Hi all, I'm in my 30th week. My doc just confirmed that there will be no ultrasound in third trimester. My anomaly scan was the last one. Just wanted to know if this is same across all the doctors in US? My only concern is how will they determine the amniotic fluid level and baby's weight? Amniotic fluid level is my biggest concern as I have known few friends induced soon due to low level.
yes ultrasound in third trimester in US are on a need basis. Dr. will schedule 'if needed'. there is no set schedule for the ultrasoudns in 3rd trim. Relax they will monitor and keep and eye on everything but will only take tests and u/s if they feel are needed
@happygolucky22 Thanks for the confirmation..Not worried.. just a little concern at the back of my mind.. that's all.
After 35 week, they will monitor you weekly and when you are end to the delivery, if they are concerned they will have ultrasound. I am in my 38 th week and doctor said they will have one last ultrasound tomorrow and also check my cervix to know whether I can go for normal delivery or c section(my first delite is c-section). She said she will check the fluid level.
Hi deepthi- is there any reason why they scheduled an ultrasound for you? Is it just because you are nearing due date
Since my first delivery is c section and this time I choosed normal. They want to make sure everything normal. Also my baby weight was less in my last ultrasound. So they were monitoring me every week and checking baby movements. She said to check fluid level, she will do one last ultrasound.