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Mindfuless & Synchronicity

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dictionary meaning of Mindfulness is “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something” or “mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” Synchronicity is “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. Carl G. Jung is the first one to use the term “Synchronicity” in the early 1920s.

    Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We feel more alive. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. In the introduction to his book, Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal, Roderick Main wrote, “the culmination of Jung's lifelong engagement with the paranormal is his theory of synchronicity, the view that the structure of reality includes a principle of acausal connection which manifests itself most conspicuously in the form of meaningful coincidences. Difficult, flawed, prone to misrepresentation, this theory none the less remains one of the most suggestive attempts yet made to bring the paranormal within the bounds of intelligibility. It has been found relevant by psychotherapists, parapsychologists, researchers of spiritual experience and a growing number of non-specialists. Indeed, Jung's writings in this area form an excellent general introduction to the whole field of the paranormal”.

    Swami Vivekananda defined the subconscious as, “every work that we do, every moment of the day, every thought we think, leaves an impression on the mind-stuff (the internal organ or antahkarana), and even when such impressions are not obvious on the surface they are sufficiently strong to work beneath the surface, man’s character is determined by the sum total of these impressions.” This is the self-directed state of mind that we deal with on a day-to-day basis. According to Hindu teachings, the conscious mind has its existence independently in divinity within and beyond creation.

    Ancient rishis taught that the mind can expand to such a degree that it gradually begins to become one with its former Self. The energy of the soul actually merges with the energy of the universe. As the mind expands more and more, the practitioner enters into a state known as samadhi. From there, the yogi can eventually leave the body entirely, feeling the universe as his body. This is one of the ultimate goals of yoga.

    For an individual to attain the powerful state known as samadhi and super-consciousness, they must take on the important task of meditation and right living. Deep and clear meditation is necessary because we have to get to the point where we identify more with the object we’re meditating on rather than with ourselves or our thoughts. Not as easy as it sounds! But once that occurs, the mind or soul is freed, and higher realms of consciousness await. Paramahansa Yogananda had this to say about the super-consciousness, “in meditation, we must go beyond thought. As long as we are busy thinking, we are in our rational mind, on the conscious plane. When we sleep and dream, we are on the subconscious plane, and in our astral body. And when our mind is fully withdrawn in super-consciousness, it becomes centered in the bliss of the spine. We are then in our ideational, or causal, body. That is the level of the soul’s existence.”

    What is described in the western world as consciousness is described in eastern philosophy as forgetfulness. Individual Consciousness is described in the eastern philosophy as one that longs to synchronize with the Universal Consciousness and remain neutral to the senses and mind using their freewill to create encryption. Universal Consciousness is like a superhighway of inherent truth and the Individual Consciousness is like a fiber-optic line that relates to that inherent truth. Our ignorance or lack of knowledge about the power of inherent truth results in us operating at the senses and mind level. Mindfulness eliminates the power of the senses and mind to influence our decisions and guide us towards awareness. Once we learn to remain in awareness for a prolonged period, we notice the synchronicity of everything that functions around us. Our variations are only at peripheral level and deep inside, we are all synchronized. Our mind when it functions at a sublime level called “Over mind”, the world we perceive is very different. Time, Space, Past, Present and Future become irrelevant. At that level, our Sankalpa will be fulfilled with extraordinary energy.

  2. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    I heard about a molecular biologist who quit his job to become a Buddhist monk. That piqued me so I read an interview back in Dec, rather a conversation between the now monk and his neuroscientist friend here.

    Singer: So rumination would be the opposite?

    Ricard: Totally opposite. It is also well known that constant rumination is one of the main symptoms of depression. What we need is to gain freedom from the mental chain reactions that rumination endlessly perpetuates. One should learn to let thoughts arise and be freed to go as soon as they arise, instead of letting them invade one’s mind. In the freshness of the present moment, the past is gone, the future is not yet born, and if one remains in pure mindfulness and freedom, potentially disturbing thoughts arise and go without leaving a trace.

    Mindfulness and consciousness and wakefulness have become very synonymous these days that yogic meditation is no longer blanking of the mind but insisting on the flexibility of the mind.

    Let's say, a stranger gives you a foul look while walking out of the gate of a mall. You notice, then wince, then whimper, then ruminate, then inflict yourself with all kinds of extraneous thoughts, intensifying that trivial and foul encounter. Mindfulness to me is snapping back to the oncoming present with such ferocity and immediacy that the time lapse between the foul look and now is reinforced to engage only in the streaming present [like: make of iron gate, tarmac road, getting into vehicle, some Amul poster] to attenuate that lapsing vibe. Then in five minutes of mindful engagement, when you recollect that foul countenance, it has lost its vigour to hurt you anymore. You tend to laugh at it now. Silly me! By the way that foul look was funny. If such arresting and mindful wedge was not inserted, that foul look would have catapulted to a foul day with errant rumination.

