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Premonition: GIFT OR CURSE

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by malspie, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Premonition is a Gift or Curse:idontgetit:

    Hi Indus Ladies,

    The threads I raise are always from the Moon cause I believe in treading those paths which many people only think or experience but fear to say.

    Each individual born on this Earth is gifted with some talent. Few recognize their potential and achieve, others challenge themselves and achieve their goal, some loose and some gain. In the nutshell, it is all in believing in oneself…

    Friends, few out there possess some seriously different gift from God… A Gift which is rare… and is called Premonition … where one can actually feel what’s going to happen. People who have this gift of God during their early childhood fail to recognize their abilities. They may get in to bouts of sweat when the actual thing happens. But out fear they do not discuss this with anyone in the family. As they grow up they slowly unwind with their friends trying to understand what it is all about. Now at this stage they do not get the right answer too. Friends accuse them of reading too many fictions and books, watching horror or depressing serials / movies and finally less of socializing. They do not get the real support they need. Desperately they turn towards their parents and coborns. Here too, they are asked to take life as it comes and not to pressurize oneself about the future. They are advised to pray and are also taken to some priests (tantriks) who in turn write some mantras to be recited or may even perform some tantrik kriyas to ward off the evil. Not to mention the visit to the Psychiatrist. The individuals who have this gift or rather curse of premonition are really tortured mentally as there are very few takers of their words. One may see very few noticing that whatever he says comes true. How… Why.. What …. Does he really have some talent…

    In fact after undergoing the above mentioned trauma and remedies, the individual (let me take an example of a person whom I know) has a vision there is a flood somewhere and villages are getting washed off. She musters up courage and tells her friends and family members please do not treat me like a sick patient. I have visualized this and it is going to happen very soon. In few days they notice that actually there has been massive flooding in some areas and villages are submerged in water. Hey, she wins. Now she again tells them there has been a blast of cylinder and I can see chemicals burning. This time she calls up his friend in middle of the night and declares. Her friend out of curiosity or sarcastically asks her where this will happen. It will happen around this city itself. And Lo…… The next morning daily local news channel has already reported a blast in a Chemical Company around the city itself in the middle of the night. One day she tells her friends, “I am so worried about my mother (now her friends have full trust on her) whenever I see her I feel like holding her and keeping her with me forever. I know that she has got only 1.5 years to live”. Yes… this woman had to live with the thought that her mother was dying and she was sure about it. She had this vision of an ambulance in which she is carrying her mother. Only a miracle can save her.
    From that day whenever she was in office and there was a call from home she would be worried, panicked, hope its not that day. He had visualized that it would be 1.5 years from today. But being humans we can err. She was holding a senior position in her office and her performance was getting affected. She did not disclose this fact to her sister or any other relative. The only strength she derived to face it was from God. He had given her this Curse (today it was a curse for her) and now she had to live with it. Exactly 1.5 years from the day she had this vision her mother was taken to hospital by ambulance and in a month or two she died.

    There was another girl who would speak to her about marriage and children when she was in her teens. And this individual has the premonition that she would never have a decent marriage forget about children. Today that girl is around 38 years old still not married, playing with kids of neighbors.

    Her friend was doing quite well in her profession. This woman had a vision that her friend has been asked to leave her job. No guess now, it happened.

    She recently had this premonition that there would be a great collapse of a building. And a building at Borivili collapsed.

    Now friends there is a list of things she has told us and we are waiting for it to happen. Good and bad as well.

    I have quoted this friend as an example as many readers would not believe in premonition. There are many more incidents which she has said and has happened. Yes, it was very difficult to believe. Now we all know it is there.

    What I see is an individual who has this gift or rather curse of premonition needs is some one who trusts him or her. As Premonition is not a joke. When and individual sees a calamity he actually undergoes terribly trauma not knowing how to stop it…

    And I am sure there must be plenty out there who have this terrible gift of God and are rolling on their beds to understand WHY HAS GOD CHOSEN ME….

