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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Anandchitra, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Mealtimes when we were growing up used to be elaborate maybe because of extended family members. Like if it was sambhar on the menu then atleast 2 vegetables, and rasam and appalams to name the minimum. And weekends were only more festive with larger menu prep. Most evenings after school snack included dosa or idlis. Hmmmmmm. those were the days being nostalgic. I dont if its everybody or just me but we are definetly toned down( i am referring strictly to menu items and not my size!!) our menus especially our daily ones are from elaborate. If it is sambhar then there will be one maybe 2 veg. Appalams and other fried items
    are reserved for weekends. Becoming more of a luxury??? And almost always the youngsters taste dictates what we cook too. So its more likely to be Rasam instead of sambhar. I am sure smaller family size has a larger role to play but does time have a role in it. Not sure. For me it is a smaller family and adpating our tastes to suit our lifestyles. Your thoughts??
  2. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Hi AC,
    You have bought so many good memories. You know what, my father and both me and my brother have to start to office and school by 8 am in the morning and almost by 7.15 we sit for breakfast and the breakfast is one veg, with either sambar or more kuzhambu, rasam. Of course there will be paruppu on all days and we all have to take that breakfast by 7.15am. No saying no to breakfast.

    Evenings there will definitely be varities of tiffin ranging from Idly, dosa to upma, chappati pongal gothsu etc on weekdays. On weekends it will be something so special like Paratha Channa, Chole Poori, Thavala Vadai etc etc which we need to eat a bit hot. Week end tiffin times were always great fun.

    Week end mornings elaborate menu, which consists of bisibela bath/pulav/fried rice with fried applam or vadam. Aviyal also is reserved for weekends.

    Almost all the week day nights we used to have paruppu podi/kariveppilai podi/ thengai milagai podi sadam with sutta appalam, and if available rasam made in the morning if not Milagu, Jeera Rasam will be made and then curd rice compulsorily. If we are tired of tasting the podis then mom makes Vathal Kuzhambu/ milagu kuzhambu etc.

    But you know what now - a - days I make porridge for my kids in the morning and I am also forced to have it as breakfast, then for lunch I prepare just a salad and rasam and only for the night I make Rasam. Sambar or more kuzhambu or even vathal kuzhambu is earmarked for Sundays. No special tifins as hubby is not so good eater.
  3. sowminivibu

    sowminivibu Silver IL'ite

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    hi AC

    well the lifestyle for most of us has becum mechanical and it has not extended to our eating patetrn also....most of the children hardly hav a glass of a milk b4 they go to school....they eat hardly a tiffin box of rasam sadam and in the eve when they cum back frm school..its time for their junk food...its only in the night time tht we get to sit together n eat....so its like having a proper meal is only in the weekends with special items taking their tunrs every week......as hubby likes bisibelabath with onion raitha..thts mostly the sunday special item for lunch.....tiffin wud b sum spl tiffin deep fried snack frm chitvish section.....so nowadays even to have food together with all family members is becuming a rarity....

  4. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Rajmi
    You must be the sister i did not have. you have so well described your growing up menu just like mine. You did leave off one thing I will write about it tomorrow. But really. Even my husband is poor eater and half my size so i cook very careful more of rasam than anything. planning t come to your house.
  5. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Dear AC,
    Oh my god you made me rake my head, what did I miss? Let me read my post and then try to add it to my comments. Ok you are most welcome. Hey you sound similar. I am a bit fat, you could have seen me in the snaps.I am a fat. And yes my husband is half my size (booo hooo hoo). He is a poor eater, if so what can I do.

    You are most welcome home when you come to India next. I will be waiting to give you a good feast.

    Oh I too love to have one sister like you. Welcome AC.
  6. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    During my childhood days, lunch will always be sambar, rasam and one curry... Ofcourse with the great buttermilk... Lunch, we bro/sis most of the times will be having seperately, other than holidays, due to school timings and the distance.. Sat/Sun, we all will have it together... We never had a joint meal with our father till, we all started going to college, as he was in EB and he goes off early in the morning and come late in the night... The funny part is, which my mom used to shout at us is, either the curry will be finished off before the lunch or it will not be touched at all... Some of the veg, we all like.. What we do is, each one of us go silently to the kitchen, take a hand ful and vanish... So, the quantity will reduce significantly, by the time lunch time comes.. If one of us refused to take a liked veg, then something is wrong in that, so none of the others will take it... The big eater and the most fussy eater is me.. So, if any item i refuse to take, the whole family will reject it.... I used to get big time... for that from my mom....

    U broght back great memories... Now Shan is having tough time with my son.. He loves to eat good food, and the worst critic... Whenever she shouts at him for rejecting soemthing, it gives me flash back and I have to invariably supoort my son... What to do... Like father like son.....
  7. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Rajmi
    enjoying your post as always. get ready to prepare the feast..
  8. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Veda
    you have such a good writing style where it appears like you take time to think and give a reply like you know the person well. Its always a pleasure to read yours and shanthis posts.I am having a difficult time to decide whose sister i should be.regards
  9. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear AC,
    That is very nice of you... I really dont know what made u to think of Sisters... Both sides the sisters are intellects... Shanthi is Uni.Gold Med...So, you can choose anyway, as you would perfectly fit in along with them... Thanks .... Welcome to the gang...
  10. Meeta

    Meeta Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Chitra,
    My mom was not working so you can imagine how much she used to cook.......and all of us are fussy and picky, so variety is there in every meal and my father used to enjoy all of them........
    And all the days have different menu except for rice/dal/chapattis.......(staple ones). But now, me the poor cook even have the same thing all throughout the week........and the only suffere is hubby but never complained anything abt my poor not so varied menu (may god give him good food)......
    Here, I can't say that only the members are responsible for short-cut menus but factors like stressful tired day long work never allows us, even if we plan something.......and now a days, I feel that we have lost the apetite for good food......probably the ethnic touch has lost in hi-fi cooking ranges.............

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