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Seeing God(Generous Observer Devine)

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by dipshikha, May 16, 2011.

  1. dipshikha

    dipshikha Junior IL'ite

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    when you have made up your mind to pay a visit to temple and you reach there with full gratitude in your heart or when you are confused with the mind wanting it to outpour all your worries which seems heavy in your head ,hard for you to deal with it and where in you seek guidance and hope to show you the way how is the feeling that you experience when you see the image of your favourite god watching you the moment you constantly gaze at him/her and the best part is when you can get to see his complete figure dressed in wonderful attire right from the flowers lying at his feet to the floral garland to the jwellery that has been carved along with the statue and to the Gold like shining throne that he has been seated upon . you get to see his glimpses so much and with the priest performing the arti ,reciting shlokas and mantras and then sharing the flame of arti and flowers to the devotees . IT just makes every devotee feeling blessed , content and unruffled state of mind ( at least to me ) . Aint you feel satisfied with the view of him standing graciously, divinely, strongly and yet merciful infront of you who is always ready to see and hear you ... You forget everything and give your respectful obeisances to him because you get the divine vibes from him the moment you want to see him with your mind's eye and feel his divine presence everywhere inside the temple or church or any religious place because you believe that he exists and you definitely will feel an overpowering of devine emotion or exaltation running inside you. This is what i feel when i visit any temple .

    I am not an often visitor of a temple but sometimes my intuition just tells me to go and visit the nearby temple and see god to experience the mind going to solitude and find solace atleast for just a minute . Most of the time i choose to go when it is not festival because there will be less crowds and the lesser the crowds the better is the visibilty of your deity and the better is the connectivity to him with your mind and your heart. . I always thank him for the opportunity given by him to appear before him . All my senses gets focussed in him and share him my list of worries and expect his guidance for it is the house of god , a sacred place where he resides and he resides everywhere in our homes , in our heart and in our mind but his strong, eternal form resides in the temple/church/ mosques etc.. so its very important to pay a visit and confide it to him about our worries to be taken care by him and not only just for worries but simply to get a glance of him feeling holy for a moment and fair enough to make our day or night peaceful and blessed for we are just a normal human beings with human qualities and human energies . when things goes bersek and we find it topsy- turvy ignorant enough to handle it , we would like to find comfort in relying on devine natural being.

    Blessed are those homes and families who gives importance to god along with their families . They just follow their regular duties of lighting up the lamps, praying together and remembering god and thank him during the hard times and the happy times for they stick to their habbits of valuing god admist hardships . It is indeed a positive way to be optimistic in life for there is a saying " A family that prays together , stays together".

  2. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    My dear Dipshika,

    It is quiet human nature whenever you are in trouble you will think GOD and pray. Finally you have ended the blog by mentioning " A family that prays together , stays together".This i liked it which will have more power for any successful family

    SARASVADIVU Silver IL'ite

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    Hello dipshika,
    Good piece of writing there my dear:thumbsup:thumbsup

    Relished each and every word of yours as if 'twas a vedic chanting..could sense a vibration at the end of the reading.

    Very well-done and expecting more of such from your desk!!


  4. dipshikha

    dipshikha Junior IL'ite

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    Dear Sree,

    Thanks for being the first one to provide me the feed back . I am glad to see your name everytime in the feedback list. :bowdown.

    .. yes you said it very nicely , we always turn to god during tough times , this is human nature ... thanks for liking the end of my blog .... i was just thinking for a perfect end ... but nothing suited and have to come up with these lines "family that prays together , stays together"..

    Warm regards
  5. dipshikha

    dipshikha Junior IL'ite

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    Dear Saras,

    very much delighted with your wonderful appreciation. .. kind of a booster for me to emphasis more on better writing..

    thankyou so much for providing such a wonderful comment.

    warm regards

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