Prophet Muhammad---the Last Messenger !

Discussion in 'Religious places & Spiritual people' started by Yumna, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    Stories of the prophets

    Sayyidina Ali's response to the command of the Prophet (peace be upon Him) to sleep in his place on that particular night was an example of belief and sincerity because it was highly possible that the swords of the young men of Quraysh might have fallen upon him that night. But Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) slept peacefully having conviction in Prophet’s word that He is in Allah’s protection.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) had told Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to stay in Makkah for a few days in order to return the trusts and items that people had deposited with him (peace be upon Him) to their owners.

    At the same time that they disbelieved in him being a Prophet; and claimed that he was a sorcerer or a madman they could not find anyone among the people around them who was better than him. Therefore, they did not deposit their property or wealth that they feared for with anyone else but him for safekeeping. This clearly indicates that though they didn’t believe in his message but they completely believed in him to be the most honest and trustworthy.

    As the Nobel Qur’an says:
    “WE know indeed the grief which their words cause you [O Muhammad]: it is not you that they disbelieve, but it is the Verses [the Qur'an] of Allah that the evildoers deny.” [6:33].

    Ali started looking for the owners of the entrusted items that the Prophet (peace be upon Him) had left him behind to deal with, and he kept on returning these entrusted items until he had given them all back to their owners. [Source: Dr Ali Sallabi]


    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) and Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) took refuge in a cave in Mount Thawr. They had already devised a plan to go to this cave and stay there for three days and three nights in utmost secrecy.

    Abu Bakr first entered to explore the cave and be sure that it was safe, closed all holes with pieces torn off from his clothes, cleaned it and then asked the Prophet (peace be upon Him) to step in. The Prophet (peace be upon Him) went in and immediately laid his head in Abu Bakr’s lap and fell asleep. Suddenly Abu Bakr’s foot was stung by a poisonous insect. It hurt so much that his tears fell on the Prophet’s face. The Prophet (peace be upon Him) immediately
    applied his saliva on Abu Bakr’s foot and the pain went off on the spot. They confined themselves to this cave for three nights.

    Abdullah, the son of Abu Bakr would go to see them after dusk with some food and drink; stay the night there, apprise them of the latest situation in Makkah, and then leave in the early mornings.

    Amir ibn Fuhayra who was a freed slave of Abu Bakr; His job was to take out his flock of sheep and make sure the footsteps of Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr are erased away.

    { ibn = son of }

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!

  2. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    The notables of Makkah convened an emergency session to determine the future course of action and explore all areas that could help arrest the two men. They decided to block all avenues leading out of Makkah and imposed heavy armed surveillance over all potential exits. A price of 100 camels was set upon the head of each one. Horsemen, infantry and tracers of tracks scoured the country.

    When the Quraysh figured out the Prophet (peace be upon Him)had not gone on the usual roads, they hired an expert scout to figure out the traces. And this scout managed to, despite all of the precautions; lead them to the base of the Cave of Thawr. From there it was a mountain, so they couldn’t follow anymore."

    They tried to search their best and at one point, their enemies were only a few feet away outside the cave.” It is reported that a spider spun a large web across the mouth of the cave thus the pursuers assumed that no one had entered the cave recently and did not search it.

    Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) looked out through the crevice, and he whispers to the Prophet (peace be upon Him), If they just look down at their feet, they would see us.)" - Since the entrance of the cave was at feet level i.e. below the ground. And the beloved Prophet (peace be upon Him) responded, “O Abu Bakr! What do you think of those two with whom the Third is Allah."

    And Allah made it so that they didn't check the cave.

    It was really a Divine miracle; as chasers were only a few steps from the cave.

    For three days Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and Abu Bakr lived in the cave and Quraysh continued their frantic efforts to get hold of them.

    A man whose name was ‘Abdullah ibn Urayqit, who as yet had not embraced Islam, but was trusted by Abu Bakr. He wasn't from the Quraysh but from a faraway Bedouin tribe. His job was to lead them to Madinah through a path that was unknown to the Quraysh, avoiding the 'highway' at the time.

