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Monkeying Around

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Monkeying Around

    Today was a very interesting item in the papers, “ Starving Baboons by pass Car Tweets “

    Seems in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>London</st1:place></st1:City>, or nearabouts, Monkeys wait in trees. As a car parks, they wait for the Tweet Beep, which means the owner has locked the car, so they don’t go near it. Otherwise, they just go, and open the doors and help themselves to the goodies lying inside, while the owner watches helplessly from far.

    But I tell u, Indian Monkeys are smarter. Mom went to Brindavan, and a monkey came down and snatched her specs and went away.Mom could not see, till a young fellow came and said Mataji, I will help u, and he whistled to the monkey, who came down and handed over the specs to him, mom gave him 10 bucks, but the guy said the rate is 100/- and mom settled for 50/-.

    Jaipur ones are special too. When we had shifted to Jaipur, we used to dry our clothes on a wire in the Garden, the monkeys would come and steal the clothes, and go and drop them on the neighbours and their clothes would be swapped with us.

    The neighbours would then go around with clothes asking each houseowner which clothes are theirs. But just imagine , what if the bringer of clothes is a male, and the clothes are your wife’s undergarments ! Well thanks to the monkeys, we neighbours became friends, and came to know the sizes of the ladies in the neighbourhood !

    My friend had an interesting expierence. He stayed on the third floor, his cooler had gone for repairs and there was a gaping hole in the wall. His wife had gone to her mothers house. He slept, and when he turned over at night, sleepily he put his hand over his wife, and started to feel her here and there, as is the habit of men.

    Suddenly he realized, her body is so hairy, while a few days back she had gone to the parlour, and then he woke up with a start, realizing his wife is not in town .He opened one eye, to see in horror, a huge monkey sleeping next to him on the bed. He ran out of the room, in or without anything I don’t know, the fastest 100 meters race he could have won in the Olympics, if he had participated !!! We stil rib him about it.

    In this friends house, the monekys come from the terrace, and if the door is open , they come in the drawing room. They snatch babanans, open the fridge, take out cold mangoes and eat, while everyone is frozen still, and these guys then coolly walk away, a la Clint Eastwood.

    A small kid was drinking milk from a bottle, the money comes, snatchs the bottle, opens the nipple, drinks the milk to the last drop, and then shoves the nipple in the kids mouth, while the elders dare not come in.what a movie that would have made if someone had captured it eh !

    I was once playing with someone’s pet monkey, and the monkey bit me. I was advised to get the 14 injections, so I went to the <st1:place><st1:placeName>Govt</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType>Hospital</st1:placeType></st1:place>. It is the same injection given for the bites of Dog, Monkey, pig, Rat, and so on, as was written there.

    It is the Govt Hospital , and I was made to lie down on the bed, there were two beds, I was on the second bed, the compounder brought out a huge injection, u sed for giving injections to Horses, filled in, while I watched in horror, as he poked it in the patient in the neighbouring bed, an old man infested with all sorts of diseases, who yelled bringing the house down.

    And then the compunder comes, smiles his devilish smile at me, and before I can realize, he had poked the same injection in my tummy, he did not even change the needle.Seems they fill a double dose in the injections, those days, the disposable ones had not yet been invented.

    Then the fellow tells me, sir u look different, why come here, I will come to yr house, and the 13 injections were delivered at home, while he told us to boil the injections for an hour, while at the hospital , they were very casual about it.

    I was very worried the old man may have passed on so many diseases to me, but luckily I survived them to live to tell the tale.

    And I guess we men are like monkeys too, However old we get , we still monkey around eh ! And I am like one too, very mischevious, and naughty, though I don’t steal people’s clothes, but my antics make u all laugh, just as a monkey does.

    So if I don’t get good comments, I swear I will become a monkey in my next birth and come to yr home and steal/ take away yr clothes, under and outer, or wear the undies and dance on yr car, as they show in the Ads for Amul undies, or whatever undies !!!

    Undies apki, faisla aapka.Jago Grahak Jago !!!


    Best Pick up line ever

    Boy – Is your name Google ?
    Girl – No , why ?
    Boy – Because u have everything I am searching for !

    Who started the concept of 5 days of work, and two days off ?

    Guess ?

    Draupadi ( Panchali )

    Santa – Yesterday I saved a girl from getting raped
    Banta – How ?
    Santa – Self Control yaar, Self Control !!!

    Great people like us work on the principle of Rockets
    Not that we Aim for the Skies,
    But we don’t start performing,
    Till our Asses are on fire !!!

    During an MBBS exam , one question was asked.
    When a girl gets unconscious, what will u feel of her

    The hint was given as PU-S –

    Those who wrote PULSE became doctors, and the others became Salesmen !


  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji

    Nice to hear the different tales of the monkeys. This time also I am the first one to give you fb. I dont want you to become a monkey in next birth so I have given my comment first.

  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sis,

    Thanks for giving the first FB, thank u so much, i wont come and trouble u .HAHA


  4. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Testing Testing testing
  5. meenasankaran

    meenasankaran Platinum IL'ite

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    (me with an indignant scowl) Really Kamalji! Threatening to steal my bananas in your next birth as a monkey if I didn't come in to comment?