    This definition of mindfulness to insert a buffer in our unpleasant interactions is also gaining currency in our modern parlance. As Ricky the monk has put it, "In the freshness of the present moment, the past is gone, the future is not yet born, and if one remains in pure mindfulness and freedom, potentially disturbing thoughts arise and go without leaving a trace."
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    jskls, Anjana124, Thyagarajan and 2 others like this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    It doesn't surprise me to know a molecular biologist becoming a Buddhist Monk. When someone intensifies their research into cell separation, they come to know the enormity of teachings of ancient wisdom. One of our clients is Immunology researchers and their daily routine is to investigate the cells and find out their behavior in a given condition. That is how they bumped upon the opportunity to use Immunology to cure malignant cells. The Husband is a Caucasian from Nigeria and the wife is an American born and raised here in the US. They both spent two years in Thailand just learning Buddhism away from the research. Quantum Physics has a lot of similarity to the ancient wisdom propagated by many eastern religions as well.

    Like what I said, if our differences are at a peripheral level and if we are soaked in that understanding, such foul look will make no difference. I used to work in Chennai and there is a famous Temple nearby known as Kalikambal Temple. There used to be a lot of mystics located in and around this Temple just like many you see in Thiruvannamalai. Engaging in a conversation with them used to be a great challenge for me at the age of 28-29 as most of what they say in response are highly philosophical.

    I think the trip to Tibet is long over due to visit those wonderful Buddhist Monasteries. Many Westerners are spending many years in Tibet lost in the nature and their communication with the nature. They are still in physical form but enjoy the mindfulness that results in merger with the nature. Only a few who intensifies their meditation to shrink and become a rainbow body leaving the frame like a shirt.

    Coming to think of rumination, I am a strong believer that our each experience is unique and different and it is our mind that connects all of them into a garland and make it into a life. If we can break that barrier, our blissful state is not far away.

    This has to be etched in a golden frame in our day to day life.

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    jskls, Thyagarajan, girvani and 2 others like this.
  4. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    I am not very well-versed with Quantum Mechanics, so I am not familiar with that correlation. But I will take your word for it as I have no knowledge of advanced sciences or ancient wisdom likewise. I only dabble skimpy.

    I need to read about this Kalikambal. Thank you for introducing the temple to me. I admire sacred architecture.

    Yes, I liked that sentiment in flux which is much needed in corporate world even more if you are working in an aggressive environment with shrieks and tolls. You cannot go home every day with bleary eyes over some offhand remark. First principle I was thought: when someone screams nasty at you, just continue doing your work, they will buy you beer the next day over their gratuitous screams. ;)

    Hey: Ranting and shrieking and wild emails in impeccable English are common in my field. Mindful of the present!
    Hehe: A lot of beers were bought for this teetotaller.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    I am not a specialist in anything either and my knowledge on any subject is very limited. My inquiries are generally to find the connections. It is interesting to learn that Dr. J. Robert Openheimer in his remarks after detonation of atomic bomb said, "Now I am become death, the destroyer of the worlds." quotes from Bhagavad Gita. When asked, "Is it the first time such a powerful weapon is invented?" He responded, "Yes. In the present times" indicating such weapons existed in earlier generations.

    Thought about Dr. Openheimer and his words resonate well in my mind. My son is leaving for his internship to Los Alamos in the next few weeks.

    This temple was widely covered in a movie of Rajnikanth called, "Baba".

    I had a chance to work in a very hostile corporate environment two decades back. The foul language was liberally used besides humiliation in front of all colleagues. Slowly, we learned that it was more important to have our own motivation to grow the business and for our own growth than worrying about the verbal abuse that had no value to add to our growth. Eventually, the abuser became a laughing stock and the executives were united and created a rock solid alliance to help each other.

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    Anjana124, Thyagarajan and girvani like this.
  6. Agatha83

    Agatha83 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,

    You are coming out with subjects steeped in philosophy and spiritualism, like Sri Krishna’s Bhagavadgita, while we are all like the confused Arjuna not knowing how to move On with our daily life, with so many problems staring at us menacingly. Beautifully written, but it’s tough to understand with our below average IQ!

    Thyagarajan, Viswamitra and iyerviji like this.
  7. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @viswa and @Iravati,
    Sorry for intruding between conversation of two intelligent persons. Due to diminishing grey cells and being a person of average intelligent I find it difficult to express my thoughts in relation to the topic.

    According to a layman' defenition mindfulness suggests awareness or vigilance.

    But for a pschycologist mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you carefully observe your thoughts and feelings without judging them good or bad.

    Synchronicity generally means to us as coincidences which occur in our life unexpectedly. In vernacular the saying is, "Kakkai eravum panam pazam vizavum".

    For those who deeply analyse synchronicity is the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality .

    Anjana124, sindmani, Gauri03 and 3 others like this.
  8. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Viswa uncle,

    What a post! It was a treat for me to read your post and the following discussions. I must confess it was beyond my reach. Trying to be mindful has been in my mind safely for last 18 months at least. How I am implementing this is a day to day challenge. One story comes to my mind, told by Thich Naht Hanh about shielding your self. Story goes as below,

    Suppose there is a storm raging – you don’t mind, because your house is solid. You close all the doors and windows, and although the wind is blowing fiercely outside, and there is rain and thunder, you still feel safe in your home. The island of self is like that. You have to practice, to learn, in order to allow that shelter, that island within yourself to appear for your use. During your daily life, learn to dwell in that safe island of mindfulness within you. Then you will be protected from provocations, you will be protected from anger, and from despair. There are many elements around you that are ready to invade you, to attack you and to deprive you of your peace and stability. So you have to organize in order to protect yourself and to build up the practice of dwelling in that island of self.