    They had 'highways' back then also, i.e. a well-traveled road that had wells and even basic facility of provisions for travelers who completely run out of everything (this would depend on the political and economic state of the people), there would be markings. So people know it's a well-traveled path and people take those paths for safety, security, reliance, etc. But of course the Prophet (peace be upon Him) couldn't take that path. So they hired Abdullah ibn Urayqit to take them through a back path that was rarely known to some Bedouin people. He reached the cave after three nights according to the plan bringing with him Abu Bakr’s two swift camels.

    [Source: arqadhi blogspot/The sealed Nectar]

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  3. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    Quraysh, as we have already mentioned, had declared that whoever would seize Muhammad (peace be upon Him) would receive a hundred camels as reward. This had spurred many persons to try their luck.

    This story is narrated by Suraqah ibn Malik himself sometime later after he accepted Islam.

    Suraqah ibn Malik who was from the tribe of Ju'shum was sitting with his tribesmen and one of his people came from somewhere and said, "I saw three people in the distance on a certain route and I am sure they must be those the Quraysh are looking for." Suraqah ibn Malik got greedy, he wanted the 100 camels for himself alone, so immediately he lied and said, "Oh, that's not them. That's the party of so-and-so, they told me they are going on an expedition in that region" So everyone sat down.

    when they all forgot about the incident, he slipped away, rushed back home, got his swift horse ready, put on his armor, and went in hot pursuit of them.

    On the way his horse stumbled and he fell on the ground. So he pulled out his azlam (arrows similar to tarot cards, etc.) that they use to seek divine what to do whether he should continue the chase or not, as the Arabs used to do in such circumstances, he found the omens unpropitious. But he ignored and kept going, out of greed. Once more he met with the same fate but paid no heed and resumed his chase.

    The repeated stumbling of Suraqah’s horse and his falling off awakened him to the situation, and he realized that it was a constant warning from the God for his evil design which he contemplated against the Prophet (peace be upon Him). He approached the travelling group with a penitent heart this time and called out to them, "I am a safe person! I'm not going to harm you! Give me permission to come close!"

    And when he came closer; Suraqah addressed the Prophet (peace be upon Him) and his companions, saying: "Your people (the Qurayshites) have promised a generous reward to anyone who captures you." He added that he offered them provision but they declined his offer. They only asked him to screen off their departure and blind the Quraysh to their route. Suraqah hurried back to Makkah and tried to foil the attempts of those who were in pursuit of Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and his noble companions.

    Ibn Abd al-Barr says when Suraqah ibn Malik turned to leave, the Prophet (peace be upon Him) turned to him for the first time and said to him, "O Suraqah, how will you be on the day that you put on the bracelets of Kisra?" There was only one Kisra in the world, but Suraqah ibn Malik was so shocked he asked, "Kisra, the son of Hormuz?!" (Kisra would wear very expensive gold, decorated bracelets, and jewelry. It was a well-known fact and everyone knew this about him).

    [Within 6-7 years; after the Prophet(peace be upon Him)departed from this world, the Sassanid Empire collapsed in the Battle of Qadissiyah, and eventually Persepolis was conquered, and all of the treasures were gathered and sent to Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with Him), and the mosque was filled with treasures and gold. And Caliph Umar puts Suraqah ibn Malik in his chair, he finds the bracelets of Kisra, and put them on the hands of Suraqah ibn Malik. This is the fulfillment of what the Prophet (peace be upon Him)had said to Suraqah. And it's narrated in the version of Ibn Abd al-Barr that they took Suraqah ibn Malik around Madinah with these bracelets. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Alhamdulillah who has taken these bracelets away from Kisra the son of Hormuz, and given them to Suraqah, a Bedouin from Banu Mudlij." This is one of the many Prophecies of the Prophet (peace be upon Him)].

