Hello Friends, I am in a big trouble. Myself married and not working since one year. I have totoal experience of 7 yrs in the field of customer service. My husband has made my life miserable, torturing me with his abusive language, restrictions on everything. Lot of things i may not feel like mentioning. Can anyone from you help me, with contact nos of placement agencies from Pune? I want to relocate myself to Pune, making my life occupied with work and having some financial independence. Pls...i may be sounding like an emotional fool......but wud be obliged if i receive any reply. Regards.
Hi, I can understand your problem....regarding job in pune..its very simple just register your resume in different job portals,within a week's time, you would start getting calls and I'm sure,you will employed soon. wishing you luck register your resume on Jobs in India, Search for Jobs Online - TimesJobs.com Jobs in India, Delhi and all Cities of India-Naukri.com MonsterIndia.com - Jobs in India,Bangalore,Mumbai,Delhi,Chennai,Pune JobStreet.com - Leading Job Site, Jobs for Malaysia, Singapore, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam JobsAhead - Jobs in India,Bangalore,Mumbai,Delhi,Chennai,Kolkatta,Pune,Asia I also stay in Pune, if you need any help..do write me. Take care Lucky:wave
Hi, You can also give relevant key words and find job openings on the sites mentioned by luckydove. If you want to contact the placements agencies...you can look out for: Sellcraft Teamlease Mafoi Tannet Give a google search and maybe you will land at their website. I am also from pune...so let me know if you need any help. Roopa.
Placement agents/consultants in pune hai friends, i;m a software engineer.. but after marriage i relocated to pune and i'm searching job here.. if anybody knows good Placement agents in pune??? it will be very helpful for me that i can approach them to submit my resume...I hope you friends will help me as soon as possible.. thanking you
Hai Roopa, I'm so thankful to you that i got a very good information about the placement agencies in pune. actulally i;m a software enginneer and after marriage i relocated to here.. i;m searching for job in pune..if you know more placement agencies please post it.. thanking you
Hi, There are many agencies...will have to get it from my HR dept. as i am not into recruitments now. Will give it to u in a couple of days. BTW what are your skill sets and how many years of experience do you have. Roopa.
Re: Placement agents/consultants in pune I dont think any need to submit resume to any consultants. Just post the resume in all job sites like Naukri,Jobstreet,Monster etc. If possible take the Email and send the resume in person. Every consultant will have access to Naukri and every morning they do a search for new resumes.One quick tip is,if possible try to update atleast a word in your resume in Naukri Job portal on every Sunday night, so as and when he logs on Monday your resume will be on top and you will get a call!!! Ofcourse this is recision time so please expect a delay in getting calls.
Hai, Thank you for quick reply.. I'm a dotnet professional having 2.4 years of experience. also a Microsoft certified Professional also.. thanking you,