Dear Chitra Madam, Thank you so much. Whenever we ask you something, there is always a bonus - this time the corresponding sloka to chant from soundaryalahari.. Thanks a lot. You are the best. Thanks, Gayu
Dear Gayu, Thankyou for your nice words. I do this not to receive praise, but because I enjoy doing this ! Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitra Madam, For the "kalyana kolams" { ezhai kolams }, I know they are different between the iyer tradition and iyengar tradition. I have drawn the iyer ones, but am not aware of the iyengar ones.. Could you please give me some samples if you have them, only when you get a chance ofcourse.. If it were in Chennai,I had to just keep my eyes open when I walk on the road, but being in US, I have no chance to get to know them especially when I need them ) Thank you as always, Gayu
Dear Gayu, I too love iyengar tradition kolams with their "arches, twists & turns" ! I will get at somebody to draw them , scan & post. Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 1 Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 2 Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 3 Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 4 Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 5 Love, Chithra.
Dear Friends, On Gayu's request, I asked a friend to draw some Vaishnava Tradition Kolams I am scanning & posting them. Page 6 Love, Chithra.