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Musings 3 Gods Hema Shahid

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Musings Part 3 – Temples Relocated , Hema Malini Again

    Agitation for removal of Temples from Roadside

    Temples have been removed from the centre of roads in Jaipur, to make way for the construction of the phase Two of the Metro. These temples are right in the centre of the road, and the traffic had to weave its way thru . With the digging for the metro, these were removed, and news places given to them close by.

    So now there is an agitation, and the city is closed for a few hours,there is a chakka Jam all over Jaipur today. Staff is not coming to office, for buses will open at 12 or so, so their coming to office is of no use.i think even the government offices will be affected by all this.

    I do not understand why the agitation. From the middle of the road, they are now given a legal place by the government, so what is the problem? Even highly learned people are unhappy. Do they not want the metro, ?

    Now so many temples beign shifted, and each allocted land seperately, I thought why not house all the temples in one building, over a few floors, with a lift. where u just go , and find all gods under one roof. Since u can have say 20/30 temples in one multi storied building , each say given around 200 feet, a space bigger than a bedroom.

    There can be good parking arrangement like u have in malls , for cars and scooters, pay park, and shops sold by govt by auction.And sulabh toilets too for the devotees, cold drinking water, slipper collection centre and so on.

    Now what happens is, that for example only on Wednesday, u will find the ladoo walas selling outside the Ganeshji temple , they have business on Wednesdays, and empty all other days. Here they will be busy all the 7 days of the week, for different gods have different days of worship.

    And as one goes to say Ganeshji on a Wednesday, he will also pass by another god’s temple, and bow hi shead, thereby not annoying the other collegues of Ganeshji, and so on for othe other days.Everyone will be happy, and even gods will have compan y of their collegues, they wont feel lonely, all in the same building. And roaring business for the parking lot chaps, sweet shops, the pandits, and all concerned.

    Rent out space for ATM's , so that devotees, can take out cash, and put in the donation boxes, rather than carrying it with them, and risking pickpockets. The income from the ATM rents, can subsidize other expenses, besides giving a good facility to the devotees.

    And once can have common CCTV cammeras, and other security, the expenses shared by everyone involved.

    Who knows these buildings become unique, and a place of tourist interest too, for I doubt u will find all gods housed under one roof anywhere else eh !

    How is the idea, dear friends ! A legal place now for the gods, from the illegal occupation of the road, hindering the traffic, and a nice resting place for the Gods at last.


    Hema Malini Again

    Well after Hema Malini reached the safe lands of mumbai, she came to her own, her memory returned, and she remembered the accident.She says, the fault was of the other driver, if he had followed the traffic rules, the small girl would have been saved.this she tweeted.

    Pretty insensitive , according to me. Whose so ever fault it was, a life was lost, was it not ? To say, that I am not at fault, and to wash away yr hands from it, is insensitive., and cruel.

    I had blogged about this, and I am proved right, that she had enough sense to be wanted to taken to thebest hospital in town, not the government one, and to not bother , about the other car emembers, here she got away saying I was too dazed , which I did not believe for she had enough sense to be taken to Fortis.

    And now after she is safe and sound in Mumbai, she goes and tweets this, she did not tweet this from Jaipur, for she did not have the guts. Forget helping those people who are still in hospital with multiple fractures, u heap these insults on them ?

    How much would it have cost u to treat them at fortis ? According to your information filed during elections, u are worth 180 crores. How much could u have spent on them, 5 lakhs or 10 ;lakhs at the most ? A small drop of your total wealth, Hemaji !

    Even if the fault was theirs, this is not in good taste. Power corrupts ? And where is Dharmendra, the he man !!! he turned to a SHE MAN !!!

    Not a word from him, about Hema or these people ! Well Well !!!


    Shahid Kapoor is finally married, he is 34, she is 21, not exactly a cradle snatch, but close to it. I wish him all the best, and I hope he stays married to her for life. This girl is his choice, not forced on him by his parents, and he has had the expierence of quite a few other girlfriends, to choose this one as his bride, so he must have weighed the pros and cons, before taking the plunge.

    I wish him all the best, sto stay married to one spouse all his life like us ordinary people. All the best Shahidbhai.


    If u don’t have wife and children, u don’t feel like staying at home , no ?
    Well I think this applies to Narendra Modi !!!

