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Mordern dresses sucks!!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ish_nalini, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Reenae

    Reenae Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies,

    Nice read but please do not blame the modern dress on the western culture as you will be very surprised that even in the west girls do NOT wear revealing clothes that the girls in India do. I blame it totally on bollywood which tends to keep reducing the clothes day by day. As someone joked "before a man's tie could be made out of the remnat of a woman's dress but now a woman's dress can be made out of a man's tie remnant material".
  2. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Ish
    This is true that now a days what r our youger genration is wearing is too revealing,but same is true with any dress if one want to reveal heself even in saree. True that this is dusgusting .
    As it is said that now a days toppers are too high & jeans are too low with nothing in between but bare skin.
  3. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    old thread but I want to share my thoughts..

    I felt offended when one of the IL said that it suits only westerners and not Indian ladies.NOTHING LIKE THAT! Mordern dresses worn accordingly to each one's figure,in their correct size suits all! The hair style,sandals everything should be accordingly worn.

    Clothing modern or Indian is NOT specific to any one country.It is all in the mind!As long as one wears it in the right way and feel comfortable in it,then it is fine.

    Everyone should have freedom to do and wear what they like! If some do not like to wear,then don't wear.let people who want to wear it!! There are lot of western stars who are plump like queen latifah but western dresses suits her great! so why won't it suit our Indian plump stars?Just coz they are Indian??I do not like the sound of it.

    Indian girls r extremely pretty.Some may not have the right dressing sense but if learnt,there are so any gorgeous modern,decent clothes which are lovely that sarees which exposes skin!plus more comfortable too.

    Also,I am sure many who commented modern dresses sucks would have definitely worn a jean and should have lusted for a gorgeous modern dress shown on tv or movie.Are u sure NOT EVEN ONCE,u thought that particular dress is pretty?

    Come on!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
    1 person likes this.

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