Dear most Poonam ma'am, Thank you for your encouragement. True; Swami travels with us every step in his own pace in our divine hearts. Even here my mom and myself always carry a photo of Swami in our bags and hand-bags (where ever we go). It gives a serene atmosphere that we are strengthened by a divine support. I would like to share a series of incidents that occur in accordance with the same. Where ever my mom and myself travel(in a two wheeler), we will be thinking about something and immediately there will be a vehicle before us in which either Shiridi Sai or Puttaparthi Sai's photo with wordings "Why fear when am here" will flash through.:queen What else do we need. No fear. Only a smooth day's work! SaiRam
I have never seen Sai Baba in all these years. Everytime I manage to go to Putapathy, he is somehow or the other away!!! It's just my bad luck. I just manage to see him in youtube or on the websites. Thank you for sharing your experience. They sound wonderful.
Dearest Srirangani ma'am, Pl do not worry !! You will definitely get a chance to meet Swami. Who knows; he might call you for a personal interview too !!! Hope you would see "God is Love" in you tube. Its surprisingly nice !!! Sairam RamyaVaradharajan
Hi Ramya, Its heartening to see a Sai thread...something i have been longing to see for quite some time. I too attended the ARMY.I was working in an IT MNC at hyderabad but took leave , came to chennai for the ARMY of can anyone miss a divine opportunity like that?? My family members( in laws side) are all sai devotees, and my husband was in the organising commitee of the ARMY. Our entire family were really fortunate , glory to sai ma , we closely watched the preparations and waited with bated breath for D Day to arrive. With all humility ,glory to HIM , I like to share with u all that Swami even spoke to my DH before and during the ARMY. The entire family became too emotional. After this there was absolute transformation in my DH. He became completely involved in swami's activities and even now organising youth pilgrimage to puttaparthi with swami's blessings. Swami has brought a lot of transformation in me too, inspired me to become a balvikas guru, which i am thoroughly enjoying, Swami is making us all understand the purpose of life , in his own sweet way, i suppose. Swami's ways are amazing. First He gives us physical proximity which most of us innocently crave for.Our batteries are recharged and then we are totally transformed and we start slowly moving upwards in spiritual evolution.We mature slowly to the level where we realise swami is always with us, not necessary that he should be physically close. Sorry for such a long post. I would like this thread to grow and eager to hear Sai experiences from other IL friends. Jai Sairam Love Padma
Oh dearest Padmavathi ma'am, Heart felt Sairam to you and yours !!! Thanks a lot for sharing such a divine experience !!! I should prostrate in front of you to get the blessings that you derived from Swami himself eye to eye !!! Am elated to share that I will be going over to Parthi in this youth piligrimage (25th to 27th):-D with Swami's grace :bowdown !! This is the first ever time Swami has given me a chance to see him in his own place !! Eagerly looking forward for the dharshan !!!! True are your expressions regarding the transformations that we feel and experience when we get into His fold !!! Am also involved in Balavikas classes Hope you have time to visit my blogs. I have just started to share what I learn these days Keep in touch !! Thank you once again for having shared such valuable and life-preserving experiences !!! Sairam Love RamyaVaradharajan
Dearest and Loving Padmavathi ma'am, Am so very happy that your first post here in this great platform was for my thread and to share our Swami divinity !!! It raised goose bumps in me when i saw your number of posts !! Thank you once again !! And may you treasure your stay here with us !!! :bowdown Regards with Love RamyaVaradharajan
Dearest Ramya, First of all a small request please dont call me ma am ,i feel so distanced when some one addressess me thus .. especially in sai me padma..we are all sailing in the same boat..yearning to get closer and closer to Our sweetest lets not be formal..And regarding this being my first post..u r right..happy to say i am blessed with the best family on have no woes to share ...nor advices to offer( i am not that wise either) i was just waiting to make an apt post. When i saw discussion about swami...i was overjoyed..n thought of joining. Gr8 to hear u r in the youth pilgrimage. My MIL( mother in love) put my name also there but unfortuntely my boss made a big face when i asked for i had to drop..You must be happy to know that ..when swami was informed about the youth pilgrimage he was very very happy n said 'Na pilgrimage ki vasthunnaara..chaala santhosham'...Lets continue sharing our thoughts ,experiences on will be a big booster n blessing for me Once again please please dont make me(us) that big by using words like prostrating etc..We are all instruments in his divine drama..where each one of us have a role to play..even this discussion about him is part of his play..dear He chooses and we don the attire..thats all Lots of love Padma
Dear Ramya and Padma Om Sai Ram It's so thrilling to hear from devotees who are so close to Swami (even physically). We are coming in December to Puttaparthi. For me it will be after 11 years. I visited Baba's ashram in Dec 2005 with my mum and again in July 1997 when I attended the 1st World Youth Conference as a South African delegate. My family is also actively involved in the Sai organisation but due to work and the children I stopped teaching Balvikas for the past 5 years. I will definitely start again as soon as Mayuri can accompany me. My son Dhivashan is in EHV as we call it here. This weekend is the Sai Family Fun day (a day of sports for the children and parents too). We are eagerly awaiting December to "recharge our batteries". What is the "youth pilgrimage" that you speak about. I had read about ARMY - it was so thrilling!! Sai Ram and regards Neesha
Hi Neesha, Sairam. Happy to know that your family is also into Swami's activities. Regarding youth pilgrimage, every year youth across the country are taken to puttaparthy on pilgrimage where they are given the wonderful chance to observe swami and his work in close quarters and taken on a trip around puttaparthy.They are also allotted service in and around puttaparthy( nearby villages i suppose). Swami observes, gives inspiring talks and moves around with them.The youth also organize , bhajans, music, cultural programmes which Swami graciously watches and showers blessings. Swami wants the youth to experience the vibrations there, take it along with them and bring changes in the society for better bcos they are the hope and future of our nation. I heard that last time it was strictly males( for reasons best known to HIM), but this time it has been relaxed and we fairer sex can also take part and drown in the 'Divine love' This is what i came to know from reliable sources. So hurry friends..dont miss this golden chance As for your temporarily discontinuing bal vikas, dont worry ,Swami himself says Home first , then outside, so kids are our priority #1 , gifted by God, who are first entitled to our services. Swami says Outside service is of no use when personal life is in doldrums. I am sure you will resume your wonderful Bal vikas work sooner with His blessings All the Best. Love Padma
My dearest Padma Sairam, Yes of course. Very aptly said !! Man proposes and the Supreme disposes !! Its the same everywhere !! Sad that your boss did not grant you leave. Let me pray sincerely for you to get the best of Lord's dharshan Its really sweet of you to coin the term Mother-In-Love !! Oh i simply Love it :bowdown Swami is always very very happy in seeing his devotees Sairam. Oh am so thrilled and excited as days fly !!! Sairam Regards with Love RamyaVaradharajan