'Tis a favourite project of mine, A new value of pi to assign. I would fix it at 3, For it's simpler, you see, Than 3 point 1 4 1 5 9 An exceedingly fat friend of mine, When asked at what hour he'd dine, Replied, "At eleven, At three, five, and seven, And eight and a quarter past nine.
Dear Lollipop I simply loved those Verse is so much more interesting than prose If you love limmericks You'd get a huge kick By getting a daily dose Where do you find them you ask That is no difficult task Check the left column in my blog And there you can log In the joy of daily limmericks to bask
There was an old woman who loved "scrabble" It was better than hearing herself babble So she signed up for a game No two games were the same She enjoyed in new words to dabble. There was a woman who was older That she was a mother-in-law made her a lot bolder She threw her weight around And everyone round her finger she wound But her daughter-in-law gave her a cold shoulder There was a woman so proud She lived with her in a cloud She ate jam and honey And had so much of money That of satin and gold they made her a shroud
Hi Satchithanand... Here are are a few: A gal who seemed guileless and sweet Was nothing but a blatant cheat, She’d pretend and lie And when caught, she’d cry, Or Whine, whimper and bleat. A gal who seemed guileless and sweet, Would wheedle her pals for treat, She’d wash down full meal, And wolf down with zeal, And gobble up till she’s replete. A man who could never say ‘No’, Wanted to buy a swanky Peugeot But filled with all rancor His wife bought his Banker Who placed all his dough as escrow. A gal who could never say ‘No’ Was spotted in Monaco’s casino Playing Blackjack or poker No one could stop ‘er from Pachinko, Bingo or Keno. A fellow was playing with fire When he got a good PI on hire To shadow his wife But ended in strife Her ire was all he did acquire .... and a raunchy one..... pardon me but limericks are meant to be raunchy...right? A fellow was playing with fire When he hitched up his kilt a bit higher As he twirled an’ he whirled His kilt got (oops!) unfurled Setting lasses afire with desire!
Welcome to "limmericks" Twinsmom Thanks for the limmericks, they were fun Would love to hear some more I am sure you have plenty in store 'Twill be some time before they are all done. -Satchi