    I would be happy if there is anyone out there having this extra ordinary gift of God to share with us. There is nothing to feel shy or hassled about. If it does not come true does not matter. We are human beings and to err is human.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2007

  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mala,
    I am thanking God, I do not have this power !
    Otherwise, life would become a nightmare and the person is likely to be "branded" as well.
    In scriptures, there is a term called "vasanas" - that is likely to be the culprit, if I can use that term !
    I think, it will almost "jolt" you from leading a normal life and prevent you from thinking normally.
    But I will not call it prophecy, definitely.
    Do you believe in mysticism, my young friend?
    <xml id=yoombaxml></xml>
  3. corallux

    corallux Bronze IL'ite

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    It would def be a curse..Just think waht the poor girl must be undergoing..Being branded a "mental" ( that is the Marathi term for insane)..Being exploited by the politicians or vested interests for "predictions"..Being treated by society as a "Messenger of disaster"..The list is endless...

    In Melb there is a cat in an Old age care that has predicted death correctly 25 times...now a cute & cuddly animal is seen as bad luck...

    My prayers & sympathies to your friend...I know she means good..but who wants to hear bad & gloomy tidings?

    Bottomline wld be "karma"...Let her not feel inferior or insane...The poor girl is trying to help socirty in her own way....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2007
  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Mals,

    I am one of those few people right there who have this exceptional gift from god. from my childhood, have known these things. sometimes they come as visions when i am wide awake. sometimes they are there just coming in my dream. But the uncanny thing is sometimes it becomes a curse as u know what is going to happen to the last detail but cannot do anything.

    My husband, my children have now started feeling that they have to follow my advices without asking any questions. if i say take a umbrella, the kids take it without even asking it is so sunny why do u want us to take it?

    I have seen my mother-in-law giving me a saree even before i met her 2 years later (the color of the saree to everything). incidently i have never met her b4 that day.

    I can just find out of lot of things about a person just seeing the person. I can know what the other person is going to say even before the person opens his mouth.

    But the easiest part of it is my parents never took me seriously and the worst thing was whenever something bad happened as i predicted i would be told thukkiri and so many other things (not in a public forum). maybe they never understood things. now when i am grown up i feel they did not have a chance to understand and guide me.

    My mil understood what it was going on. she used to encourage me to use it for the good of people. My husband has a little bit of the same gift. so they have understood me and my gift/????.

    I knew my mother was going to die when i saw my father talking to me about lot of things (a vision 3 days b4 my mom passed away. i was in bahrain.).

    I knew my husband was going to have a accident b4 he left to office 4 years back, called him back to drink a glass of water, pray to god. he was in accident, the car was then condemned, but he escaped miraculously. (god has been kind to me)

    i tell a person lot of things do this, that, maybe subconciously trying to lessen thier burden. Lot of my friends do come to me for advice (??) I have helped lot of people that is one thing i am happy.

    Though there are few takers, as you mentioned, my whole close family set up does not do anything if i say them not to.

    So god has kind to given me a family that has understood after a lot of problems that i have gone through during my teenage/growing years.

    Now i have learned to cope up with this. I know i have not written anything in a proper and a correlated way (It is a sensitive topic which may have takers/people who think people like me are nut loose,???????????). I can really understand what your acquaintance goes through

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2007
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  5. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Bravo Shanti,

    You had the courage to discuss in a forum read by many people.:thumbsup

    Now that your predictions are taken seriously and your advice are not termed as "mental' or "loose" it only means believed in yourself.

    Speak Shanti and speak loudly. God has triggered your senses and has given this enormous ability to you. I am very happy atleast someone came forward and spoke about it.

    Such topics are always kept as a "taboo" in social discussions. I know how difficult it is for that person when she has vision of uncanny events. Ii have stood by my friend and have encouraged her to come and speak to me. I tell you almost all the time she had predicted accurately. Well, accuracy does not matter. Help and belief is what such people require. She is not recognised as a "Social Stigma" anymore. Initially she had to go through the grind. Not any more. I have dicussed her predictions with my other friends. Today she has a fan following. Most of them call her and take her views very seriously.

    Good visions make the person happy. But, calamities and other dark events of life does make a person feel uneasy. :-(

    As you said Shanti, very few people support them.

    Are you the same Shanti who guided me to Navagraha temple in Tamil Nadu. :tongue

    If yes, I have found a great friend....

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2007
  6. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    I am so happy to recieve a message from you. You are an angel.

    I agree that the person cannot lead a normal life.

    I believe in mysticism and also I believe in God. He sometimes gives us that extra ordinary perception and all that you can do is to live with it.


