Live In The Present How many times have you been involved in something and all of the sudden your thoughts either bring back a certain past occurrence, or you start thinking about a future event. Our minds are always roaming into the past and future and our lives are always here and now. Here and now is where love happens, joy happens, peace happens, satisfaction happens. In the future? We can plan, but what is actually in our hands is here and now. Being fully present is a knack. Part of the knack is discovering that our deepest core is a welcoming spaciousness in which our lives appear like a magic show. Another part of the knack is to pay full attention to the show! The more we are with every part of the show, absolutely present in every moment, the more aliveness we feel, and the more healing comes our way in the natural and spontaneous process of living. Decide today right now that you are going to live a life of fulfillment by living in the present. Begin to experience joy, happiness, and satisfaction by focusing on the here and now. Pay attention to the present and your concern about the past or future will dissolve away.