Misscarriage and unable to conceive

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by neeta, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. Traveller

    Traveller Gold IL'ite

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    Re: baby miscarriage

    I'm so sorry for your friend. 8 weeks or 4 months the pain is all the same. i know of many friends/relatives' relative who had a still birth, an abortion but still went on to conceive again and have a healthy baby. A very close friend of my DH.. they went for the regular check-up at 4th month and the doc found the baby had congenital abnormalities. so the wife was recommended an abortion. but the pregnancy got aborted by itself. now they've healed and getting ready to try again. In your friend's case God decided to have back the baby that wasn't fit for survival.

    Well all that you can do for your friend is be there for her. talking about other similar examples will not help her right now. she'll have to grieve and she'll come out of this by herself. just be there for her whenever she needs you. i'm sure they'll be blessed with a healthy baby soon...

  2. rosenav

    rosenav Silver IL'ite

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    Re: baby miscarriage

    God bless her ... It is a difficult time.

    She just needs some time to come out of the tragedy, so wait till she wants to speak abt it. may be you can offer help around the house and cook food or something which might help her or her husband.
  3. rpm2

    rpm2 Senior IL'ite

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    Re: baby miscarriage

    I suffered a miscarriage myself and I can understand your friend's pain.

    Talk to her and tell that you are sorry for what happened and that everything will be alright again. If your friend wants to talk then listen to her but dont offer advise...she will really just be looking for someone to talk to. If she does not talk then live her on her own for a couple of days, if possible, just send her some home-cooked food etc. Talk to her husband ask him if they want anyt help in particular. Dont worry she will start feeling better after few days.

    What ever you so please dont tell that GOD decided that her baby was unfit/unhealthy to live etc....that is the worst thing any one can say to an already grieving person.

    I get very angry when I hear people talk such rubbish about babies...:rant
  4. lavanyaA

    lavanyaA Junior IL'ite

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    Re: baby miscarriage

    I am sorry for you rpm2.. It must been very hard to hear if someone didnt respect your baby I can understand that.Born or not born its still your baby..Thankyou for the advice..I will keep in kind..
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  5. srividhyapathy9

    srividhyapathy9 New IL'ite

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    Scan Report after Miscarriage

    I had missed miscarriage/Blighted Ovum on 3rd Nov,2009.As I was only 7 weeks pregnant my doctor told no DNC is required.Pls take MT Pill on 4thNov and Cyotec on 6th Nov.

    After taking MT Pill on 4th Nov, I had severe pain n heavy bleeding and felt I have expelled all the Sac.My bleeding stopped on 8th Nov.I did scan on 12th Nov.Accdg scan reports I still have MINIMUM RETAINED PRODUCTS OF GEST SAC.So Dr asked me to take 2 more cyotec on 13th Nov nothing happened again I took 2 more on 15th Nov.Still no bleeding however sometimes I have pain which is similar to the pain I have during periods.

    I am bit worried

    Pls Advice!!!!!
  6. amul

    amul Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Scan Report after Miscarriage

    Hi srividhya

    I am very sorry for your miscarriage.
    Pls dont worry regarding the traces.It depends on the nature of the body.
    I had m/c in dec2009 at 10 weeks and underwent d&c.Even though my traces remained till first week of march.Doc gave me some injections and also tablets(i dont remember the names) and it took such a long time.
    So have good diet and stay urself in peace.
    Be in continous touch with ur gyneac.
    All the best abd take care:thumbsup
  7. srividhyapathy9

    srividhyapathy9 New IL'ite

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    Re: Scan Report after Miscarriage

    Thanks for reply.I have Dr appt next week.Lets see wt she has to say o this.
  8. coolheart

    coolheart New IL'ite

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    miscarriage due to pcos.:(


    I am writing this after I had a miscarriage a weeks back.......
    It was a missed miscarriage at 4.3 weeks and I knew abt it only at the 8th week. no DNC was needed. But the doctor found cysts on both ovaries and said i have polycystic ovaries which might have caused the miscarriage. i have a 4 yr old girl and we very much need another kid.....
    I have regular periods (30 days). I am 57 kg (which i always tried to reduce).... I pretty much work out (which i discontinued cos of pregnancy)... I am 28 yrs old.......no unwanted hair.....
    For the past 3 days I am following a strict diet (like eating lot of vege and fruits, no sweets, no rice).... and also planning to join gym again.......
    but, i am just scared that i might miscarry again- which is so so painful emotionally.... i am still not out of it, i cry anytime thinking, blamming myself.......anyway........:(
    doc told me to try after 3 months (3 regular periods). she dint give me any medicine. after 3 months asked me to c her again and once i get pregnant she will prescribe me medicines that will help not in miscarrying again. she dint advice me on any diet or exercise.....
    what should i do, do i have to follow the strict diet (i love rice, i have given it up to the weekends alone) and exercise.......or just calm down......i am just so scared whether i might be able to get periods again and conceive.........is the doc right in not prescribing me a medicine...?
    i know, some ladies have bigger problems than mine......but, im just so hurt with this miscarriage. sorry.....
  9. Muskaan7

    Muskaan7 Senior IL'ite

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    Re: miscarriage due to pcos.:(

    Dear Coolheart,

    Hugs to you dear!

    I know exactly how you feel since I went through it myself two years back. It was a blighted ovum and I had to have a DNC. It was the worst range of emotions that I went through. Please dont blame yourself for it though. Even I had to wait for three months and then I conceived again. At the start there was always fear in the back of my mind that a miscarriage may happen again but I just left it to God and now I have a beautiful 18 month old baby.

    According to what you have written, it seems like you are doing the right things, taking care of your diet, exercising regularly etc. BTW, I am not aware of rice being bad for conceiving, I had some everyday and things were okay. My prayers and good wishes are with you.

    Take care.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  10. lavii

    lavii Gold IL'ite

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    Re: miscarriage due to pcos.:(

    i am so sorry for your plight but i am sure you will be fine dont worry anything happens,happens for good.
    i just found i am preg last month now i am 7 weeks old preg But after listening to your journey i am so afraid now
    i have to go to doc next sat for U/s
    This is my first preg and i am so afraid that we can be preg and know about misccarriages so late in your case you found at 8 weeks na
    i am really tensed now

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