  7. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi mals,
    yes the same shanthi:wink:

    Yes. I have got my hold on myself. Yes , My senses are too sharp. I can smell things which normally will come to others only after 2 days. (Ofcourse lot of people say i would have been a dog in my previous birth:evil:) I usually tell my friends ur cylinder is over they will say it ok. it will come for a week. then they will call me back in 3 days saying it is over. I can feel the bad or good. (the other day i read a article about a cat who goes and sit with a patient she feels is going to die in the next 2-3 hours)

    Sometimes, when i am standing in a mall, in a marriage hall, i see few people i know this is going to happen to them, i just walk out of that place, saying a prayer to god to help them.give them the strength to overcome or thank god for small happiness (if it is a good one). I have learned to control my self from going and tell them. People shun from bad news, and when it is abt them..........:cry:

    It really took a lot of my energy to control my emotions and all when i had visions of bad news. but a little meditation, reading about gr8 people like achariyar, ramanar, seshadri has given me lot of peace and acceptance. I feel god is always there with me to guide me through all times.

    I have a very good friend in my husband, he is like a strong rock to give me that support when i am in my emotional distress. We are more of a soul mate. right now he is not with me in chennai, but the moment i am feeling down he will be calling me asking what is the matter. the same goes for me, i also do the same. i can feel the good/bad sitting in chennai. (Ofcourse we have all the kit kits of married life, but that is part of life.)

    May be this understanding has given me the guts to talk about a subject so taboo in our society. but believe me mals, there are lot of people who will pay anything for a few good news from people like us. but hypocrisy is part of this world. There are people who suggest the same to me and my husband that we should do the same. There are few acquaintances,(I will not call them friends here) who come for advice/help, when we give them a direction, they dont even have the courtesy to just come back and say it is all working fine for them now. they just avoid us when they see us in some places.

    My son looks like he is inheriting a little of this gift from us. we just dont encourage him/discourage him. we have never talked about it to him. he is too small for all this.

    I am also waiting to see anybody else with the same gift out there.

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2007
  8. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    I personally do not know anybody who has this ability to sense and predict events. Sounds scary in the first place. Although I have heard some people in my family have premonitions of their death and have seen them change during their last days. My father died about 20 years back when me and my brothers were in school. A month or so before his death, he told my mother that he felt he would not live long and that my mother should be prepared to take care of the family. My MIL also had a premonition of her death and made amends with people who could not see eye to eye with her. She mellowed down during her last days and it was a surprise because she was a highly energetic and authoritative person.
  9. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Nivedi,
    Nice to hear from you.:) And I am happy that people are coming out of their shell and wirting on this bizzare topic. There may be few in our friend circle itself but since such topics are never discussed nobody reveals their inner self.:oops:
    Keep in touch
  10. harinivijay

    harinivijay New IL'ite

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    hi all,

    premonition is a gift from god .u can do good things with that gift ..
    i dont know what is the experiences of mine would be called ?
    1. one day during afternoon sleep (not a deep one)after my 10th public exam (my results were yet to be declared that time) ,i got all my marks in my dream ..
    surprisingly after 25 days when results were declared ,i got the same marks..

    2.same scenerio after 2 years but the dream/vision and inner feeling had my marks in 12th and the name of the college where i was going to study further....even the travel routes to college were vry clr.

    3.i know when a problem is coming to me...self inner feeling will tell me.. it has told me in my past also..but i could not do much with that , bcoz whats the problem,how to get rid of it ---not known to me ,would pester me a lot ...

    4. when i was preparing for eng exams ,i heard someone calling my name very loudly and said be careful...i didnt take seriously..but that day exams were very difficult , i did well.after doing the exams , iwas thinking about it ,i just crossed the road ,..same voice i heard very loudly , i just turned back to see who wascalling me ...and moved down the lane.at the moment a big lorry with high speed just crossed me and hit a nearby electric pole....

    5. even after marriage , i had the dream /vision of my son -how he'ld be at 5 months with dress ,hair style of him, toys , before he was born ...i was excatly pregnant of 4 months that time...no toys or child related things were with me that time !!! even before that incident i just cited,when i was pregnant with the first baby ,some strong feeling told me it'ld lead to a problem ..later it was aborted on its own and i've undergone laproscopic surgery .....

    i 've trust in god ! i think these are mircales of HIM for me !!!
    i'm blessed with HIS grace , sinceHe will be with me always!!
    take care
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