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  4. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    The Story of Ummi Ma'bad:

    The party continued its journey until it reached to solitary tents belonging to a woman called Umm Ma‘bad Al-Khuza‘iyah and her husband. She was an elderly lady, a complete Bedouin, living in a tent in the desert with her family. They asked her if they can purchase any food from her." Ummi Ma'bad apologized and replied she had nothing to give them. She told them the flock was out in the pasture and the goat standing nearby was dry. It was a rain-less year. The Prophet (peace be upon Him) saw a goat in the corner, but it was apparent that it was too old to give milk.

    But the Prophet (peace be upon Him) still asked permission to milk it. Ummi Ma'bad replied, "That day has long gone," but If you still want to, go ahead." The Prophet (peace be upon Him) made supplication and mentioned the name of Allah and then moved his hand under the udders, and the udders instantly filled up with milk. Umm Ma’bad was astonished to see this. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) then milked the goat; they drank to their full, and they left the remainder for Ummi Ma'bad and her husband. Ummi Ma'bad was totally shocked and when her husband came back home, he too was surprised and asked her about the milk. She explained about the travelers and that a blessed man asked permission to milk the goat and so on and then she gave details about his physical appearance and manners.

    Here her husband Abu Ma‘bad realized that the man was the one whom Quraysh were searching for.

    And he said, "Do you not know that he is the one who claims to be a prophet?" They both realized this is not just a claim; he is indeed a prophet and they both testified to it.

    Arriving At Quba:

    On a Monday, 8th of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, the fourteenth year of Prophethood, i.e. September 23rd. 622, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon Him) arrived at Quba.

    Right now we are just outside the city of Madinah (Yathrib as it was first known) .Before we get there, let us discuss about the name Madinah.

    Madinah was originally called Yathrib. It's an ancient city surrounded by volcanic rock and it's blessed with an undercurrent of water (groundwater), and that allows for fertile date palms to grow. Khaybar and Yathrib were the only two places in Hejaz with these large date palms. In fact, the Prophet (peace be upon Him) was shown Madinah in his dream by its date palms.

    The name Yathrib, some scholars say, it comes from "tathrib " which means "to criticize,”. Others say it comes from "tharb " which means "evil/corruption." And we know that the Prophet (peace be upon Him) did not like bad names so He (peace be upon Him) changed its name to Madinah. At another occasion Prophet called it “Tayyibah” which means “pure/blessed”.

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  5. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) stayed in Quba’ with Kulthum bin Al-Hadm, a hospitable chief of the tribe of ‘Amr bin ‘Awf. Here he spent four days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

    The Prophet(peace be upon Him) started building a Mosque in Quba after Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) arrived in Quba.As mentioned earlier,Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) had stayed back in Makkah for three days to return the trusts, on behalf of the Prophet (peace be upon Him), to their respective owners. After that he started his emigration journey to catch up with Prophet(peace be upon Him) at Quba’.

    Masjid-e-Quba is the first ever Mosque that was built. But Prophet (peace be upon Him) did not witness its completion as it was still under construction when he proceeded towards Madinah.

    As soon as the news of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon Him) arrival began to spread, crowds came flocking out of Madinah. They would come every morning and wait eagerly for his appearance until forced by the unbearable heat of the midday sun to return.

    One day they had gone as usual, and after a long wait and watch they retired to the city when a Jew, catching a glimpse of three travellers clad in white winding their way to Madinah , shouted out to people, "O Arabs, your king has arrived. He, whom you have been eagerly waiting for, has come!"

    The joyful news soon spread through the city and people marched forward to greet their noble guest.


    It is said that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) along with his companions entered central Madinah on a Friday.

    Madinah at the time wasn't a fully populated city - every tribe had their small areas, separated by desert area and trees.

    Though not wealthy, every Ansar (Helpers) was wholeheartedly eager and anxious to receive the Messenger in his house. It was indeed a triumphal procession. Around the camel of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and his immediate followers, rode the chiefs of the city in their best raiment and in glittering armour, everyone saying: "Alight here O Messenger of Allah, abide by us." Prophet (peace be upon Him) used to answer everyone courteously and kindly: "This camel is commanded by Allah, wherever it stops, that will be my abode.

