Re: Few More Smilies - Enjoy! We have added few more smilies (those purple ones) for you to enjoy and have fun using them. Here are some tips on how you can use them... :drool - Drooling at the yummy recipes? :hiya- Hiya to the new members joining the community :spin- Spinning around to keep up with all new posts in this growing community? :crazy - Feeling crazy! :notthatway:, just don't want to use this one smilie - :thumbsdown ":kiss" to your little ones at home!
hi malathy, Wow...nice smilies...that is what i saw first thing today...really nice...:spin a positive way...clapclap:goodidea::goodidea::thankyou2::thankyou2:
Hi Malathy, They are so nice to see. You are giving bonus daily to us ? (as per Puspavalli, blog is bonus:-o) It is very cute.:idea: :kiss This one for your Kutty Kavya.:spin I think you must have increased the number of simlies usage in one post. (before it allows only 5) Thank you,:clap
Dear All, :welcome to the world of more new Smilies. Some samples here... Now you can :gift them in your posts, wish :birthday with this, say :cheers and more. Don't forget to :welcome the newcomers to our community. :hatsoff to all of you IL'ites for keeping this community active and interesting. We :bowdown for your involvement. Enjoy all new smilies.
hi malathy, The new smiles are cool...already used a few of the way...join me for a :coffee. that is what i am doing ............
Dear Malathy:queen The new smilies are really rocking. Lets say 3 Cheers :cheers to you. :iagree that smilies express more than our words and I use it quite often. :hatsoff to IL for one more achievement. :bananaThats ME dancing with joy :crazy and again me going crazy trying to catch up the posts... Thanks a ton for the :gift.