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Review of "Who Will Cry When you die" by Robin S. Sharma

Discussion in 'Book Lovers' started by Chitvish, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Robin S. Sharma is an acclaimed international guru who guides readers towards enlightenment . The success of his best seller The monk Who Sold His Ferrari is nothing less than sensational !

    That book had a captivating, as well as a delightful story. When I was still under the spell of Sharma’s books, I started reading this book. This book does lay a tough task ahead of us !

    “ Who will cry when you die “ sets about making us think hard as to how to manifest the fullness of our talents. It is not simple though, we know !
    Robin Sharma calls this book life lessons which is ofcourse very apt. The title suggests that we should live such a life that the world cries when we die ! Who would’nt ask for that ? He gives simple solutions to what we think are complex problems. But I find that, the language and the way he puts them are simple, but to follow them is definitely complex.

    The author has given not less than hundred points for us to follow to enrich our lives.At this rate, reading this book has to be a life long pursuit, if we want to follow atleast some of them. I personally feel, if we patiently read through the book completely, we are on step one already ! It needs a strong determination on our goal towards self improvement to think and climb on to the second step ! It is, in patches, similar to a moral science book , since it is full of “do’s” and “don’ts” in life !

    But we can’t deny that even if we start practising a few of them to start with, there will be better balance,control and effectiveness in our daily lives. There is no doubt that this will be a pleasure for the people who interact with us ! So we start with the idea that “the pleasure of my improvement will be others’, not mine !” To think this way, is not easy either !

    To start with,if we identify our calling & make it our way of life, our life starts changing for the better. We all want to be the person which we never are, ultimately ! I think I am going through this phase personally after all these years, in my life and hence I am able to appreciate this point better ! We struggle to establish an identity for ourselves throughout our life, but very often, only unsuccessfully ! Sharma suggests working hard at it, is worthy of the reward, we get in life.

    A very interesting suggestion of R. Sharma is to take a “ worry break”, allotting a specific time every day, exclusively to brood over your difficulties. He says make a note of all your worries the whole day and wallow in your problems in the allotted time. He assures us that gradually we will decrease the time for this break and eventually this habit will be eliminated forever ! Sounds worth trying ! But there may be one problem – we will end up creating worries since we have allotted a time for that & we do not want to waste that time, not worrying ! So this suggestion has to be tried with special care !

    Like Deepak Chopra, Sharma also suggests regularly spending time in communion with nature and silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. I personally follow this, since reading this book and find that it keeps me centred on my highest life priorities. This has made a difference in my life.

    Sharma expects us to be mature enough to see troubles as blessings which teach us valuable lessons in life. It is rightly said that tough men last and tough times don’t ! I personally feel this trait cannot be cultivated, but we come to accept it only when life takes its toll on us, mercilessly, sometimes.

    Yet another point which I liked very much in this book, is one I have been practising, ever since I attended my energy classes. Whenever we give away money, if we bless it and give, it comes back to us manyfold !This only proves the timeless truth that the hand that gives is the hand that gathers. To bless the money every time we give cash or cheque – does sound odd and funny, but even once you are proved right, you start practising it – who does not want money to come back, multiplied ?

    Our respecting our own instincts – the voice within, is stressed by the author and rightly so. It helps us decide whether that thought or action is within or outside our “comfort zone” as we call it. I think this is one of the best suggestions given by the author & the morally strong sounding word “ conscience” is replaced by the layman’s word “ voice within” ! Now it looks within our reach!

    If the book “ The monk who sold his ferrari” helped readers cope with the rat race of life, this book with its long list of lessons does make us wonder whether we can take up the challenge at all. But I am not one to give up easily & try I did my best ! Regular reading of the book and trying to incorporate atleast a few in my life have made my mind more full, and life more happy. The more I live, the harder I want to work and rejoice in life for its own sake. Only then I would have been fully used up when I die and hopefully, people who know me will cry !

    Love & regards,
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2006

  2. purnima_2k

    purnima_2k Senior IL'ite

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    I am running for the book!

    As usual you are making me run for the book.A very catchy review. Whether the book is good or not, we can decide after reading, but your reviews are always written in a simple style , understandable by a layman! I think in an effective review the communication of the content of the book(w/o revealing the end )is important, fair justice should be done to the book as well as the author, and the most important thing is it should FUEL the user to no end to grab the book! Your review has done the last and the first two points am sure will be covered too once we read the book!

    These where the miniscule points that i gathered from the comments of my reviews!

    Great going Mrs CV-- Microwave to MIcrosoft to Micro Literature??? :) -- VR help me with words.......