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  6. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    The camel sat on a small plantation that was used by the people to dry their dates.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) asked about the owner of that piece of land" And it was said that it belonged to two brothers Sahal and Suhayl who had inherited it from their father. They both said, "O Prophet (peace be upon Him), this is a gift from us." The Prophet (peace be upon Him) said, "I will only accept it with its due price." And price was fixed and they were paid the agreed amount.

    The area nearby was inhabited by Banu Najjar, a tribe related to the Prophet (peace be upon Him) from the maternal side. The fortunate host, Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari (a distant cousin from Banu-Najjar) stepped forward with unbounded joy for the Divine blessing appropriated to him, welcomed the Noble
    Guest and solicited him to enter his house. He had a two-storey house that could easily allow the Prophet (peace be upon Him) to live in.

    In one narration in Musnad Imam Ahmad, it is mentioned that one evening, Abu Ayyub and his wife suddenly realized, "We are walking on the roof above the head of the Prophet (peace be upon Him)!" and they felt that was inappropriate.

    The next morning, they went down to the Prophet (peace be upon Him) and said, "O Messenger of Allah, please move up stairs." The Prophet (peace be upon Him)replied, "The bottom floor is easier for me, and upstairs you have more privacy. But Abu Ayyub said, "No, By Allah, We can never live on a roof that your head is under." Amazingly they disobeyed him out of respect and regard and insisted. So the Prophet (peace be upon Him)moved upstairs.

    It's also narrated that Abu Ayyub and his wife would always cook the food, send the dish up to the Prophet (peace be upon Him), and when the leftover plate was sent down, Abu Ayyub would ask, "Where did the Prophet (peace be upon Him) eat from?" and he would eat from the place where the Prophet (peace be upon Him) ate from. One day, the food came down untouched, so Abu Ayyub panicked - he rushed upstairs and asked, "O Messenger of Allah, Is there something wrong?" etc. The Prophet (peace be upon Him) said, "No, but the food has garlic in it." Abu Ayyub asked, "Is garlic haram (unlawful)?" The Prophet (peace be upon Him) said, "No. But I speak to those whom you do not speak to (i.e. the angels)." (Note: some people misunderstood that it is disliked/discouraged to eat garlic; but the discouragement is only for raw garlic, because it has a strong smell. And even if you ate raw garlic, it is still halal (permissible). But the Prophet (peace be upon Him) is reported to have said, "Whoever eats raw garlic should not come to the masjid and should wait sometime until the raw smell goes away," because the masjid is the place of angels.

    And the Prophet (peace be upon Him) stayed at his house for about 6 months.

    The first task to which the Prophet (peace be upon Him) attended on his arrival in Madinah was the
    construction of a Mosque, in the very site where his camel had knelt down.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) himself contributed to building the Mosque by carrying adobe bricks and stones while reciting verses: (O Allah, there is no good other than the good of the hereafter; so have mercy on the Emigrants and Helpers."

    The Qiblah (the direction in which the Muslims turn their faces in prayer) was constructed to face Jerusalem; two beams were also erected to hold the ceiling up. It was square in form, each side measuring approximately 100 yards, facing towards the north and having three gates on each of the remaining sides.

    One of the stumps of a tree was used for the Prophet's(peace be upon Him) pulipit.

    Nearby, rooms reserved for the Prophet’s household were built of stones and adobe bricks with ceilings of palm leaves. And it's reported in al-Bayhaqi's Dala'il that it took almost two weeks to build the masjid.

    To the north of the Mosque a place was reserved for the Muslims who had neither family nor home.

    The Adhân (summoning call) the Muslims to the Mosque by the Call for prayer) was initiated at this early stage of post-migration era. The Mosque was not merely a locus to perform prayers, but rather an Islamic league where the Muslim’s were instructed in Islam and its doctrines.

    Blessings of Masjid al-Nabawi:

    One prayer in Masjid al-Nabawi is equal to 1,000 prayers anywhere else.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) is reported to have said, "What is between my house and my pulpit (area) is one of the Gardens of Jannah ( Riyad al- jannah area).

