Dear Ladies, I got a mild electric shock today.I was charging my mobile and I took out my charge from the plugpoint without switching off the switch...Carelessness. But I am worried now.Can it affect my baby in anyway? The shock passed through my fingers..
You are both just fine. In countries with cold winters, and dry indoor weather, pregnant women get lots of shocks, by just touching the doorknobs or other metals. There is static electricity everywhere. You should continue to see your prenatal care doctor/midwife on a regular basis to make sure you are alright as you go through your 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
Thanks Nonya, I have my appointment with doctor for next Saturday 4th feb for Anomaly scan...Is it fine for me to wait till then or go meet doctor immediately?
You are fine; you can go on schedule. Tell the doctor what happened, and ask her your questions. If you are in a cold and dry climate, the doctor can also advise you on what kinds of clothes to wear and how to humidify your rooms to reduce the static shocks. I often wonder if girls who wear toe-rings, and walk barefoot inside the house on mosaic or cement floors are electrically "grounded" and therefore protected against shocks. Ask your doctor this too.
I dont think its a problem at all, dear. Our body has lot of insulation plus baby has its own in the form of gestational sac which is 3 layered. Also through mobile charger, the current cariied in homes is of very very low voltage. So relax. Dont worry at all.
Hi Ammu i can feel you as i have been there in your state of confusion and fear when i was pregnant (during my 5th month)..Water had leaked through the switch board and when i switched on the light i had a shock (niether strong nor mild) i could not move my entire hand that night. i was worried and rushed to hospital next morning and took a scan..thank god the baby was safe..Please dont worry.. You both are fine