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Post-Dinner Meanderings of an Idle Mind

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    [JUSTIFY]It was a very general after dinner conversation about nothing in particular. Somehow it led me to remember Munnabhai's classic dialogue in "Munnabhai MBBS" where he tells Circuit "Do you know how many bones there are in the human body? We never give it a thought when we go about breaking them, do we"? Shows how little we know and how much we take for granted without sparing a thought to this wonderful mechanism that was gifted to us.

    Talking of which brings me to that marvelous organ in our heads which is capable of such miracles. Think of it. :coffee Of course you would not be able to even start to do that without that brain. Think what all it is capable of doing. Talking at the very gross level i.e. the physical level, what perfection it produces in fine tuning various functions of the body. You are hungry. A message is sent out through the postman (blood) to the brain - provisions low. Need to get some more. Brain goes into action and triggers the hunger response through several complex biochemical messengers. You eat. Once you are satiated, the gall bladder informs the brain that the required provisions have been acquired. The brain again makes sure that suitable signals are sent to the concerned organs and that the person does not feel hungry any more. In the whole process, we are only aware of feeling hungry and stuffing our faces till we can't anymore. Forget being aware of all these nitty gritties that the brain is taking care of, we find it hard to even understand the process if explained to us. What if a tiny little malfunction of this control mechanism occurs? Well, VLCC would be celebrating and laughing all the way to the bank. :rotfl

    Have you ever spared a thought for how your temperature is maintained and you do not go cold or start burning with fever at the drop of a hat? How our metabolism and our balance with our surroundings are maintained? The various organs in our body with the help and control from the brain keep it on even keel. Think what happens if a little mechanism goes wrong. :spin What miseries one faces if one has problems with the pituitary, thyroid, hypothalamus etc? All this only to keep this physical entity functioning smoothly over 60-80 years with no problems. And we are not even able to manufacture reliable spare parts - not even the nuts and bolts - to repair these mechanisms should anything go wrong. Any attempt at repairs are only an apology in comparison to the perfection of nature. I think "all the king's horses and all the king's men, could not put the broken bones together again" would best describe the situation.

    Going to a more subtle level, the mind and its functioning, even experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry cannot explain the functioning of this entity satisfactorily. They can at best guess how it works, what goes on inside, try to find some biochemical mechanisms to explain the functioning. Let a small "biochemical locha" take place (Munnabhai's vocabulary) and we see the effects - depression, psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, dementia ....... And there goes the person we knew while the brain functioned properly. There also goes the emotional entity who was capable of empathizing with others, loving others, hating others ..... We are then left no better than vegetables.

    And then this is just one organ in our body. Spare a thought for each and every system in the body - the perfection, the distribution of labour, cooperation, the clockwork precision with which they function without us even being aware of their existence. And then this is only one organism - the human organism.

    Think of the millions of such miracles in this world - the organization, the precision, the symbiosis of the various organisms and systems. Go further to reflect on the majesty of this entire creation (I personally do not think I am capable of even comprehending it) - the earth, the solar system, the galaxies, the universe, space ........:drowning

    Where do we figure in this grand scale of things? And then we sit with our little EGOes complaining about who said what to us, :rant how two strands of gray hair have made their appearance on our heads (boo hoo) and how that little bruise on the knee hurts (I am guilty of the same - so no judgement on any individual :hide: :bonk). And debate on whether there is a God or whether all of creation is just a "Coincidence" - an "Accident".

    Sorry folks if I bored you. :bowdown This is the effect food has on me. The surge of glucose in my blood sends a message to my brain that jolts it out of a stupor and sends it on post-prandial meanderings like this one. :biggrin2:[/JUSTIFY]

    P.S.: My sincerest apologies for the length of this snippet. I had some difficulty reigning myself in.
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  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    I am sure you do not have any high shootups of sugar in your blood..if this is how you work out the small organ called brain post prandial...

    seriously, if we take time to appreciate the simplest thing (yet that are actually complex in their own right), life is a lot merrier.

    i once read that the biochemical locha can indirectly cause jealousy,violence and love too..though there is another school of thought that think too much is being read into it..

    now what would be gist of the snippet if it was post lunch (say as in a banana leaf..) now did i give you a idea to dish out something here...?
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  3. knbg

    knbg Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Satchi,
    That's a good one dear....."Health is wealth"....how true it is.......!!!
  4. Pallavi4me

    Pallavi4me Platinum IL'ite

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    Sachitanada, First of all Dont apologise, ... You have given us a wonderful and thoughtful post..............

    Whatever you have conveyed is 100% true and loved reading it.

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  5. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    yes Sats, I may not really be the thinking type but I have often marveled at this almost perfect machine called human body..what a lovely mechanism indeed...it can be repaired , comes with a decent period of guarantee and warranty but sometimes all it takes is one small fuse to blow out the whole damn thing??? Amazing piece of work indeed.!

    ... and these btw are pre-lunch meanderings of an even more idle mind..:cheers
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  6. Sudha Kailas

    Sudha Kailas IL Hall of Fame

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    Forget over eating or for that matter no worries about our solid misuse of our organs since we have all the modern technology taking care of it from ''tummy tuck to organ transplant''........dont know how far this would go !!

    So the brain is overactive and no wonder all the food intake that has been going on 150% in you is showing its results ; 150% input = 200% output (snippets !!).
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  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Satchi
    This is the first cheering news for me in 2012! That despite all my external inactivity, my innards work like there is no tomorrow just to support my zombie-like existence. It is like a massive automobile factory like VW working round the clock to produce one small 'fried sundaikkai'! I feel great, really great! No one can accuse me anymore of inactivity and if they do, I'll tell them not to be judgmental and that they need to change their perspective. I'll point out to them not to rely too much on what the eyes perceive as they are not equipped to look through the 'Maya' of external appearance.

    Look at the sky, I'll tell them. Behind its serene appearance with the little stars twinkling and twinkling, there are Black Holes gobbling up the White Dwarfs (or is it the other way around?), new stars are being born every second while the old ones are breathing their last. I'll plead with them not to get carried away by my dozing behind the center page of The Hindu carrying Ram's interview with Julian Assange. Behind that seemingly innocuous action, there is a beehive of activity within me from head to toe!

    As my body slumps further down in the sofa with Ram and Assange covering me up, I feel on top of the world mentally planning to stake my claim to Guinness for the 'Most active man on earth'!
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  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Shanvy,

  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Absolutely right Bhargavi. Once there is some major problem, no matter what progress medicine has made, we can never come anywhere near restoring the goods to original state.
  10. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks so much Pallavi. :)

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