Hi all, I am a new member to this forum, cheers to you all. I have a 7 month old baby girl and doctors here(USA) recommend the crying out method to make a baby sleep on their own. She loves motion and she is being rocked in an amby baby(similar to thooli) until now and can fall asleep only in that and very rarely while nursing. There are no other ways she can sleep as of now. She has been a pretty active baby and i feel that she is not ready to calm herself down to sleep( i dont want to bathe in the night as it is pretty cold winter here) but I am getting tired of rocking and want to find another solution.I am also not in favor of leaving the baby to cry out until sleep. ( i was also curious as to what moms in india do to make baby sleep on thier own) Any suggestions will be very helpful.
Hi, It is ok to hold the baby and rock until he or she falls asleep upto 1 year. Our desi minds won`t allow the baby to cry it out. What I personally feel is the babies feel secured when we hold them before sleep. I used to sing my daughter to put her to sleep. Sometimes she slept while listening to the song. Sometimes she was curious and never sleeps. We bought an automatic swing from Fisher price.In this swing she can lie in a slanting position. We used to put her in the swing and switched on. We need not swing manually, so we can save some energy. This automatic swing is of some relief to new parents like you. You can make a try!
Hi, We used the fisher price cradle swing till my son was 7-8 months. After that we had to train him out of it. We started making him sleep in our bed and I would nurse him if he woke up while sleeping. Now we have realized that it is a very bad idea because my son is a restless sleeper and it disturbs our sleep a lot. If you feel you are losing a lot of sleep there is no harm in trying out the CIO method. Following a regular bed time routine will help a lot. My son can sleep very easily in daycare. They have a set routine in his daycare. Hope this helps. Kavya.
Hi Viji :welcome. I have a 7 month old. I give bath only in the evening (from 3rd month). She likes it but won't sleep coz of that but feels very relaxed. She loves rocking, hearing to lullaby but rarely she will sleep for these, and only thing that helps her to sleep is BM, So I will BF her also she is co sleeping so its not a problem. But ur decision is correct don't let her sleep by crying. If u don't have lullaby I have uploaded thalattu padagal by bombay Jaishreee. Plz refer: indusladies@gmail.com PWD: indus123 I let her play a lot till she feels very tried that way she goes to sleep very fast n stays longer(which really helps @ night). This is what I do. I am sure u can get lot of great tips from other ILites. Cheers -Dhivya
Hi VijiArun, Welcome to this forum. You are into a nice world to share your thoughts and to get ideas. As far as their sleep is concerned, its a good habit to make them sleep by themselves right from the beginning.My son is 4 yr old now, he can play and do most of his work by himself except sleeping.Its too hard for me to make him sleep.He always want me by his side whenever he goes to bed.Only for this reason me and my DH argue.When he ask my kid to go to bed, my kid'll go till the bed and starts calling me -'mommy,mommy'.I can't stay anywhere once he calls me.My DH says not to go till he sleeps but i'm sure he won't sleep even after 12 am.So what I can suggest you is to put your kid in the crib for sometime, then after sometime, sure she'll fall asleep.That's wat the Dr. recommend here. My friend's kid is 6 months old.She put her in the crib for sleep, then she won't take even she cries a lot..Its really hard to digest that.Initially it'll be hard to you to hear her crying,but after some days, you'll make out a difference in her sleep habits.First few days she didn't take out the kid from the crib, then the kid'll become tired and sleep.Once if you take the kid when she cries for attention, she'll be used to that.Try it out..Hope this helps.I think i didn't tell anything wrong. All The Best. Cheers, Pinky.
thanks to you all for the valuable suggestions. To say the truth i already have a fisher price cradle swing(papasan), she was sleeping in that until 4 months after that she started to twist and turn a lot so we no longer felt it was safe even with the belts, so we got an used amby baby. About the CIO method I am glad to hear that the CIO method is working and possible!!!
hi all, thanks for all the ideas. i too have a 9 month old baby girl. the only problem with her is the sleep she will scream like anything for sleep. am not ready to put in crib or rock her in a stroller or rock her in the bouncer. or put her in any swing, b'cos am planning to travel to india so am preparing for the flight travel which will not have any of those. what my friend used to do is make her lean on our chest so that the face will be facing us and rock like the bouncer and sing all rhymes. my husband used to put her in the lap side ways holding her head(so that she will not raise her head) and slightly rock, with a song. this helps more. b'cos we can make them sleep anywhere just sitting in a chair. go ahead and try any of these, be patient i will take some days for them to get accustom. try try try again till u succeed. all the best.
thanks for the suggestion but I was curious...by making the baby sleep on us, wont they become too dependent on this and expect the parents to be with them always(babies very much like the warmth of their parents)??
vijiArun Is Ambybaby baby hammock good ?? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it from personal experience?
Hi, From my personal experience, it is the closest one to our thooli and it did serve its purpose. I guess kids love it very much and they start playing in it after some time. Because it is not tightly hugged to the child like a saree thooli and leaves room for movement. So, my best suggestion would be to train the baby, right from its born, to sleep on the bed, rather than using any rocking movement at all. As they get very used to it and its we who have trained them that way. thats my feeling, hope it helps! Viji