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Mudakathan Keerai

Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by pawarju, Jun 28, 2024.

  1. pawarju

    pawarju Silver IL'ite

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    Mudakathan keerai or leaves has strong anti-inflammatory properties. This is one of the Best Greens for joint pain, swelling in the joints and is effective for rheumatoid arthritis. Mudakathan is used in Indian traditional medicine system for the treatment of rheumatism and stiffness of limbs.
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  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    I believe this is good to eat regularly from kids to elders.

    Do you know the portion size each person can eat and also the form ( cooked vs raw ).
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: Kudos to sister @pawarju for posting a very useful information which needs wider publicity and dissemination among modern youngsters.

    At my backyard this grows easily without much nurturing or care. It has thin thorns too. The benefits of making it as a part of the meal in the form of Dosa or Soup or Chutney are too good.

    My late mother used to prepare a variety of dishes out of this creeper vine/climber and prefer to take it on empty stomach. She claimed that regular eating it as soup or chutney mixed with warm rice yield better result in the form of relief. It can’t be a permanent remedy.

    I gathered and culled info from tamil magazines claiming it to be a panacea Nature given gift. The tips are far too many. It is too good for human consumption - old and young as well - head to foot .
    I enjoyed dishes made of this spinach.

    Courtesy image from google
    Abitha Mudakathan Leaves (Balloon Vine)- Hindi: kanphata plant -Telugu: Suddakakara plant,
    Sanskrit: Indravalli plant - Although greens consumption generally considered good for robust health, one must find out about side effects of consuming too much of it in too short a time.

    Mudakkaththan is also called paralytic because it prevents the hands and feet from becoming paralyzed. Among the different types of spinach, this type of spinach
    known popularly in tamil as 'Mutakathan, it removes and prevents Many health defects and offer wide benefits.
    It is said, arthritis can be minimised if mudakkaththan eaten in the form of dosa or chutney for about three days in a week for breakfast or brunch over a period of seven to eight weeks.

    If the leaves are fried in castor oil and tied over the spot where joint pain and swelling felt, one can find pain diminish.

    Nutrients: Rich in protein, starch, mineral salts.

    Eggs, milk, curd, non-veg etc. should not be cooked with spinach. Since spinach is a sattvic food, these together can cause constipation and stomach problems. (info culled from tamil magazines, Google and Meta AI)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
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