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SHE - Episode 11

Discussion in 'SHE - Serial Story' started by varalotti, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Tamil,
    I was very surprised to discover that you are too sensitive to play in a public forum. Why did u have to withdraw your posts ? You were holding fort with admirable conviction and courage ; u dint have to abandon your armoury at the fag end, all of a sudden just because you felt oppressively lonely in your camp. Plese dont think you are in a minority on one. There maybe / are plenty others who would reason it out like you but chose not to post here. If its any comfort for you, my friend, here is my unsolicited but truthful support.

    cc to varalotti from here on:

    I chose not to post anything on Homosexuality earlier because I dint see it as a major twist in Shalini's story, just a sidetrack involving junior artistes.
    Here is my take now , for what it is worth:

    1. Myriad are the creations of Nature and amazing are the mechanics devised by Her for the conservation and propagation of each and everyone of them. Procreation is one of the 3 main values defining Life ( as we know it)the other 2 being Growth and Decay. Simpler life forms are designed to reproduce asexually by uncomplicated processes like hiving off, for instance. Creatures higher up the evolutionary ladder, being more complex need to pass down millions of packets of genetic data. X and Y chromosomes were necessitated for sharing this burden, whence the 2 Genders. Heterosexual Conjugation is the means devised by Nature for the ceaseless pooling of genes, allowing for Natural selection of the fittest and refinement of design. Hence it is "Natural". Homosexual conjugation, which at the outset viciates Nature's plan for propagation of Species, is "UNnatural"
    Not being infallible, Nature does throw up unplanned non-standard items now and then. Albinism, Dwarfism, hermaphrodites, sixfingers, homosexuals. Let us not shun them as damaged goods. Let us respect them as humans and give them their due place. But let us not go overboard and insist that there is some sort of "Pride" attached to being non-standard.
    2. Psychologists says HS are born with an unconventional internal circuitary. But I find it curious and incredible that eversince the world started pushing the parameters of acceptable choices further and further away ( latter part of last Century), thereby increasing Society's capacity for accomodating values once thought taboo, the number of HS seems to have grown enormously. Did Mother Nature , all of a sudden, start producing anticlockwise clocks on assembly line, frustrating her own plans ? Or does availability of acceptable choice influence people to experiment ? It is pertinent here to note that a new item has cropped up on the menucard. It is called Bisexuality. I dont get it - one is "oriented" towards either the male or the female, what is this all-embracing "orientation" ? Sounds too much like "anything goes". If I say this, I am a regressive fossil.
    To support my suspision that HS need not be just congenital, but also an aquired taste, I can muster up umpteen examples which will just make this post an unbearable blade-"rambum". I will limit myself to just mentioning these: Severely restrictive atmosphere of Prisons and remote hostelries. Robustly heterosexual Roman and Greek Emperors of yore with their "Royal Favourite" boys.(Gibbon sees this as an aesthetic refinement- "to adore and to posses a thing of beauty") The sisters-in-law in the movie "Fire".

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  2. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    3. The fashionable plea of " act between consenting adults" can be used as a fig leaf to cover any personal choice. Sane but misguided adults can consent to anything. Consider this:

    a. Premarital, Extramarital and casual sex by mutual consent. This has become a taken-for-granted thing now . The "so-what" philosophy rules. ( "So-What" refuses to be satiated. The more it consumes, the more hungry it gets and prowls to devour more boundary lines.)
    b. Bigamy, polyandry, Concubinage with tripartite mutual consent.
    c. Prostituition between consenting adults.
    d. Incest between consenting adults. (With contraception to rule out the one major objection raised against consanguinous conjugation viz. genetically impaired children)
    e. Suicide, including Sati, and abetting suicide by adult, mutual consent.

    If one is Ok, why not the next ? Where do we position the gate ?

    (BTW, Lesbianism does not come as a free gift ( ilavasa inaippu) with the Gender Equality package. The two are as different as Milk and Toddy. Gloria Steinem, the bra-burning high priestess of Women's Liberation, is happily married - to a Man -and leading a contented life of liberty, equality and fraternity.)

    I want to say a lot more on this subject , but will retire for the time being with two sentences.
    I am against oppression/exclusion of people made differently by Nature.
    I am also against eulogising and propagating Homosexuality as an acceptable choice.

    ( Disclaimer: Nothing personal against anyone having diff. viewpoint. )
    Thanks and regards
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  3. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: SHE - Episode 12

    Most Gracious ILites,

    A short while from now I will be uploading SHE 12. I know IL is still reeling under the shock of SHE 11. Will SHE 12 will be an antidote or an accelerator, as of now, I can't tell. Find out for yourselves.

  4. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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  5. Tamildownunder

    Tamildownunder Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Manjula,

    Here our roles are reversed. I thought I had become a Nambiar by writting against homo-sexuality and was cornered by hero Rajnikanth's people. But, you have come chivalrously and played MGR-in-shining-armour to poor rattled Nambiar.:)


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  6. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Now a lesson of Botany in the episode of 'She'! And your opinion/suggestion(?) on how HS would have started is worth pondering over.
    To support my suspision that HS need not be just congenital, but also an aquired taste, I can muster up umpteen examples which will just make this post an unbearable blade-"rambum". I will limit myself to just mentioning these: Severely restrictive atmosphere of Prisons and remote hostelries. Robustly heterosexual Roman and Greek Emperors of yore with their "Royal Favourite" boys.(Gibbon sees this as an aesthetic refinement- "to adore and to posses a thing of beauty") The sisters-in-law in the movie "Fire".
    Your contribution in this thread was not only informative but also a moral booster to all those people with conservative ideas.
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  7. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Botany ? :confused2:

    Being a denizen of The Animal Kingdom, was merely trying to recall 9th. std zoolgy - coelenterata, porifera, somethingortheothera...........
  8. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Manju,
    As usual you have summed up the Obscurities of nature in a Fantastic way, bringing out all the points. hats off madam, for the way you understand, analyse and present them. I think i am going to nominate this post of yours as it is so full of Information!:2thumbsup:
  9. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Sudha, what is this madam-ing suddenly ?:oops:

    But thanx.

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  10. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Manju

    You are time and again proving your writing prowess!!! An excellent response.

    I read the episode 11 late and did not see TDW's responses. I also think in the lines, but you have put it very well:

    "Let us not shun them as damaged goods. Let us respect them as humans and give them their due place. But let us not go overboard and insist that there is some sort of "Pride" attached to being non-standard."

    Way to go....! I have nominated this for the best post for July. Not sure if it will win due to the subject, but I think the well-structured reasoning deserves a consideration.

    Sridhar, hope you don't mind this late response after the next episode was posted.


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