Hey Iam Going with Lotus: A Lotus Flower a symbol of the sun The lotus flower has been featured extensively throughout the art of ancient Egypt. The Lotus flower has for thousands of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this flower essence's purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system
hi, Indian National Flower - LOTUS The Lotus or the Water Lily is an aquatic plant with broad floating green leaves and bright fragrant flowers that grow only in shallow waters. Based on the color of its flower, it is divided into two types, the red lotus flower and the white lotus flower. The beautiful flowers float and have many petals overlapping in a symmetrical pattern. Lotuses, prized for their serene beauty, are delightful to behold as their blossoms open on the surface of a pond. Mythology and Symbolism of the Lotus Flower In India the sacred lotus is legendary and much folklore and religious mythology is woven around it. Rich in meaning and metaphor, the Lotus symbolises divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and not to forget enlightenment. It is associated with the goddess of wealth Maha Lakshmi, who brings prosperity, purity, chastity and generosity. She is the embodyment beauty, grace and charm. She sits on a fully blossomed lotus flower, symbolizing purity, beauty and everything that is good. Understanding the subtle importance of the Lotus Lending to its uniqueness, the flower grows in murky waters and rises on a long stalk above the surface to bloom glorious. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind. It also symbolizes the the last and final lotus - Charan Kamal or lotus feet of the Almighty. Since the seeds have been found to last for thousands of years and still perfect for re-germination, it is a symbol of strong vital force that could withstand extremely adverse conditions. The lotus flower thus represents long life, health, honor and good luck. Especially in Buddhism, where this flower is valued very highly. It was this depth of thought that made the founding fathers of modern India enshrine the lotus in the Constitution as the National Flower. The seeds, stems are edible parts of lotus. bye padma
I have heard that the stem of the lotus plant will grow or decrease and adjust to the increase or decrease of water supply, in a pond or lake. Sriniketan
hi, BRAHMI--memory enhancer Brahmi Brahmi has been used in traditional Indian medicine for over 3000 years. It has been used to treat conditions such as: bronchitis, coughs, asthma, hoarseness, arthritis, allergies, rheumatism, inflammatory conditions, fluid retention, backache, chronic skin conditions, high cholesterol levels, constipation, hair loss, boils, ulcers, fevers, digestive problems, epileptic fits, depression including post natal depression, diarrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation, irritable bowel syndrome, frigidity, irregular menstruation, mental and physical fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, insomnia and over active mind, mental deterioration of the elderly, forgetfulness, confused and cloudy thoughts, anxiety, ADD, stress, hysteria, nervous breakdown, insanity and to improve circulation, strengthen capillaries and stimulate hair, skin and nail growth. Brahmi has been valued as a cardiac, nerve and brain tonic and widely used by students for improving mental clarity, confidence, intelligence, concentration and memory recall. Brahmi as herbal supplements and tablets have been marketed for super learning, for memory and as a brain tonic. In 1963 research on the brahmi plant identified 2 active molecules: Bacoside A that assists in the release of nitric oxide allowing relaxation of the aorta and veins and blood to flow more smoothly through the body and aids circulation; and Bacoside B, a protein valued for nourishing nerve cells in the brain.
Hi Aloe Vera A. vera has been used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation Cosmetic companies add sap or other derivatives from A. vera to products such as makeup, moisturisers, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions. A. vera gel is also alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin. Others can write more about it...... ~Punitha
hi Puni, thanks for joining and giving new plant. Aloe vera, generally people take it as a best for cosmetic used for skin but there are many uses as well. It helps to retain youngness and helps to cure all ailments related with stomach and many more. How to use? Everyday morning 1inch of aloe vera outer covering which is hard is to be removed and tender part pulp which looks like transparent jelly should betaken everyday in the morning with empty stomach, after half an hour breakfast can be taken, this can be tried for one month to see the magic of aloe vera and this can be consumed by people of all age group. bye padma
Hi, One of the doctor suggested me to drink aloe vera juice early in the morning to help reduce weight. I haven't tried it. ~Punitha
hi Puni, aloe vera regulates the body metabolism and cools ur body. it helps in body cleansing too. for female problems its a wonder.
hi, Marigold - plant profile Names Marigold, French marigold, African marigold (English) Sthulapushpa, sandu, ganduga (Sanskrit) Genda, gultera (Hindi) Genda (Bengal) Guljharo, makhanala (Gujarat) Tangla, mentok, genda (Punjab) Marigold plants are stout and branching and can grow up to 60 cm tall. They are cultivated all over the world for their decorative and ornamental flowers. In South Asia they are in great demand during religious festivals where they are used to adorn iconic statues and buildings. Leaves - finely segmented and fern-like, they are dark green in colour and are strongly scented. Flowers - vary in colour from yellow and gold to orange, red and mahogany. The flowers are used as decoration. The taller and larger-flowered Tagetes erecta was often called African marigold and the smaller Tagetes patula was known as French marigold. But marigolds have been cultivated all over the world and lots of similar hybrid varieties have been developed from the two species. Working out which species is which isn't easy, and some botanists even believe they are the same species. Marigold remedies Marigold (Tagetes erecta) is considered to help the body to defend itself against illnesses. The juice of the flowers has occasionally been used to purify the blood and as a remedy in bleeding piles. When applied externally, marigold leaves and flowers are reputed to reduce blood flow and inflammation, which may be useful to alleviate ulcers and injury. bye
Hi Pulp of Aloe Vera, if taken empty stomach in morning, helps in making platelets & other components of our blood. It is advised to take aloe vera in diseases even like blood cancer.