Hi Disha, This is Navya ,new to IL.I live in Missouri US. I am interested in doing clothing business. .I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU.
Hi Bindu, need some information about printing on sarees...info means, about business ideas..not how to make and all... regards, Sekar
Hi, i know few guys in Coimbatore who make saree and good for whole sale purchases... Let me know more info... thanks, Sekar
Hi Bindu I am in Chennai and very interesting in contributing to a growing business. Can you tell me if there are any opening that u have? Or if I can partner? thanks .......
Hi Bindu, Im interested in doing clothing business & also want to learn about block printing and do business in tht field. Im based from chennai and currently live in bangalore. Can you tell where is your block printing unit located in chennai, so tht i can meet in person and we can discuss on it.
HI Runallal, I am interested in selling salwar kurti in Hyderabad. can I associate with you in getting good material from gujarat.
Hi Disha, I am interested to do the same, pls. let me know what excatly you are looking for and your plans too.
HI Bindu, can you give me your contact no i wud like to talk to u on block printing and discuss few things in person.pls let me know when to contact u. Regards, Madhavi
hai everyone.... I am iswarya and I am new to IL.... I am doin freelance business in clothing and doin lots of embroidery work and aari work...kindly contact me if you need some freelance work to be done...
Re: Clothing Business Hi, This is Aparna,I am staying at phoenix AZ US.I am interested in bussiness so i planned for women clothing bussiness.Can anbody please help me how to start and where to buy clothes.