Reverie One day in my reverie, I happen to interview God. I knocked at the golden doors of heaven. "Come in" - Almighty sounded in English, " I know your desire and intent. you want to interview me?" “Yes… if you could kindly consent and have time please ” . God smiled enigmatically. “My time is endless… and enough to do infinite things in a jiffy. Well… what are you going to ask?” "What surprises you about the human race?" ALMIGHTY said… “Humans never like to remain as a toddler for long, he grows up quickly and becomes an adult... but after growing up he remains a child for a long time. Loses health for money… then loses all money to regain lost health… Always thinking anxiously about the future, he forgets the present moment he is living in now… both the present and the future are missing him! He lives not to die… but dies not to live…” God's hands moved slightly in the posture of Abhaya Hastha. Silence prevailed for a few seconds. "As an affectionate creator and for humans, what is the life lesson you want to impart on to your children on the planet earth?" He was silent. I asked Him again. With an enigmatic smile Almighty answered… “Kānnā…don't try hard to make anyone to love you…always behave like you're loved. What one earns in life is not worth it... its worth is how one earns it... Don't ever compare which one is better than the other. Don't think that the one who has everything is affluent... In fact, the one who needs less is the richest person! It takes a few seconds to hurt someone we love… but it takes years to heal… The reality is that many people who love don't know how to express it properly... It is incorrect to think that money can buy everything. Happiness can never be bought. Understand that even if two people see the same thing, they will see it differently. The mark of a good friend is knowing everything about your fellow friend.. loving him in any situation! It is not enough to know how to forgive others, you need to be able to forgive yourself. Others may forget what you said... what you did... but they will never forget the feeling you gave them!” God smiled with his lotus eyes gently closed as if to say that the interview is concluded. I was shown the golden doors… I woke up with smile from My reverie.
Your reverie so beautifully brought out, shows your philosophy of life and your thoughts on God. Yes, we could all learn some lessons from it.
Good. Seems like an interview of self by self. Reminds me of Q- If God has his one most important message for all of us? A- Well it could fit into five words- you have got me all wrong.
That means to say we have not understood God. True! I suppose its a never ending search from out of so many philosophies out there.
Thanks to feedbacks from @HariLakhera & @joylokhi . I have a feel that further research and development in AI would take the mankind to a closer proximity to its creator(s). In different geographies different kind of people in various shapes and sizes evidences that they are created by different Gods! This would or might be unravelled in future with AI advanced Technologies.
@messedup thank you for being here and awarded a LIKE. you are one of my healthy critics/critiques. Regards. God Bless
Have we? The answer is NO. It is clear when we come across so many different forms of GODs in the form of religions. Almost half of the human population does not believe in God. Another has different Gods. And as the saying goes, if there was no God, we would have anyway invented Him. The answer is to believe that I am the God.
Dear Thyagarajan Sir, Extremely insightful conversation with the Lord of the universe. Reading everything that the Lord says makes sense as it is already embedded in us in the form of Consciousness. How to manifest those values is where we struggle a lot. Like what Hari Sir said, we are divine beings having human experience. There is nothing to learn outside of us, is the true knowledge. Our embedded system has all of these values where as our encrypted karma caused by our past actions make us drift away from our embedded system. Understanding the differences between the two is where we struggle. The system software makes the life regulate itself through eating, sleeping, circulate blood, beat the heart, inhale and exhale air, extract oxygen, make the organs function, energy to think, speak and act, etc. The application software runs our life the way the application is created by the mind. May be the application needs to be rewritten based on how the embedded system function smoothly and seamlessly. Your article reminded of my conversation with the Lord Ganesha written sometime back.