*Issac Newton's mother:* "But did you wash the apple before eating it?" *Archimedes's mother:* "Didn't you have any shame running naked in the street from bath to home? ...and, WHO is this girl Eureka???” *Thomas Edison's mother:* "Of course I am proud that you invented the electric bulb. Now turn it off and get to bed !!!" *Abraham Lincoln's mother:* "Now that you have become President for heaven's sake get rid of that shabby tailcoat and stovepipe hat and buy yourself a decent outfit." *James Watt's mother:* "If you just keep watching that damn lid lifting and dropping, rice will be burnt. Turn off the stove now." *Graham Bell's mother:* "You have installed this new silly thing in the house alright, but I do not want girls calling you at odd hours." *Galileo Galilei's mother:* "What use is seeing that goddamn moon with your telescope if it does not help me to see my mother in Milano." *Samuel Morse's mother:* "Make sure your school report card doesn't have only dashes and dots.” *Mona Lisa's mother:* "After all that money your father and I spent on your braces, is that the best smile you can give us ?" *Christopher Columbus’ mother:* "I don't care what you were busy discovering and where, you could still have dropped a two line letter !"