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Discussion in 'Married Life' started by piu, Sep 1, 2007.



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    Dear Friend,

    I have always heard that things change after marriage and especially after a baby. When you first met your hubby, you said that he was always playful. When you are in a new relationship the first time, things always seem great and the relationship is always hotter than later. Once you are married, you start to get comfortable with that person and so both men and women sometimes don't keep with the romance compared to before. I strongly recommend that you and ur hubby find an evening and go out without the baby to talk things over. Tell him exactly the way you are feeling. Don't accuse him of the **** issue right from the start. Sit with him and say exactly what bothers you and why it does bother you. If he tries to get defensive and starts to blame you and tell you that you are selfish then let him know that he needs to stop blaming you and his behavior is unacceptable. Don't be quiet about it when you get the blame. Men usually blame the women when they know that it is their fault and can't be manly enough to deal with it themselves.
    Remind him of those times before marriage and how much you miss that. Ask him if there is anything that you can do to change....maybe schedule more private times together without the baby and have a romantic dinner. The **** issue seems to be a lot with men these days, but I feel it would be in ur best interest to address the issue upfront rather than keeping quiet. If you feel that he does not change or things don't improve and it is getting worse then see a therapist. MAke sure you clearly let him know that he needs to change and that his behavior is not acceptable to you . Don't be quiet about it..stand up for ur rights as a wife and tell him to put a stop to it and work through the relationship together. Also, let him know that marriage is a two way street so the both of you need to work on it if you really love each other.

    Good luck,

    your wellwisher:wave

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