I was thinking this morning about simple things in life which don't cost much but can give us instant happiness and bliss. Its like the Mastercard ad - Priceless! Few things: Vada Pav in Mumbai in the rains with your partner - Romantic! Midnight snack of Maggi with a partner in crime! Head massage from Mom Hearing Hindi or seeing something Indian while walking on the streets of DC or NY Feeling of deja vu in the middle of long aarti in temple Someone giving me a cup of tea in the morning Finding an old card/pic
- Smell of fresh rain - Fitting into an old jeans/dress - Checking oneself out in the mirror - Seeing a very cute guy/girl
baby laughter.......... old school snaps.... a nice warm hug ...... a child's wet kiss ..... amma cooked food..... a munching snack with a book in hand ..... more to go...............
Love you answers Joshila. I love baby laughter and amma cooked food too much as well. Revati, you deleted your response. Hope all is well!
Nice thread...my list... Getting wet in rain Reading my favourite book during a journey reading my school and college autograph books or seeing my old snaps
Reading a novel. Having a hot pizza/noodles/masala tea on a rainy day. Watching a good old movie of Rajni/Kamal on a rainy week day in my bed room TV. Forwarding nice sardar(Dr.Vijay) jokes to my friends:crazy
Hi newmom2010, I am blessed I get that every morning. Ok here is my list. Getting a real tight hug from my niece. When my niece fights with me for no reason and "friending" me back when she feels she wants something:rotfl(she is only 6yrs). Looking at my childhod/teenage albums. Thinking about my courting days with my DH , how hard he tried to persuade me blah blah. Heavy rain and having hot tea. When almost everyone (family and friends) tells my DH that he is realy very lucky to have me as his wife.
sleeping on cold mornings under hot blankets having hot tea and bhajia in rains playing with dogs both big and small puppies. going out just anywhere in nature. mountains. finding money tucked in a jeans, pant, which you had washed and ironed it many times I found 10, 20 re notes in my pants which I had forgotten to take out while washing and find them later.