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Lessons I Learnt In Life

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Jan 2, 2022.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    The lessons I learnt in 2013. Some of you might ask these lessons you must have learnt long back as you have crossed 70 yrs now. :) I think now only I am learning and getting some gyanam. Too late isnit it. Now a days even children learn faster because of the modern technology and also because their parents teach them and buy everything for them. In our days we were not so lucky in those things but lucky in other things. When I got a Camera from my office as a gift for completing 25 yrs I never used to give my children too to use them thinking they might spoil. So I learnt that you can teach and give them the chance to learn everything and without using them how will they know how it can be used. After my cataract operation I came to know how bright and beautiful the world is because of which I am able to make jewellery otherwise it was difficult for me to put the thread into the needle. On my 70th birthday learnt that there are so many people to shower love When our elders teach us something in our young age and tell us some quotes we dont give much heed to them. But later only we understand that whatever they teach us is through their experience and which will help us in the long run

    These are the quotes which came true in 2013

    Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you
    Try try till you succeed
    Too much of everything is not good, in tamil they say adhigamanaal amrudhamumvisham, so should be in a limit in everything
    Opportunities seldom come , so should make use of it
    People dont love us for the money we have but for the heart we have
    You can learn things in old age too

    2021 taught me many things. To be patient and accept whatever comes your way. Taught that there are many wellwishers who love me and care for me. Though it was not a good year for me as I had health problems my husband also expired but I learnt everything is for good. God knows when to give what. Our life is according to our karma and if we do good in this birth next birth will be good. But for my husband he did lot of good things and died peacefully and on Ekadesi day. So I think he must have reached Vaikumta and no rebirth for him I was blessed to be his wife
    My sister,"s husband also expired in the same year. I could go to Bangalore and stayed in my brother's house . His wife looked after me very nicely and never allowed to do any work. That way also.I am blessed. After working for several years I needed rest which I am getting in my daughter's house and she and my son in law are also looking after me nicely and not allowing me to do any work. So I have no responsibility of thinking what provision to buy what vegetables to buy and to go to bank etc. I am able to dress Devi everyday and go to temple
    Rihana, NOW, Amica and 3 others like this.

  2. MadhuRK

    MadhuRK Silver IL'ite

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    Dear @iyerviji ,

    I feel very touched and moved by your simple and beautiful mind which has been reflected in your writing. Despite losing your husband, you are able to write with so much clarity, conviction and faith. What a child-like heart you must be having !

    I pray that you retain the same innocence and good health all the time. May you be blessed with abiding peace of mind.
    iyerviji likes this.
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for your loving and first and only feedback. Its God and elder's blessings which gives me inspiration to wrote though my husband is not there .By writing I am able to live my life peacefully

    Thanks for your good wishes
    Rihana and joylokhi like this.
  4. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    @iyerviji ma, your earnestness, and simplicity bring a smile on my face. Your sharings are lessons in life for us,

    Happy New year! Keep sharing <3
    Rihana and joylokhi like this.
  5. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    The biggest lesson I've learnt last year was to define relationships. The relatives are not the ones that are connected by blood, but connected by hearts.
    No matter what, you can't make someone like or love you unless they are truly in love with you.
    So, finding the right people in your life, and spending most of your times with the right ones is the key to happiness and success in your life.
    I've learnt this lesson very late, but late is better than never. So, no complaints.

    Your post triggers me to start a new thread along the same line. Thanks & wish you a wonderful new year ma
    Rihana likes this.
  6. aks12

    aks12 Bronze IL'ite

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    The most important lesson I learnt was to fast regularly and certain things like tea and buttermilk just dont go together!

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