yes chams,holiday homes are your best bet.we stayed in holiday homes....check out Vacation, Travel, Meetings - Switzerland Tourism you can find all info here including accomedation.if you need any more info send me a pm as i may not check this thread often...i just happened to see this post by chance.
Hi Vidhukumar, Loved reading your post on swiss tour...thanks for sharing your experiences. I have a small request...can you please let me know the holiday apartments that you stayed at, in Switzerland. How is the booking done? Also please let me know about the Swiss rail passes or tickets that you booked and how you bought them. I am planning a swiss trip this june-july 2008 and your reply would be very helpful. Thanks in advance. Regards Pinky
pinky,the following link should answer all your will find everything here. Vacation, Travel, Meetings - Switzerland Tourism
brought back our memories of swiss trip 4 years back! Jungfrauyoch was the best - the top of europe feeling is hard to forget! Also interlaken is so cozy & beautiful & geneva is lovely! Hope you got back some cuckoo clocks & swiss chocs atleast!
hi vidhukumar, you have described Swiss beautifully. We had a great trip in the first week of last month(July). Apart from the great scenic views of Swiss what struck us was the excellent transportation & information system that has been provided for the benefit of tourists. There is absolutely no need of any guide to take you through the place. We had arranged to stay at interlaken in an apartment run by a lady Slivia von Allemen who can be contacted at (for the benefit of anyone interested). The apartment is provided with all utilities in kitchen, a TV etc. It is also very close to the station. we could prepare our desi food at night (we carried ready to cook foods) while managing with bread, cornflakes or whatever is available during the day as we toured. Another most important convience was the swiss pass with which we could travel in practically any mode of transport through out the tour. On the whole it was a most memorable trip & I must thank my brother for arranging such a beautiful trip. vidya
Hi Vidhya, Glad to know that you had a lovely time. How were you able to manage the tour with your toddler? Give me some tips. You have inspired me to talk to my hubby about a Swiss tour Kavya.