Hi Sharadau, Very nice work. Exquisite. How to do. Is that a special kind of needle. kindly tell us. My mom also has done two parrots with a flower in the middle which looks like cushion. but she is very old now. could not recollect how it is done. hence kindly tell us the method.
hi sharadau.....very nice....does it require some special needle ? I had tried to search for this punch needle embroidery kit, but not sure where to find. or if there is any other procedure, or if you know of shops that sell these, please share information......
thank you friends. Dear lalikrishna in my earlier threads of punch needle emb. i have explained this emb, you get more information in google. type punch needle emb- there comes.you can try at raja thread stores in ranganathan stores- chennai the needles.