    [FONT=&amp]A very caring sentence written on the T-shirt of a girl walking on the road:
    "You are not looking at the road, please be careful..!![/FONT]
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  2. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Great idea Kamalji. But there could be one issue though - whose God is bigger and soon, who gets more visitors and how others are affected by that leading ultimately to, the powerful ones trying to get more space. You never know, these things may come up sooner. Nice one as usual and I liked the last line joke. -rgs
  3. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalji,
    Same is the problem with temples in Hyderabad. A small place with a small idol of some God or Goiddess and that they call temple. If for road widening or some other purpose if it has to be removed...a big protest and you know in Hyderabad at the drop of a hat they call for communal riots.
    Hema Malini....I saw her statement, the grieving families statments and all her name and fame are weaning away. The grieved family said they did not receive any help. Leave out whose fault it is, isn't it humane to take them also to the same hospital where she went? She was in senses enough to go corporate hospita. You are perfectly right.
    In jokes I liked the last but one, Modi. He seems to be going round the world in a rush (he does not know how many days he would be in power)...get it over fast, he seem to eb thinking.
    Good one.
  4. madhuprabha

    madhuprabha Gold IL'ite

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    Hello Kamalji
    Lovely musings.
    If such a building of Gods is built, people like me will be greatly relieved.
    Since i do not want to anger any God, i will just do namskar in front of the building. One namskar for all the Gods and all of them can bless me at one go. Their time is saved and I can pray to all Gods at once.

    Hemamalini seems to frequently put her foot in her mouth. Maybe when she goes/comes out of the house, she leaves her brain to take care of her wealth.

    Shahid and Meera - wish them all best (till the time they are a couple.)
  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear RGS,

    Well each god has his day, so all will get equal attention. offerings cant say really. These temples have bank accounts, and a banker was telling me, how some tempels are famous for one ruppee coins, some 5 bucks and so on. and they get fed up with the coins who will count, but they are forced by govt tokeep the accounts.HAHA



  6. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sy,

    This is sad really, when temples are removed, they are given an alternate place, then whjy the protests at all.

    Yes humanity and humility is missing from Hema, a shame, did not expect this from her.

    Yes modi is making the most , touring places like Mongolia also, and promising them aid, when we need it more.what will mongolia give us ?



  7. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Madhu,

    good idea, say hello to all gods , and make sure they are on yr good side.
    good one that sheleaves her brais at home to take care of her wealth, or she leaves it with Dharmendra eh !

    Who knows and who cares.HAHA



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  8. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji,
    Super idea! All temples in one complex with ATM, sulab toilet, sweet shops and what not.

    It seems the dream girl was in dreamland and could not think of the condition of others. Even if the other party was on the wrong on a humanitarian basis she could have helped them and could have saved the child.
  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamal ji,

    Believe it or not, all our Gods at least the popular and important ones are roofed under one temple and in a row where I live. The idols are kept at good distance, cover pretty much everyone including Mahaveera and as soon as we walk in, we can choose our ishtadeva and sit in front of him or her :)

    Hema Malini's statement was just too sad. Perhaps she is thinking by blaming the other party, she may be avoiding the responsibility...you know legally and money and all that. But it broke my heart that she would out right blame the father for the child. The immense grief and guilt the parents must be going through seems to be beyond her understanding and she seems to be doing nothing but adding on by pointing fingers so blatantly. It is a thorough disappointment. In my opinion all these film stars are given preference for no reason and they fail to understand the responsibility they have on their shoulders....it is always all about them!

    I was stunned too learning the age of the bride but like you rightly said, both of them must have thought through!
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji,

    You are full of ideas and no wonder you came up with the idea to place all the God's under one roof. After all like human beings, Gods also like to spend time with their families and friends. If all Gods are located under one roof, I am sure that building will get the same amount of crowd that malls get. But remote temples help people who want to meet without the knowledge of others but this common facility will be frequented by everyone. In the outsourcing world, it is entire possible that people who are not able to finish angapradhasanam or adipradhasanam could handover the rights to someone to perform those vows.

    Hemamalini has disappointed people in every possible way with respect to this accident. In fact, these kind of incidents define how people behave. If she is not able to help a family that is in an accident involving her own car, how she is going to serve the people in her constituency?

    I consider anyone more than 10 years younger as next generation and accordingly treat them like sister, niece, etc. The people in the entertainment industry seems to have different yardsticks for themselves.

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