hi all i weigh aroun 57 kg. i ve enuf muscles in all parts of my body, except cheeks. is there any ways that cud help me have more cheeks. give me some tips reg tis,except puttin water in th mouth an chewing gums. awaitin ur replies cheers., kritty:wave
Hi kritty, You are asking other than water in mouth and chewngum, they are the best.:yes: Other than that laugh ''வாய்விட்டு சிரி" you will get good results.:-D :rotfl :thumbsup
hi krishnamma thanks for ur quick response.am doin that.The prob is my off. atmosphere. Am workin for an arch firm as a front office executive. all architects sit in a seperate cabin an am completely into a differet area. there s no one in my dept.to talk,chat , enjoy an laugh,its kinda reclusive. :-( but as soon as i go home i start chattin an laughin. my off.timin is 9 to 6.15. its so vague. i ll anyways continue laughin openin my mouth wide. k.. KEEP POSTIN ME WEN U COME TO NO OTHER WAYS OF PUTTIN CHEEKS. thanks again cheers., kritty:wave