    A model of the original mosque:



    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  7. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    {I would like to share a little about the she-Camel Of the Prophet (peace be upon Him).}


    It was already mentioned that when Allah revealed to Prophet about his migration; Prophet (peace be upon Him) had asked Abu-Bakr (may Allah be pleased with Him) to purchase two swift camels and keep them ready to travel any time.

    In his entire life of 50 plus years Prophet (peace be upon Him) did not own any camel until the point of migration. But now when he was commanded to migrate; he needed a camel.

    Abu-Bakr purchased two camels from the tribe of Banu-Qushir at the cost of 800 Dirhams.

    Abu-Bakr came to Prophet (peace be upon Him) and gave a she-Camel to him and said “this one is a gift for you ’. But the Prophet refused to accept the Camel as gift and said,” I will accept it only with its due price”. So He (peace be upon Him) paid 400 Dirhams for his Camel.400 Dirhams was a fortune those days.

    The name of that she-Camel was Qaswa and it was a young Camel of around 7 years.

    Camels have a life span of 40-50 years. The camels usually stay with their mothers until they are 4-5 years old. A camel of age 7 is a young adult (like of 17-18 yrs in human age).

    Qaswa was very dear to Prophet (peace be upon Him) and Qaswa was the only camel that the Prophet (peace be upon Him) ever had all his life.

    Immigration from Makkah to Madinah took place on Qaswa.

    When they entered Madinah and everyone wanted to have the honor to host Prophet (peace be upon Him) and they were trying to hold the rein of Qaswa and Prophet (peace be upon Him) said,”leave Qaswa alone for it is commanded by Allah”.

    Multiple times the Qur’an was revealed when Prophet (peace be upon Him) was riding on Qaswa.

    The famous last sermon that Prophet (peace be upon Him) gave in Arafat in his last Hajj (pilgrimage) was given while Prophet (peace be upon Him) was sitting on Qaswa.

    The last surah (chapter) of the Qur’an during the last days of pilgrimage was also revealed while Prophet (peace be upon Him) was on Qaswa.

    After reaching back to Madinah from that last pilgrimage; within a week the Prophet (peace be upon Him) fell ill and few days after that He (peace be upon Him) passed away from this world.

    After the Prophet (peace be upon Him);Qaswa stopped eating and drinking and whoever saw Qaswa saw her shedding tears until it became blind and sick and shortly after that Qaswa passed away.

    [Source: Dr.Yaser Qadhi]

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
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  8. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    After the Mosque was build; the Prophet’s house was built adjacent to the back side of the Mosque.

    Prophet’s Marriage to Sayyida Aaisha:

    Prophet Muhammad’s marriage to Sayyida Aaisha is one such topic that has become highly controversial and that too ONLY in recent times. Some are deliberately using it for the character assassination of the Prophet (peace be upon Him).While some genuinely question!

    The people of Makkah after his proclamation of Prophet-hood; as already discussed in previous posts called him names, tried to portray him as a poet, some called him possessed; some said that he was a magician. Howsoever, there is not a single mention where they used the age of Aaisha as hype against him.

    It is actually not marriage but her age at the time of marriage that is a topic.

    Age Of Sayida Aaisha :

    Some say and believe that at the time of marriage she was 9 years old.

    Some say and believe that she was 19 years old.

    This “age of Aaisha” topic has two beliefs related to it and they are completely different from one another.

    I would like to present both.

    It is to be noted that it has nothing to do with the Qur’an __the scripture.

    I personally believe that whichever version is true but it is important to understand that we are talking about the times almost 1300 years ago (as I am writing this, the Lunar calander date is 11 Rabi-al-awal/1445 )

    Thanks to Almighty, my grand-mother is still alive and so her elder sisters. Many times since childhood I have heard them recall their times or telling us (children/grandchildren) about their childhood, their family system, their parents or grandparents or marriages or customs and culture and what not. It is difficult to imagine the times they have lived in and they talk about. My grandmother is around her 90’s not even 100 yet.

