Hey all, I live in chennai 'n have a 1 'n half yr old. She drives me crazyyy :bonk runnin arnd behind her for meal times! I want to get a high chair tht can be used by her 'n by my soon to be born kiddo wen he/she grows up.. Do any of you have a high chair ur kid has outgrown 'n ur looking to sell? Wud be great if i cud get one second hand, as they're pretty expensive! Tnx, G3
g3, i saw the fisher price one sometime back on craiglist... not sure if it was chennai or mumbai... keep checking on and off...u might just get some deals...i think it was a booster seat. the locally made booster seats run low on price i guess around 1500-1800....
Gayatri, you can also look at booster chairs. They are, well, boosters. To be added to existing chairs. The one we got at mothercare was Rs 750, not cheap, but very, very sturdy. It has stood the use and abuse of my 2.5 year old from when he was 8 months. No I dont plan to sell it till he hit 50 kg (LOL) - That is the weight limit on it - or reach the table all by himself. He has a few feet to go for that .
I vote for booster seats too. We have one from fisher price and the best part is that it can travel with you! :thumbsup Raj
Booster seats seem like a great idea! thnks :thumbsup I have a doubt tho... if i put my toddler on a booster seat strapped to a chair against the table, what happens if the kid pushes the table with her hands or legs! won't the whole chair with th booster seat topple backwards? this happened once when i strapped pillows to a plastic chair to enable her to reach the table. A single sudden push 'n the whole chair fellover backward!. i caught her in time.. but i wanna know did this happen only cs plastic chairs r lightweight? or is there a risk of this happenin in booster seats on chairs too?
I think boosters are designed in a way the legs dont reach the tables. My very acrobatic toddler has not managed to do this and he has pushed off chairs off of table when in restaurants. We have ours strapped to a regular dining table chair, when it is place at the dining table, DS's legs dont reach the table, but is neatly folded under the ledge. Hope others have a better answer for you.
Gay3K2, it is quite possible with the seats that strap on to the chairs. Riya has tried that trick many times but our dinner table chairs are very sturdy, wooden ones so they don't topple back as easily, and secondly we have made it clear to her that it is not acceptable behavior for her to push with her legs, and when she doesn't listen we push her back so her legs don't reach the chair. The Fisher price chair we have comes with its own tray so it makes it harder for her legs to reach the table. If you get a sturdy chair, it won't topple back as easily as a plastic chair, but nevertheless kids are kids, so you will have to keep a close eye on them while they are on their chair. Raj
On pondy bazaar road there is a shop called Toyland where i bought my sons high chair for 1000 rs when he was 1 year old.... it is metal with foam cushion and plasticky covering... he is now 5 years old, the chair has seen two changes of upholstery by the motorbike seat guys (they put rexin instead of plasticky covering, so it is longer lasting for 100 rs each time) and he still uses it for eating and even for writing his homework or drawing when he is at the dining table ( he has a separate study table in his room... but which 5 year old uses their own rooms for studying ha ha ha.......)