    WHAT AN INGENIOUS IDEA! :biglaugh Thank you for the tip Kamalji. You wouldn't mind if I use the same method to browbeat fellow ILites to comment for me too, will you? :crazy :rotfl

    //But I tell u, Indian Monkeys are smarter. Mom went to Brindavan, and a monkey came down and snatched her specs and went away.Mom could not see, till a young fellow came and said Mataji, I will help u, and he whistled to the monkey, who came down and handed over the specs to him, mom gave him 10 bucks, but the guy said the rate is 100/- and mom settled for 50/-. //

    Oh, I love that. What entrepreneurship! What creativity! Stories like these just fill me up with pride to be an Indian. Ha ha ha.....:biglaugh:biglaugh

    Yet another entertaining post from you, Kamalji. Also, the joke about google was hilarious. :biglaugh
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  6. ganges

    ganges Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalji.

    Hahaha. I am back again to enjoy all your mischievious writings. I couldnt control laughing imagining you wandering around with your neighbours clothes ( undergarments).:rotfl

    Kamalji, about this monkeys, I too remembered an incident told by my mom. I was born in Kambli, Karnataka and my immediate sis was two years elder than me. One day when my sis was standing out door, a monkey simply came and hold her hand and started walking. My sis too started walking with the monkey without fear. Some body saw this and after a big hungama, one shop keeper suddenly through one flower garland from his shop towards the monkey and the monkey left my sis and run to catch the garland. Even now we used to tease my sis for this.

    thanks for the wonderful posting.

  7. tashidelek2002

    tashidelek2002 IL Hall of Fame

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    Your monkey stories were so entertaining. I had such a good laugh.

    Seems lately I am hearing a lot of monkey stories. You know here in North America we are a monkey-less continent (except for zoos) so our experience of monkeys is non-existent. One of my coworkers was telling me a story recently that was so funny. He is a very big man about 6'3" and he and his wife and two little kids went for a holiday to an animal park. This type is where you drive through and they were all packed into a tiny Ford Focus. The went through all the exhibits and lastly there was a baboon exhibit. As he drove in he saw this sign "Proceed at your Own Risk". He thought how bad could it be? Shortly he found out.

    Immediately a couple large baboons landed on his car (weighing about 40 kg each!). One was on the front hood and peering in the window and making all sorts of faces at them. Then it peed on the front windshield. After finishing that, it casually reached a long hairy arm out and grasped the side mirror and ripped it off easily and threw it away. In front of their car was a big new Ford Explorer (expensive) and a mob of baboons were busily ripping off the mirrors, antenna, etc...anything that would rip off. My friend felt he had gotten off easily. As he drove out of the park he asked them could he get his mirror and they said come back after 6 when the baboons are inside and look through the parts that we have collected from the day. When he came back, the pile was so high that he could not figure out which was his mirror from the 30 or so laying there.

    Now about 2 weeks ago I went up to Toronto to visit my friends and they took me to African Lion Safari....a park similar to that park. Having heard the above story I had a little trepidation but my friends were confident it was a good time so we went. We proceeded through the park and came to the monkey exhibit and sure enough the langurs that they had jumped upon our car. My friend said that these ones are so adept they grasp the rubber around the front windshield and quickly pull it out so your windshield falls out. (Some garage could use their talents!) As I sat there this one monkey was directly outside the window from me and my friend was laughing so hard. He said you are afraid to meet that monkeys eyes! Well I was a bit timid to get them going by staring back and have some damage done to my friend's car. It finally jumped off much to me relief and the humor of my copassengers.
  8. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Meenu,

    See my threat worked, bananas are so expensive, so better to give a comment.HAHA

    Well i dont have a coptright over the threats as yet, so till i get one, u can use it .:biglaugh

    that fellow in Brindavan, they trains monkeys to steal just specs, ingenious eh ! Mom never wears them when she goes out to market there, sshe learnt her lessons.HAHA

    When she told me this years back, we brothers could not stop laughing, brilliant training eh !

    Thanks for the kidn words, yesterday there was just one comment in 12 hours, so i was wondering if anything was wrong with my blog, now u have dispelled the notion.

    Thanks a ton.


  9. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ganges,

    Where did u disappear all these days ? No wonder indus was so loney without u, yr comments and yr blogs, and i was always one comment short.Welcome back.

    Well just imagine me with undergarments, going house to house, to ask if they belong to yr wife, HAHA

    When Sita was younger daughter was born, she used to sit on the Swing in the lawns, my mother, used to warn me that monekys take away children, so be careful, and we used to have a swarm of 50 monkeys coming at a time, all over the neighbourhood.

    Your sister thing si damn funny, walking away with the monkey eh ! HAHA

    No wonder u rib her about it. Maybe it was her husband from the past life, who knows Ganges:biglaugh

    thanks for the wonderful FB.i am honoured,.REgards

  10. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Tashi,

    Now that is something what u said, monkeys ripping of antanes and mirrors eh.And even ripping of the rubber of the windscreen.

    But they are cute basically, very childish and impish, always fullof mischeif.

    You could have made this into a lovely blog in itself, so much information and humour.Thank me for bring out the best in you.HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Thanks a ton, and keep coming .



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