    I hope many of you can relate.

    So if I can’t comprehend life before 100 years; it is not fair to claim to know it all and judge people and their lifestyle and their circumstances before hundreds and thousands of years ago and give verdict sitting here in 2023 in the era of Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, in no way I am apologetic about whichever version is true.

    Moreover, It was a very common practice in Arabia to get their children; especially daughters married at a very young age. It was not about the physical aspect of a marriage but had much to do with establishing ties with the family and tribalism.

    Disclaimer: None of this is my own research.

    Belief 1:

    The first people to begin recording the events were the children or grand-children or great grandchildren of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon Him). So many stories were told to them from their parents/grandparents or/and other elder companions.

    The oral narratives of the incidents traveled within generations.

    Tabaqat by Ibn-Saad is the first book of earliest surviving collections of biographical details of the early Muslims, spanning just over the first two centuries of Islam.

    It is reported in “Tabaqat Ibn-Saad” that: “The first wife of Prophet (peace be upon Him) passed away when he was about 50 years of age. It is reported that one day an elderly neighbor lady whose name was Khawla Bint Hakeem met Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). She told Prophet, “Since Khadija passed away; I have observed that you look crestfallen. Since you have affairs to manage; why don’t you remarry and if you allow me I can propose someone on your behalf”.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him)replied to Khawla,’is there a prospective proposal in your mind’? She said, “I have two proposals in mind; Sawdah Bint Zama’a who is a widow (she also had 5 children from previous marriage)and another I have in mind is Aaisha Bint Abu-Bakr who is not married yet’’.

    Obviously that lady was old and mature enough to comprehend the situation of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and his household that he has to work for his financial needs, he has to look after the children at home and he has to fulfill the responsibilities of being a she totally knew what she was talking about. It is strange that she would offer proposal of a child for marriage.

    Point 1: Here the main purpose behind marriage was having a companion to manage the household and looking after the children. And if we assume that she was a child of 9 years; how was that even a possibility?

    Mere this thing that Khawla had Aisha in her mind as a prospective match suggests that Sayida Aaisha was known as a young girl of marriageable age in her community.

    Point 2: It is said that Khawla went to Abu-Bakr’s family and put forward the proposal.

    They responded,” She is already engaged to Muttam’s son Jubayr from years. However after our conversion to Islam; they are reluctant to finalize the wedding”.

    Abu-Bakr had also said that when they were about to migrate to Abyssinia; he had asked them to finalize the wedding but they were not ready. (8 years before migration to Madinah)

    Soon after the proposal, Abu-Bakr went to that family to discuss about the wedding and as expected they said since you and your family has accepted Islam; that engagement is called off.

    Abu-Bakr then accepted the proposal of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) for Sayida Aaisha.

    The wedding ritual (nikah) took place but Sayida Aaisha remained with her parents as was decided.

    After three years in Makkah and in second year of migration to Madinah, ceremony took place and Sayyida Aaisha came into Prophet’s household.

    Point 3: Another important point to mention: Aaisha’s elder sister Asmaa was reportedly 10 years elder to her. And it is also well documented that Asma died in 73rd year of migration when she was 100 years old. This would mean that at the time of migration; Asma was around 27 yrs of age and Aaisha (ten years younger to her) was 17 years old and which further clarifies that at the time of her wedding (two years after migration )she was a young women of around 20 years.

    Sayida Aaisha is also reported to have said that,” I don’t remember a time in my life except that my parents were Muslims”.

    Point 4: Historian Ibn Ishaq has given a list of the people who accepted Islam in the first year of the proclamation of Islam, in which Aisha's name is mentioned as Abu Bakr's "little daughter Aaisha". If we accept that she was 9, she would not even have been born at that time.

    Point 5: It is narrated that Sayida Aaisha said, “I was a girl playing games when the aayah (verse), ‘Indeed, the Last Hour is their appointed time for their complete recompense, and the Last Hour will be more grievous and more bitter”, was revealed to God’s Messenger.” Quran:46]

    The use of the term ‘girl’ (jariyah) in this reference is significant as ‘jariyah’ in classical Arabic means a young woman around adolescence or older.

