Darcy,Darcy,Darcy. Prakash Raj, all M& B heroes (who cares, I read anything) Sadly knew Prithviraj when he was a child, so can't imagine him as a dashing romantic hero now.Though have to admit, he is great!
Me too Vidya, who cares?! I forgot all those piles of Mills & Boons. Like Vidyasarada, went through hordes of them during vacations. But I hear that the present day M&B are worth discarding. L, Kamla
Yes count me in too, lost count of all the M&Bs i have read. But they sure were total time pass. Kamla yes, these days M&Bs reincaranted as harlequin romance or something and they are total trash . Gals I started a new thread on Regency Romances( mainly to discuss Barbara Cartland and others like G Heyer, Victoria Holt Etc). Please do join in in that room too. Vandhana