    (ps - i would like to take this opportunity to tell the readers about a wonderful book that i read " One hundred shades of white", written by Prithi Nair. She is a brilliant author. Sudha are u there.......? :))
  3. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Bold attempt!

    Dear Chitra,

    You have taken a non-fiction work and reviewed it! That was really bold....and it has turned out quite well. I can understand what Robin Sharma's books are now, since i have not read any of them! And you have mentioned a few of the points that he has mentioned and analysed them , and added your personal experiences and doubts also! I really enjoyed reading this and of course would love to lay my hands on his books now!
    Great job, not only are you "growing" by reading such works, but by sharing with all of us , you are definetely " showing a way" for us!

    I am sure you are already living that way fully!.........and i trust these words of yours completely!
    "Regular reading of the book and trying to incorporate atleast a few in my life have made my mind more full, and life more happy. The more I live, the harder I want to work and rejoice in life for its own sake. Only then I would have been fully used up when I die and hopefully, people who know me will cry !"
    I am really glad that you have posted this .....keep sharing such lovely works with al of us!
  4. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    If there was a doubt in anyone's mind about your ability to review, it will be wiped clean with this review. Not knowing the author personally gives this review of yours' the necessary objectiveness. Very well done indeed, Chitra!

    You have chosen a non-fiction this time and the subject matter is quite complicated to be brought across to the general public's interest. You once again have done that beautifully. Your highlighting of the points the book talks of, its complexities and its probabilities of function, all are brought forward to everyones' attention very clearly. Shows how thoroughly you have gone through this book and have enjoyed it.

    Have heard about Robin Sharma's books several times and had made a mental note of it along with many others! But this time, I shall act upon it, thanks to your review:)

    Thanks also for throwing light upon a philosophy of life and how it could help to make our lot richer. Soon, this book will adorn my bookshelf, for constant reference.

    Love and regards,
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2006
  5. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    thanku u chitra should get a copy

    thanku chitra,
    i will get a copy to go thru how very apt is the title...regards sunkan
  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Graduated With Top Honours, Congratulations!

    Dear Chitra,
    Yes, you did it. For to review a work of non-fiction is really tough and that too when it comes to best selling authors it is tougher. The perfection you normally exhibit in your culinary adventures has effortlessly percolated into this area too.
    As I read through the review I find one strange thing. The reviewer has become one with the book. You have not only read the book but have lived with the book. You could not have made such authoritative pronouncements unless you live with the book and peep into the mind of the author.
    And one thing I can say is that you have identified your calling and have chosen to life for that. Calling such a wonderful word. A job is what you do but a calling is what something higher than you calls you to do.
    I could see from your cookery threads as well as your review threads that whatever you choose to do at the moment, is a calling for you.
    And you made me run for the book. That to me is the greatest success a reviewer can hope to attain.
    With Affectionate Regards,
  7. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

    This book is very very interesting.Do you feel that life is slipping by so fast that you might never get a chance to live with meaning,happiness and joy you know you deserve.If so then this very special book by Robin Sharma has tranformed the lives of thousands will be the guiding light that leads you to a new of living.He offers 101 simple solutions to ourlife's complex problems.
    my favourite chapter is the very first one which Iwould like to sum up
    When I was growing up my father said something to me which I will never forget ,Son when you were born you cried while the world rejoiced.Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice it.We can easily put a person on the moon but we have trouble meeting a neighbour.we have e mail fax digital phones yet we live less connected.We have lost touch with our humanity.We have lost sight of the things that matter the most.
    What impact will your life have on the generations that follow you/What legacy do you leave behind/George Bernard Shaw was asked on his deathbed 'What would do if you live your life over again',He replied''Iwould like to be the person I could have been but never was.
    Find your calling.Ibelieve we all have special talents that are just waiting to be engaged in worthy pursuit.we are all here for some noble objective while we add value to lives around us.As Mahatama Gandhi noted''Be the change that you wish to sse most in your world'' and once you do,your life will change.
    I found the entire book very absorbing.My daughter read it and insisted that i should.Ifelt that my friends should also read if they get an opporunity..
    yours kanaka raghavan
  8. BhargaviChakravarthy

    BhargaviChakravarthy Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

    dear kanaga,
    Thanks for sharing the idea you have on the book.I will try to get it and read.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2007
  9. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

    Hi Kanaka,
    Try to get his other books,....The monk who sold his ferrari and another one Megaliving....these two are also absorbing books....
    I have not read this book which u have mentioned, will try to get this one!
  10. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

    hi kanaka,

    yes. the book is quite good. actually it does not say something we dont know. but sometimes we need some external prodding on our conscience/whatever u want to call... to make us analyse things

    His other books the monk who sold his ferari is also good.

    as u have said the first page sums it all.

    these books are part of our collection now.


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