    Psychologists say that rumination is one of the first sign of depression and how to stop rumination is to concentrate on your breath and calm the thought process. While we live in past or future we also tend to overestimate the happiness and sadness. When it comes to the present when a sad thing happens we face it and move on but when we were in imagining mode we make it more serious. Similarly, we tend to think If we have A or B or if we do A or B we will be delighted. But the moment it happens, we tend to think something else which will make us happy. Again solution for this problem is being in present and be mindful.

    Thank you, uncle, for making me think.
    warm regards
  9. Iravati

    Iravati Platinum IL'ite

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    Ayyo Pushpa! I confuse myself at times. So, no wonder I confuse others. There is interplay of three terms in the conversation "conciousness", "universe", "quantum physics". I agree when I reread my own post, I was shabby on "mindfulness". Let me try to simplify the other variants for you. Again, this is ruthlessly simplified context of our discussion, hence subtleties have been collapsed to write up something in as few words as possible. A smash-up of the Aeon, Templeton and Smithsonian articles I have come across over the years.

    The premise of this discussion: how to explain and harness consciousness?

    There have been two distinct camps on "I feel and I and am aware of self." How did this consciousness emerge in me? God created it. We have Camp Design who believe that we were created in this manner to experience consciousness. Hold on! But where is God? He is nowhere to be seen. Then came on board Camp Random with a scientific ambush saying, "There is no God. We emerged out of randomness. There are many universes. We are one such universe in random where the conditions were congenial for cosmic inflation, quark, electrons, atoms, molecules, bacteria, fish, dinosaur and man, that too with consciousness to develop". Camp Random are relatively new kids on the block starting from Age of Enlightenment, that is 17th century. Generally, Camp Design in their temples and Camp Random in their labs get along well, each admiring and introspecting the wakefulness in man. I am, I exist, I feel!

    Then barged in new campers in the field. Dude, this "Design" and "Random" is diffuse. Can we have another modelling on why I am here and how do I explain my consciousness? We have Camp Psychism. OK, I have consciousness in me which was either pulled from below or pushed from above. Which one is feasible?

    Psychists believe that consciousness was rubbed off on us from the "top" or "bottom".

    Camp Micropsychism argue that if man has consciousness, then the descending lower strata also should have consciousness: animals, fish, bacteria, atom, electron, quark, and that string. This does NOT mean that they have the same level of consciousness that we do but they have a degenerating consciousness, which means, man has more, animals have less, fish has so-so, bacteria, umm, atom, stop. These campers study and research the emergence of consciousness from bottom to top hence they are Camp Bottom-Up or Camp Micropsychism.

    Not favourable to inanimate atoms sprouting consciousness in that glorified ascension, no matter how undetectable and puny in the lower level, Camp Cosmopsychism swooped on the field to explain the same phenomenon that Camp Micropsychism was struggling with. These enthusiastic researches are also dubbed as Camp Top-down because they proposed that consciousness was pushed from the top and not pulled from the bottom as the rival camp argued. Man is conscious because the higher being, the universe, is conscious. Universe is conscious and sentient! And we, on the lower denomination, are also conscious because of that omniscient and pervading cosmic consciousness.

    These are few notable theories and models to explain why I feel and am aware of my presence as well this moment where I am typing to Pushpa and why is my presence so fine-tuned to experience all this.

    Camp Design and Camp Random and Camp Psychism have good intentions to probe the fundamental inquiry: why do I feel and why am I here. They employ varying tools to seek that answer.

    This discussion has undertones of Camp Cosmopsychism : "consciousness" and "universe", and when you hear "consciousness" and "quantum mechanics" switch to Camp Micropsychism. On a crude timescale, this is how I would place them all.

    Camp Design (God: ancient) -- Camp Micropsychism (bottom-up: mystic science) -- Camp Cosmopsychism (top-down: mystic science) -- Camp Random (Multiverse: radical science)

    Then, there are distinct aspirations from these conjectures.

    Micropsychism: harness consciousness from lower atoms (L) -- Man -- Cosmopsychism: tap into the higher universal consciousness (R).
    (In mystic pursuits, monks aspire [L] or [R])

    Viswa’s writing is overlaid on this fertile research on universal-cosmo consciousness. I just defined and set the premise for discussion, the research isn’t abstruse but may be abstract, hence notation might demystify.

    P.S: Psychism, micropsychism, and cosmopsychism are technical terms in the academic field and not made-up constructs. Quantum physics and entropy and entanglement and Einstein's dice, some other day.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    Viswamitra and Thyagarajan like this.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:Thank you for the nice elaboration the distinction between the two.
    It is now clear why Swami Vivekanandar said
    It is mindfulness that saint Agasthya could order the mountain lie low till I traverse back this route!
    God Bless Us All Always.
    Viswamitra likes this.

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