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Serious Problem - Please Help/suggest

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by DeepaJ65, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. Vaishnaviayyar1

    Vaishnaviayyar1 Senior IL'ite

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    One of my cousin lost his wife and he had a 7 month baby at that time. The wifes family felt he couldn't live alone with a baby and took initiatives to find a girl for him. They did find a wonderful girl but she had some fertility issues..The girl and boy were interested so they went ahead. The girl now has a great bond with her baby daughter. The little girl adores her mother and wouldn't eat food without her mom. So sometimes life works out Itself and these days many guys are very open minded. Some chose not to have any biological children as they favor adoption themselves. So it's very important to stay optimistic and I believe things will definitely work out
    GoneGirl and Sandycandy like this.
  2. Brevity

    Brevity Gold IL'ite

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    This post is close to my heart. My 14 year old daughter has a diagnosis that has resulted in her never being able to have biological kids of her own. Her health is otherwise good. I have mourned the issue, come to terms with it.

    With her being 14, she does not understand it completely and is a happy little girl. When she grows up and reaches mid-twenties we will have to face this issue all over again. I hope she meets someone who will love her and want her as a partner even with her problems. I realize that the chance of an arranged marriage is almost out of picture.

    My other thought is to encourage her to adopt even without a partner if she wants it. I personally know of happy fulfilled single women with a satisfying career who adopted. It can fulfil the basic need of humans to parent, feel wanted, to contribute to next generation and so on.

    You need to let her accept this as a loss, mourn it, support her through it and help her come out of it and make it her strength.

    Hope your daughter comes to term with her loss soon and also appreciate the abundance in store for her.

    Hugs to you and you daughter...
    Laks09, sweetsmiley, ashima10 and 3 others like this.
  3. Deborah

    Deborah Gold IL'ite

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    Dear OP - first of all,have a heart to heart talk with your daughter and ask what does she want from her life in all the aspects- career,relationship,family.Tell her that she has all your support in whatever her heart desires. If she is getting sad that she might not be able to become a mother ,seriously ask her to consider adopting an infant. And marriage is not necessary for this but being financially independent is.And if she doubts that she might not be able to get married because of her medical problem,tell her to leave this to life and just go on with other aspects of it.Who knows what life may bring along. And a man who thinks she is not a good match because of her being unable to conceive never had just having a good wife as his priority.She must have her own set of priorities.And as cliched as it may sound ,her own life (without being anyone's wife or mother ) is worth a lot too. 'Social norms' and 'what people will say ' are too trivial a things when we think of life in a bigger aspect.Being happy as who we are is more important.Your being optimistic will keep her spirits up.

    There are many mortal examples of a changing world and changing times. Sushmita Sen adopted 2 baby girls and they are now a happy family of 3.There is another person ,a man this time (I don't know his name but have seen articles on social media) who adopted a baby boy suffering from Down syndrome even before he got married.He is married now.In other words,there is no set definition of a family or how one comes to have a family .
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    Sandycandy likes this.
  4. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    dear madam. I do not disagree with you. It is one thing when you can have a child but prefer not to have one and either adopt or not have one. And it is totally another thing when you feel that you will later want a child but can never have it.

    the person who is going through that pain can only feel it .

    i do not have anything to tell more. Lot of good feedback.

    What i would suggest is to narrow it down and focus only one thing.

    take care of your daughter's depression. take her to counselling, medication only if needed. then worry about this later.
  5. Rosey2018

    Rosey2018 Bronze IL'ite

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    Bless your daughter she’s been through a lot hasn’t she. I don’t think you should worry about her marriage as the right person will come along just like for any other girl.

    Don’t lower your standards because of the procedure. She’s not different to anyone else. Loads of people even men can’t have children.

    Find someone who is educated and knowledgeable and mature enough to know about these things and is okay with it. Don’t just accept soemone who just wants to get married as soon as possible and says yeah that’s fine. Talk it out with them.

    An arranged marriage would work. Yes there are understanding men and it would work you just have to have faith in GOd and pray.

    I pray your daughter finds a man who will be right for her and do right by her
  6. roopa9

    roopa9 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Mam,

    I understand the pain you are going through. Your tremonduos support is all that she will need now.
    After all, love and care are all that a person need before anything. Eventhough, you are worried about her future please dont show to her.
    Myself, a vitiligo patient from age 10, has experienced enough pain and bullying. I had good belief in God, eventhough I had times when I was very low, I went through it and moved on.
    My mother was in your current state then. Today, I am happy to say that I am married to a very wonderful person(ofcourse he too has vitiligo like me) and I am happy for my decision of marrying him.
    I do have other issues related to fertility due to my late marriage but his love towards me is helping me to get through everything.

    A day will come when all these pains will vanish and you will be happy looking at your daughter. Have faith in God, be positive. Help her in building her confidence and shower your love.
    Rest, everything will fall in place at right time.

    God bless!
    Amica, smriti10, NeetaR and 1 other person like this.

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