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My Mood Was Spoilt In My Vacation

Discussion in 'Indian Diet & Nutrition' started by Anusha2917, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Sometime in June last year I posted about a new diet journey. Okay all was well and i did shed 4 5 kg with 2 months consistency . Sometime after that festivals started I couldn't 100% stick to that diet. But overall my appetite reduced.. Also the friend/dietician who shared those weekly diet charts pushed me for resistance training. I couldn't start anything immediately when she was pushing. Time went by. Her follow ups started becoming intense. I was totally ignoring her messages. I even spoke to her saying for me her diet chart is not sustainable. Like I'm not able to add paneer, eggs, soya everyday in my meal. I feel yucky to add the deflated soya flour in my chapathi dough, 15ml oil/day i just couldn't stick. I tried n tried and gave up and went back to "we live once, why restrict food" mantra. She kept motivating but I ignored her messages. She finally said I can continue the program once I'm ready as it's a 12week diet chart program and I finished only 7weeks .
    Few months back my digital weighing machine stopped working which I had purchased in June last year. Didn't bother to get it replaced nor repair it. The kitchen weighing scale I put inside a kitchen shelf which I rarely open because seeing that scale n not measuring my food n eating was stressing me out. Seeing that I'm reminded that I'm supposed to be on diet but I'm not able to. So I put it away from my sight.
    Now looks like I gained all the weight I lost. :tired:

    Now I'm in a mental state where I'm soaking in guilt. I had done some shopping in jan during the sale season. I had tried out a belt n purchased it. It was proper fitting. Didn't get a chance to use it in these two months. Now I got for my vacation and man that belt isn't fitting me . I might have gained that 4kg plus few extra kilos looks like. I'm not even checking my weight for the fear of seeing those extra kilos.
    I'm so demotivated and my mood in the vacation is spoilt. I don't feel like getting dressed up n take pics. Couple of my dresses in vacation are dependent on that belt and I'm unable to wear them. :sconf:
    Ended up borrowing husband's track and shorts:roflmao:
    Did I need a bummer bigger than this to spoil my mood in the vacation?
    How to I motivate myself to lose that 15+ kilos??
    Rihana likes this.

  2. NOW

    NOW Gold IL'ite

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    I can totally relate to your frustration and guilt as I am going through this setback in keeping up with the goals I have set and feels like I came full circle back to where I started. But the truth is we do get wiser from our experience albeit they look like failures. One thing I am realizing is we cannot set same goal of loosing XYZ weight, inches , or exercising X no.of days , sleeping X hours, eating only certain type of food. We cannot be rigid and quantitative but need to be more aware and adaptable with our emotions and thoughts that drive the actual behaviors. Please be kind to yourself and forgiving and think like a friend came to you with this exact problem and how you would try to help them feel better and motivate them. I am sure you have the answers as I have seen you give awesome suggestions here before :). I am going to do the same to myself !!
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  3. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    you work it out the first and lost that much weight, you can do it again too... but sad that you couldnt wear the dress you want on your vacation but can take it as a lesson learned and planned better next time...as per me if i can fit one of my tight dresses i dont care anymore for a while until i tried some other dress that i couldnt fit then start worrying hahahahaha.gaining,losing weight is all the time struggle for most people now a days.. just enjoy your vacation now after your home can start working out..
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  4. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I will try to help you.....

    Can you try Surya Namaskars. Work your way up to 108. Will take about a year..

    1. Do on empty stomach, 1st thing in morning
    2. Do on a thick yoga mat, else you will get carpet burns on your knees (I've had these carpet burns for 7 years)
    3. Alternate each side of the leg, else you will hurt the knee on one leg

    This is the best exercise to do if you don't feel like exercising. Start with 12, and increase by even multiples of 108 (because you need to do both sides of body evenly)

    IMPORTANT: It will make you feel better about your body almost immediately, whether you can fit into any outfit or not.

    I gained 20 lbs in a year because my metabolism slowed. down. I started an exercise program of
    1. 108 Surya Namaskars - 40 min
    2. 40 minutes of either stationary bike, arm weights, or leg weignts
    3. Rest for 1 day

    Will resume this after my Dad's heart operation.
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  5. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Sui for taking time in between dad's surgery to write this.
    Yes I have joined yoga classes from feb and it's going great so far. I wanted to start slow n took 12 classes/month instead of all days.
    Daily surya namaskaaras was on my list.
    After this message I feel I got that much needed push to do it more religiously.
    A speedy recovery to dad. He's in my prayers. :)
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  6. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks. Gaining weight was a challenge for me in my 20s and teens.. I was this skinny olive oil types. I just could eat anything and not gain at all.
    In my 30s it's the other challenge. Losing.. Ha ha
    . Cycle of life...
    swarnamary likes this.
  7. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you. :) this made my day.
    Good luck with yours...
  8. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Also diet

    I eat fruits, veggies, while grains, white near

    Snacks are nuts and 90% dark chocolate
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  9. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    90% dark chocolate...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    my bro eats that and it taste so so something, i guess as you keep eating even bitter once you get used to it.
    Anusha2917 and SuiDhaaga like this.
  10. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Itsvan acquired taste ... plus you eat less if it because there is less addictive sugar
    swarnamary and Anusha2917 like this.

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