This is my 3rd attempt to study for SC-200 Certification 1st attempt thwarted when we found out Dad needs Heart Surgery 2nd attempt thwarted when Dad bit the bullet and planned for the Heart Surgery Now this is my 3rd attempt to study I am hoping this forum makes me accountable, hence I will post my progress here. Today I began and studied for 55 minutes /it's waaaaaay past my bedtime!)
Today I clocked in an 59 minutes Labs were frustrating because it took time to create resources. Anyway I managed to read ahead and take some good notes. Got an attack of hunger pangs in the middle of it all. Total of 8 modules (not including the live instructor training), I am starting for the end and working my way backwards.
15 minutes after a long day My Dad hurt his back, hence cannot make bowel movement, hence severe constipation. Had scare that hert Monitor does not work and need replacement immediately. Turns out the data was read slow.
30 minutes Microsoft labs take so long for the results to simulate (I believe they use real live servers) Almost midnight and have to work tomorrow (from home, but still have to be fresh and present)
30 minutes Took too much time to up-cycle a chiffon saree. Thread kept coming out of the needles of the sewing machine. Learned how to dismantle sewing machine to fix jam Hope to reach at least an hour of solid study tomorrow
Studied 55 minutes today. Too many Microsoft products that start with Microsoft this, Microsoft that - it gets confusing! Lot going on with charging my Dad's heart monitor every few days and then calling the company to make sure they are getting my Dad's heart information And I am practicing to drape a pink chiffon saree that I added a stiff border to. Hope I did not wreck the saree when I added border to it. I purchased a purple sleeveless body-suit ( Hope it looks demure under a nivi saree drape
Studied 15 minutes today I'm so bleary-eyed 1. Dad had a very painful chest and upper and had emergency visit with his local Cardiologist. All tests are unremarkable, Dad has to take Aleve on a regular basis 2. I tried sewing a fringe border onto a chiffon saree that I am up-cycling (that is thick with previous borders that I could not remove). Sewing machine kept getting jammed, even though I used hand-crank, not the pedal. Will have to manually stitch