, then 2 more which are ok ( not good and not bad) and then the 4th one will be the worst -- to be avoided at all costs. Btw vastu advocates houses facing cardinal directions N, S E and W. It doesnt really like the in betweens ie., NW, NE, Sw SE and so on. This is the technical explantation which I have given. If you do consult an astro and if indeed the direction is the worst one (not likely but just in case) he will also give some remedies like which direction to establish puja place or not sleep in some specific room etc to mitigate the effect.
I have done course in vastu, we as vastu reader follow some method to read your house and on that bases only can tell you if south facing houses are good for you or not.If you r really interested in vastu take professional help. They are many more thing an astrologer or vastu reader see which no books in market tell. My own experiences, I was staying in north west facing house when got married faced lot of difficulties like lost of money, lost of mental peace, health problems as this direction do bring problems for lady of the house. But as I shifted to south facing house lots of things improved and conceive two sons. As this direction do increase male members in family. But to see which direction is good we follow some method, I can't tell you till I donot see your home or floor plan. Please ladies donot follow myths.