    It is unanimously agreed that Surah Al-Qamar (Chapter: the Moon), where we read these words, was revealed about 4-5 years after the start of the revelation, which was the year 614. If we accept that Sayida Aaisha was born in the year 614, it would mean that Aaisha had said the above words either before she was born or when she was a newly born!

    Point 6: It is also narrated that the Messenger of God (peace be upon Him) said, ‘No virgin is to be wed without obtaining her consent.’ They said, ‘And how is her consent affirmed?’ He replied, ‘If she is silent.’

    Hadith (saying): [A woman who is divorced or a widow must not be married until she is consulted, and a virgin must not be married until her permission is sought. (Sahih Muslim 1419a) ]

    Realistically speaking, how is it possible to ask a child about marriage when she does not understand the meaning of marriage in the first place!

    Point 7: It is narrated that Sayida Aisha participated in the battle of Uhud.

    In 2 A.H,(soon after the marriage with Sayida Aisha)the battle of Uhud took place.

    Prophet refused to take boys of less than 15 years of age to the battle of Uhud. Would he have allowed a 10-year-old girl to accompany him?

    The presence of Sayida Ayesha in the battle of Uhud does fit a young woman in her late teens or early twenties.(minimum age to participate was more than 15)

    Hadith: Anas Ibn Malik reported that he saw Sayida Aaisha and Umme Sulaim carrying goatskins full of water and serving it to the soldiers in the battlefield of Uhud.
    (Sahih al-Bukhari 2880)

    [Source: Ghamidi Center Of Islamic Learning]


    Belief 2:

    Sayida Aaisha was 9 years old at the time of marriage.

    In support of this view, there is narrative of Sayyida Aaisha herself that:

    “I was married to the Prophet when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.” [Sahih Muslim: 1422 (b)]

    [Note: I couldn’t find any other strong narration or reference in support of this Belief. If any one of my Brother/Sister here knows; please let me know.]


    Sayida Aaisha was a woman of strong character.

    Her leadership qualities were remarkable.

    She was more eloquent than any of the male companions of the Prophet (peace be upon Him).

    She was more knowledgeable in jurisprudence and laws of inheritance than many companions.

    She was one of the earliest scholars of Islam.

    She loved the Prophet (peace be upon Him) and would always talk about him lovingly until she was alive.

    [Source: Yaqeen Institute]


    So whatever her age was; it was the norm of that time. That varied from culture to culture and time to time.

    And Almighty Creator knows the best as Only HE is the ONE having absolute knowledge!

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  9. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    One incident is narrated that has deep theological and historical implications. During the building of the Mosque; Ammar ibn Yasir was carrying two large bricks (quarry stones), and he was struggling with them, and he said (jokingly) to Prophet (peace be upon Him), they are killing me by giving me two stones while they are only carrying only one stone." (It also shows a ruling point: When it comes to these types of jokes, it is not considered "lying" as long as the person you are speaking to understands that it is a joke.)

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) smiled and said, "No,O son of Sumayyah, they are not killing you. Rather, the people who shall kill you will be a group of people that would have gone beyond the bounds and the last thing you shall drink in this world will be milk."

    It was a prophecy that came true years after the Prophet (peace be upon Him), as the Prophet (peace be upon Him) had prophesied, it is reported that Ammar ibn Yasir was drinking some milk, when news came to him that a battle had started between Sayyidina Ali and Muawwiyah and he went to battle against the forces of Muawiyah, and died in the battle.

    The Arabs did not had a proper calendar they relied upon. They didn't had a unified calendar; rather each tribe had their own calendar system. And it was based upon important incidents, e.g. when someone important in their tribe dies, they would call the whole year "the year of the death of the chieftain so and so." And they would use these as demarcations, e.g. "two years after the death of the chieftain," "three years before the incident of the elephant," etc. Every few years some milestone happened and they would just calculate their calendar and sense of time around this. But of course this was just a local decentralized calendar to each tribe.

