Hello Abha ma'am A very exciting and pleasant evening.. its really great to be back to IL!! was just waiting to read all the threads and reply to the same. Really a hearty thanks for all your patient and enduring replies. Absolutely true Abha ji!! Lord Krishna always expects love from his devotees and followers. Eternal love is what is to be offered to Lord Krishna. Once we start to realize Krishna within ourselves, we will start to believe Krishna is omni-potent. This is what is said in Krishna consciousness. Radha was worried that Krishna was behind the gopikas, she behaved a human in that incident. That little moment of anxiousness shown by her is very natural. And later Krishna made her realize what it means to him when it comes to his devotees and followers Thank you once again and take care Abha ma'am regards
Hello Manju ma'am a very pleasant and exciting evening. Thank you very much for your interest. We will look forward to share all our multi-faceted views about the great Lord Take care and share more Regards
Hello aunty! a very prosperous day Thanks a lot aunty for sharing those wonderful pictures. I guess those are hand drawn and then printed! Looks really great and different! Adds to my collection:-o Regards