Prayer To Avoid Divorce And Marital Issues

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by EagerForInfo, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Just came across this pooja for rectifying marital issues.

    How to Save Your Marriage with Parvati Puja?

    Some day you may find yourself in a position where you are just on the brink and want best possible help to solve all your marriage issues. You might be taking a lot of advice from your friends and family members about your marriage problem, but it usually doesn’t work. If you are at the edge of rocking relationship and want to save your marriage at any cost then a proper connexion with God will surely help you. After all, what could be a better way to save your marriage than by asking the God, who himself approved of this relation at first. PujaShoppe brings you a puja procedure to save your marriage and there are 100% chances that love will be renewed again.

    “Om Hreem Yogini Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hrudayam Mama Vasam Akarsha Akarshaya Namaha”

    Procedure of Puja
    • Take an oath in front of Parvati that you will recite this mantra everyday 1008 times a day for total 108 days.
    • While taking an oath, reveal out your personal details to God like your name, name of each family member and home address.
    • Request the Goddess after taking an oath to save your marriage and remove all problems of your marriage life.
    • Devote two hours every day for this puja. Make sure there is no distraction while doing this puja.
    • Offer betel leaves, naivedyam, phalam, pushpam, doop and sheepam while performing puja every day.
    Remember that you have taken an oath and it should not be distracted in any form, not even for a single day. It is advisable to practice this puja for a few days before taking an oath to understand whether you can do this puja or not.

    This mantra not only helps you in saving your marriage but will also solve your other issues like fertility, delayed marriage, the desire of a son child and overall family happiness.

    Divorce- If you are done with the advises of your friends on how to save a marriage, then it is certainly a right time to try this puja. This mantra will augment the understanding and love between the couple which will indeed help you in avoiding the irksome divorce.

    Infertility- This puja will bring lots of positivity in your life, which will eventually enhance the love life between couples and will help your wife to conceive without any trouble.

    Removes all misunderstandings- This mantra will give you peace in your life which will eliminate all the negativity around you. This mantra is a must if you are dealing with daily quarrels with your spouse.

    Love marriage- If your family is against your love marriage, then you should definitely try this puja. This mantra will not just wheedle your family for the marriage but you will direct you to a happy and healthy marriage.

    Delayed marriage- This mantra was recited by Parvati to marry Shiva and Shiva and Parvati symbolizes love and purity. Performing this puja will remove all the obstacles coming in marriage and help to marry quickly.
    nandinimithun and Hopikrishnan like this.

  2. ushee

    ushee New IL'ite

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    Great job. God bless you and your family for posting this mantras for people who are suffering.
  3. usharamana

    usharamana New IL'ite

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    Are you aware of a temple called Thirumanancheri Temple? It is located near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu. It is the foremost temple in South India for people who have delayed marriage or problems in their marriage.

    In this temple, Parvathi is in the form of Kokilambal a young 8-year-old girl. She is given in marriage to Lord Shiva who is in the form of Kalyana Sundareswarar. Usually, Shiva has a scary appearance with ash smeared on his body, matted hair and a fierce expression. Kokilambal's father is very worried that his young daughter will be frightened by her groom and he offers prayers to Lord Shiva.

    Having understood the fears of the father Lord Shiva comes down in the form of a young and very handsome 16-year-old boy and weds Kokilambal. Lord Vishnu who is the brother of Parvathi (according to this legend here) is also present at their wedding and the temple.

    This temple has blessed thousands of couples who are undergoing marital distress. If you have problems with your spouse, frequent fights and misunderstandings or are separated from your spouse then please visit this temple and get the prasadam from here.

    More information is available at Thirumanancheri website -
    joylokhi, Madhurima21 and Venkat20 like this.
  4. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Wow! Thank you for this wonderful information? Has anyone had any experiences with this? I am tempted to this give this to my family and friends but just one question... it says we need to visit the temple with spouse(if one gets married ) after visiting this temple. What if in any circumstances we can't visit the temple to offer thank you and prasad.. Any suggestions? Just don't want to violate any rules.. But Besides that wonderful advice!!!! God bless you!
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    You can go anytime after you are married. No penalty if you can’t either, it’s just suggested. My parents took my brother to this temple because his marriage was getting delayed and it got fixed immediately afterwards.
    Hopikrishnan likes this.
  6. Hopikrishnan

    Hopikrishnan Platinum IL'ite

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    The temple also does prayers to reunite separated couples who are not legally divorced yet, or remarried to someone else. Please read the details on the website: "Thirumanancheri temple is known for its powers to remove obstructions in the path of delayed marriage and also reunite separated couples"
    If you are visiting the temple, there are plenty of other nice Temples in the area. Some are UNESCO heritage sites. Daarasuram is a town with one of these grand temples. Not at all crowded to visit. See the details of this chariot facade in the temple. [​IMG]
    I have heard this too. In fact, people who go there as couples (even during their newly wed, honeymoon travels) are told that such preemptive prayers can get them to live a happy married life. The prayers/puja will smother martial discords even before they crop up. One uncle I know had said that happily married couples going there is like paying anticipatory bail. It is best to be safe than sorry.
    MalStrom likes this.
  7. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Has anyone been able to contact this temple? My relative has ordered this pooja for herself but no response?
  8. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    I mean is there a phone number we can call? I've sent an email for which I got an automated response.
  9. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    I mean is there a phone number we can call? I've sent an email for which I got an automated response.
  10. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you again. !!! I am looking for the address to this temple as my relatives are planning to go to India. But I could not find it. Sorry if I’m missing something in front of my eyes but please help me find it before they come back to US !!

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