Life Lessons

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Viswamitra, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    We all go through several experiences in our life time and some of them are incidents that never get registered in our memories while others create a strong impression in our mind especially the lessons learned from those experiences.

    It is not necessary for all of us to learn all the lessons from our own experiences. I believe there is a reason why we are all assembled here as ILites. We learn so much from each other anyways. Why don't we share some of our experiences that taught us wonderful lessons. There is no such thing as small or large when it comes to learning something new. Please feel free to share your experiences however small they are, provided you are comfortable to share them in public domain.

    Let this thread have collection of lessons learned and someday, all these lessons might help both the present and the future ILites. It could be, for example, with reference to child rearing, education, professional development, ego reduction, weight management, lessons learned about interaction with family members, friends, spouse, children, colleagues, character development, lesson learned from stunning response from a child, experiences with pets, or any other life-changing experiences.

    Before you post your experience, please think twice before pressing the "Post" button. If you cross the time window allotted by IL, this may become a permanent record in IL.
    Pri25080, Laks09 and Gauri03 like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Let me start first. When I was 13 years old, my friends and I decided to climb a mountain of dirt that was excavated by a giant machine used to excavate lignite from an open-cast mines in Neyveli. When we all were celebrating at the peak of that moutain of dirt, all of a sudden we noticed a giant machine moving in our direction with a siron and was getting ready to dump more dirt in the area we were standing. We screamed at each other and decided to run to the bottom of the dirt of moutain as quickly as possible. As it is hard to come down quickly, all of us tripped and fell and starting rolling down to the bottom of the moutain of dirt. That is my first ever fear of death experience. Since then, I have been always contemplating about how to overcome the fear of death and the second incident of fear of death happened at the age of 17 when some hostel friends in the college decided to go on a picnic to an island when the boat in which we were returning from the island capsized throwing all of us into the water. There were 3 of us and only one knew swimming. I generously asked the friend who knew swimming to save my other friend who literally was crying at that time. But he refused and decided to have both of us on either side clinging on to him until we reached a safe place. I noticed I didn't have as much shock as I experienced the first time.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
    Gauri03 likes this.

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