    In the time of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon Him), Allah revealed the ruling that 4 months of the year will be sacred. Allah tells this in the Quran, "Indeed, the number of months with Allah is 12 [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day HE created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred." [Qur'an, 9:36] Allah decreed there is 12 months from the beginning of time. (And note every significant calendar on the face of this world has had 12 months. It was in the rulings of the earliest prophets as well. As well the 7 days of the week. The concept of keeping four months sacred is from the time of Ibrahim (peace be upon Him) and the Arabs knew and followed this. But the issue was that the powerful tribes (e.g. the Quraysh) would flaunt these four months. Suppose they wanted to declare a war and it's just so happened it's in the sacred month (and of course you can't have any fighting during a sacred month), so they would just swap the current month around.

    It is narrated that feeling the need to have a proper calendar system; Sayidina Umar (may Allah be pleased with Him) called a gathering of the companions to sort this out.

    It's linked to Sayidina Ali's announcement of the years of the migration being the first year. Note the actual month the Prophet (peace be upon Him) migrated was Safar. The announcement for migration of people came in Muharram, and the bulk of Muslims emigrated then, and the Prophet (peace be upon Him) emigrated right at the end of Safar. So Muharram was taken as the first month of the lunar calendar.

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!
  10. Yumna

    Yumna Platinum IL'ite

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    In the Name of God,the Most Beneficent,the Ever Merciful !

    The Muslims in Madinah consisted virtually of two parties: The first one already settled down in their abode, land and wealth, fully at ease, but seeds of discord amongst them were deeply seated and chronic enmity continually evoked; they were Al- Ansar (the Helpers). The second party were AlMuhajirun (the Emigrants), homeless, jobless and penniless.

    Madinah whose economic structure, originally not that prosperous one, began to show signs of imbalance aggravated by the economic boycott that the anti- Islamic groups imposed and consequently imports diminished and living conditions worsened.

    The Jews (the Hebrews), who had migrated to Hijaz following the Byzantine and Assyrian persecution campaigns, were also a category living in Madinah. In their new abode they assumed the Arabian stamp in dress, language and manner of life and there were instances of intermarriage with the local Arabs, however they retained their ethnic particularism and detached themselves from amalgamation with the immediate environment.

    Abdullah ibn Salam was a Jewish rabbi in Madinah who was widely respected and honored by the people of the city even by those who were not Jew. He was known for his piety and goodness, his upright conduct and his truthfulness.

    Abdullah Ibn Salam narrates: “When I heard of the appearance of the Messenger of God, (peace be upon Him), I began to make inquiries about his name, his genealogy, his characteristics, his time and place and I began to compare this information with what is contained in our books.

    I was convinced about the authenticity of his prophet-hood and the truth of his mission.

    I went out to meet the Prophet. I saw crowds of people at his door. I moved about in the crowd until I reached close to him. The first words I heard Him say were: “O people! Spread peace; Share food and Pray during the night while people sleep and you will enter Paradise in peace”.

    And when I saw the face of the Prophet (peace be upon Him), I knew, "This face is not the face of a liar".

    I went closer to him and made the declaration of faith that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

    Then I told Prophet (peace be upon Him) that I want you to invite their most prominent men to meet you. But you should keep me concealed from them and ask them about me.

    The Prophet (peace be upon Him) sent for some Jews and asked them about 'Abdullah bin Salam.

    They replied, “He is a righteous person among us and the son of a righteous person. He is our scholar and the son of a scholar”. Here it was divulged to them that he had accepted Islam and on the spot they imparted categorically opposite testimonies and described him as the most evil of all evils.

    And at this point I came out and declared my statement.

    By God, you certainly know that He is the Messenger of God and you can find prophecies about Him and mention of His name and characteristics in Torah. I for my part declare that He is the Messenger of God and I believe in Him”.

    They started abusing me and shouted, ”You are a liar”,you are evil and ignorant, the son of an evil and ignorant person".

    In-Sha-Allah,To Be Continued...!

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