october 2012 due date club

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by Sanguineme, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. vadapallisudha

    vadapallisudha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Everyone,

    We r posted out to Bathinda and my husband's joining date is 9th Sept. Its a big big jolt to me. Started packing the stuff at home one by one when the lil one sleeps. She is become very active and loves moving all around the house babbling and screaming all day. Its become a big task to keep an watch on her these days. She hides under the bed, sofas and waits till i find her. She squeezes herself into every levels of furniture which scares me.

    Now Swastika's birthday preparations are withheld due to this posting. Have to figure out where to do all shopping reg gifts, decorations etc.

    Swastika is getting very fussy abt solids she has suddenly become choosy. from last 3days i am forced to perpare 3 diff b'fst for her. Lunch and dinner are fussy too but eats in installments. She has become playful and wants to play all the time.

    I might be cut-off for a while in a short span and might resume by sept end or oct once we settle in bathinda.

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  2. Raba

    Raba Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Renu,

    Wow! great news it is :) Dont worry you will be able to manage. we went on a trip to europe for 2 weeks in june. we were very scared of managing him. but we did it. So dont worry. feed her while the flight takes off or lands so that she will not experience any ear pain.locking the lil one in seat belt is the more tough part as they will be very eager to wander around the flight :) My son made friends with everyone around the flight. Only now , he is having stranger anxiety..

    About weaning , how did you manage to stop feeding for such long hours ? Day time it is O. he asks me to feed only if I am around. At nights he wants me to sleep next to him sucking . sometimes if i pull out thinking that he slept, he wakes up immediately.how is the birthday plan coming up :)
  3. Raba

    Raba Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Sudha,

    That must be handful for you. To manage and to pack..
    Dont worry about the fuss in consuming solid foods. Sometimes they get bored it seems. even my son does the same..
    Take care :) Let us know once you get settled in the new place.
  4. ranjit2010

    ranjit2010 Silver IL'ite

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    Wow, moving is hard...take care dear...get the help of DH..it will be very difficult to do stuff alone - esp at this stage when are LOs are so active ...Gud luck with everything..do drop in here when you are all settled.

    Fussy with solids ..tell me abt it ...hope she gets better, hang in there...

  5. renutn

    renutn Gold IL'ite

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    Yes Raba, now they want to go around everywhere ...hope air hostess wont get irritated ;)
    About weaning, usually after 7 months they can sleep at a stretch of 8 hrs without any feed in between.
    Initial 1 week I slept in different room and DH and LO sleep in one room. When LO cries my DH pulls her near and does patting, cuddling and with that warmth and comfort my LO was going back to sleep.
    So this worked.
    If you want to do like this, first don't make him to fall asleep while feeding either in daytime or nighttime. Divert their attention when they about to fall asleep and later it will be easy.
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  6. renutn

    renutn Gold IL'ite

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    I can understand it is really hard ...hope you can get some help from parents /in-laws in this.
  7. vadapallisudha

    vadapallisudha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Raba,

    Swastika has stopped b'feeding on her own. Initially i found it difficult as my breasts used to get real hard by night. so i used to feed her in the evening an hr before her dinner. And gradually i notice changes in my body too. The quantity of milk has gradually reduced and and now i can feed her only on right side, left breast in always nearly empty. She has started sleeping on her own too which is a blessing. she finishes her dinner by 9-9:30 i leave her to play till 10:30, give abt 4oz of formula milk in her sipper if she is not very sleep or bottle when i notice she is sleepy she drinks it and within 10-15 min she sleeps. She doesn't wake in the middle too and keeps rolling early morning n when i bottle feed her she sleeps till 9 or 9:30.


    My father had a stroke few days back and is medicating for clots in brain so dont want to stress them though they keep saying they will come for help. My in-laws specially my MIL i dont expect her to help me. She few days ago commented-" Aare ab tho apka posting agayi haam soch rahe the vaha winter main goomne anekeli ye.....ab to kya ana..... and Remember u have to pack everything of Swatika's stuff" from which i understood she is least interested to help me.

    Thankfully my husband took 10 days extension for joining in the new place so will leave by 18th sept. Which give me good time to pack comfortably.


    I am thinking abt de-worming. Has anyone got or heard of deworming infants or is it necessary to get them done or is it just teething phase. She eats but not the way she used to earlier. She drinks milk though but solids she is tight-lipped after few spoons. One relief is she eats one meal in a day properly.

    Have to talk to her pediatrician.

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  8. Hachiko

    Hachiko Gold IL'ite

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    Hi ladies,
    How's things there.Good to see so many updates.I'm quite busy with my little one.My son started to walk without any support since last Friday.I was sitting on sofa and folding clothes,while he was sitting n playing on the floor with his toys.Suddenly,he stood and started to walk towards me.I couldn't believe my eyes and started to call hubby who was in the room.We were so excited to see him walking around..:) But now added another big task,to watch him walking around..
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  9. Subhaganesh

    Subhaganesh Gold IL'ite

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    My Lo started to keep 2 steps without support, then she will sit:). Today I made her to dress in radhai costume. She looked so cute and my friend son who is 2 year old dressed in Krishna costume. Captured so many good snaps of them.

    I will be shifting to u.s next month. Can't even think of packing stuff. Did lots of shopping last week. Husband is coming to pick us , because I really scared to travel alone with her not because of safety issues and all. I am scared of dd. only. She will rule me in flight and waiting time. Don't want to take risk;-). Good luck . Pass some tips after settling;-).

    1.Any tips that I need to bring for the dd which we don't get in u.s.
    2.how to manage food for dd during traveling:).
    3. Is that possible to feed her in the flight:drowning
    4. Can I continue vaccine without any problem?
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  10. ranjit2010

    ranjit2010 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Subha,
    Returning to US huh ..enjoy your next few weeks of stay in india with loved ones ..I am assuming you are returning after the 1st birthday ..

    Regarding stuff to bring for DD from india - i would only say stuff like sathu mavu(if ypu already give) which we dont get here and also cerelac and other cereals if LO likes (very expensive to buy from here) ..Other than that we pretty much get most of the their things here.

    Well since she is well established on solids, you can take some store bought pureees and give that with rice/oat cereal once the flight is in air ..also my paed asked me to give electrolyte as at that elevation, they could get dehydrated...Refer to this thread, i found it very useful

    Yes you can feed her in flight - if you can nurse her during take off and landing, tht would be great and help in preventing ear pain from the pressure difference ..I carried a nursing cover and breasr fed her most of the times when in flight ...i thought i wud b very embarrased to do so but to my surprise i wasnt lol ..guess when you have to give your baby what she wants u forget everything :) ..If you are goin to bottle feed her then bring 3-4 bottles handy ..usually air hostess should help if you ask them to wash it with hot water...
    And one important tip: usually girl babies tend to get diaper rashes from flight journeys (dont ask me why i dont know - lol) ..so carry diaper rash cream and apply it with every diaper change and 2-3 days after you land in US...
    Oh carry lots of change over clothes ..Although i thought i carried enough (5-6pairs), somehow baby kept messing them more often that at home (diaper leaked few times) and i was in her last pair of clothes hoping she doesnt mess more as i dint have another dress for her ..

    Yes, I guess you can ..just get all the records for the vaccinations she has taken so far..

    Hope that helps ..
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