And look at the note in end of the page, "Double the normal fee will be charged for students whose parents are working abroad." Seriously???? This is outrageous!!! If parents in abroad are earning more than parents working in India, good for them. Why does the school want a share of it??? And what is that building fund? So the school doesn't even have all the necessary infrastructure till now? This reminds me of one famous Vivek joke, One guy will first ask for match box and then he'll also ask for a cigarette. Vivek will be like 'Varum bodhu vaaya mattum thaan eduthuttu vandhiyaa' (Translation: Did you just bring your mouth to the tea shop?) Shame with these kind of schools collecting building fund, infrastructure fund etc.,
Thanks for your FB. It is natural for one to get enraged by sight if these kind of atrocious things appear in print. As i have no method to effectively check the facts/veracity of this image, i just posted to see reaction or response from members who might have had exp with this convent. According to image/message pertains to year 2017-18. I expected folks of IL resided or residing in Bangaluru might throw more or correct light on this (alleged) fee structure. I liked your remembering and quoting here the mocking by Tamil cinema comedian late vivek. Convent education institutions are getting huge charities from religious headquarters like Vatican and so I wonder why such institutions engaged in day light robbery? Hassle & Interview of parents for LKG admission for the child in pipeline begins at least several months before or even a year! Nervous children are kept at bay even if donations and recommendations from high places. But some kids are very daring as in the interview story shared by our senior moderator @Cheeniya in the link Cute U K G Interview! & also in another link Humour - Spiderman, Hanuman, & Sitaa
looks like international school, that is why they didn't put comma to read it as 2 lakhs . need to read as 202 K instead.
Bishop cotton's used to be one of those schools which only rich could afford One of the good schools in bangalore. Those days when there used to be inter school activity/competition the Bishop Cotton kids were like those kids whom we used to see in hindi serials. Short skirts, blazers, stylish kids. We used to be in awe of them, their english, their accent etc. Let's not forget our JJ is a Cotanian. (That's how the Bishop Cotton kids address themselves). During her initial school days when JJ was in bangalore with her mom she studied in Bishop cotton's girls school. Yes now I'm in a position in my life where I can afford this school for my kid. This school is shortlisted for my daughter whether she gets admission n goes to this school - only time will tell..
My cousins went to Bishop Cotton way back in the seventies and eighties. They were solidly middle class but education was prioritized. I looked up the current fees for my school in Chennai and it is twice what my father’s salary was back then.