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Left wrong places at the right time

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    I was working for a software company in SEEPZ, Mumbai. I was the Vice President of Finance and Business Planning. My CEO and I went for a meeting with Chief General Manager of State of Bank of India. It was a bright beautiful day on March 12, 1993 and we left Seepz, Andheri at around 12.15 p.m. as we knew it would take at least an hour to get to Nariman Point/Colaba area. We reached SBI office at 1:15 p.m. and we just walked into the office of the Chief General Manager at approximately 1:30 p.m. When we were talking, we heard a very loud explosion that was deafening to the ears. We saw the glass windows behind the CGM’s office were breaking so badly.

    CGM, my boss and I looked through the glass windows behind his office on the top floor of the building. We saw a thick cloud of smoke everywhere and we can’t even see the road or cars underneath. My gut told me that something was terribly wrong and told my boss that we would be better off leaving immediately to get back to Andheri. He agreed with me and we rushed outside to get into our car and driver Murugan immediately told us that there was a huge bomb blast in the Bombay Stock Exchange. Since he knew all the roads in Mumbai and an expert driver in Mumbai, we left to him to decide the choice of roads to him. From that time onwards, we had experienced one of the worst nightmares of us during that entire afternoon. Wherever we went in the car, there was a bomb blast and we had to take several diversions. On that particular day, we had crossed most of the 13 explosion spots and it took 5 hours for us to get back to Andheri. In the meantime, both our spouses called us to find our whereabouts because of the bomb blast and the office promptly told them that we were in Nariman Point/Colaba area. We did not have cell phones those days and hence until we reached back Andheri, we could not inform home about our safety.

    The nightmare did not end at that point. The next day onwards, the Mumbai riots started and most people did not work for the entire 30 days of the riot period. Since we worked for a multi-national software company, we could not give any excuse to our American clients. We were driving to work every day hoping that we would return safely in the night. Many times, we had seen disturbing scenes on our way and pretended as though we had not seen them.

    Then I migrated to the US in 1995 and worked for the same software company’s headquarters in the US. Since they sold their business in 2001, I decided to resign and I was serving notice period. Since I planned to be an independent consultant, I went to meet with a friend in New York on September 10, 2011. We both left towards the airport for our flights departing around 5:30 p.m., he was leaving for Chicago and I was leaving for Tampa. We got to the airport and my flight had some technical snag. After leaving the gate, the pilot decided to return to the gate since the passengers reported burning smell. They kept announcing the flight would leave in the next hour from 6:30 onwards until 10.30 p.m. Most of the passengers decided to cancel and return to stay in New York. My gut again told me to stick to the schedule to go back to Tampa. Finally, they announced departure at 11:30 p.m. and the flight landed in Tampa approximately at 2:30 a.m. in the morning on September 11, 2011.

    The next day morning, I got up early and left for work at approximately 8:45 p.m. In the radio, they started reporting about the attack on World Trade Center. Later, I came to know that the US Government had requested all planes to be grounded within a few hours and shut down air traffic until further orders.

  2. raji2678

    raji2678 Gold IL'ite

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    Terrifying ordeal. I am also from Mumbai. I was working in Seepz till 2003, as one of the offices of my company is located there. Nice post.
  3. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    That sounded very strange, Viswamitra. The benevolent one might have been merciful to one of his pets perhaps. Glad to see that you were not there in those troublesome times. -rgs
  4. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    hmmmm... i know exactly what you have gone through! my parents were calling me every ten minutes during the 2006 bomb blast (its sad, that i m mentioning year for it, as it almost happens every year in one of my fav city)

    May be thats the day, i got maximum number of calls, few friends called me that after long gap. (fortunate enough to own a mobile then)

    thanks for sharing!

  5. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai Viswa,

    HE knows how to save the HUMAN LIFE. Happy to note that you have finally safe in the world and entertaining us with your exemplarary writings in this proud IL Site.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I know many who lived or living in Mumbai would relate to this story well.

  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear RGS,

    Thank you for your fb. May be His Blessings helped me to get out of trouble at the right time.

  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Strangerrr,

    Thank you for your fb and sharing your experience. Even in that ordeal, the only satisfaction was how many cared for our welfare.

  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you for your kind words. I can't thank enough the IL members for their words of encouragement.

    With kind regards

  10. sushnat

    sushnat New IL'ite

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    Viswa, terrifying experience you have undergone. i had a similar experience during the 2005 december 26 tsunami when i was in madras. me along with few of my friends had gone to pray at the church at besant nagar on the evening of xmas dec 25. it was already dark, lots of crowds at the church and beach for xmas celebrations, it was a full moon day and the sea was shimmering in the moonlit night. after lighting candles at church we sat down before the waves and were chatting and njoiing. we noticed that the waves were rough and felt creepy, noisier than usual. you wont believe...in fact even i am shocked to think back that we were talking about tsunami after seeing the waves. we were talking about the unusually rough waves in front us and a friend uttered this word 'tsunami' and told that they happen in japan. this was the first time i heard this word and thought that its funny the way its spelled. we decided to go back immediately bcos of scary waves and thought its bcos tides are usually high on full moon days. the next morning we woke normally, we dint know that there was an earthqauke that happend nor about the killer tsunami. i got ready to go out and stepped into the streets of besant nager and i saw this sight of reels of autos going with women and children crying and shouting. i thought that something worse had happend to them and reached the main road which was blocked completely and came to know of this monstor waves and that thousands of people were swallowed ...they were doing early morning walks, children and adults sleeping....in the fishermen community, in the resorts that lined the beach..oh my god. i got to know later my cousin's experience with this tsunami which was like one on one. she stays in an apartment in thiruvanmiyiur which is just next to the beach, the people in the whole apmt came down into the beach to safeguard themself from the earthquake and few minutes later fell prey to the bigger tsunami. my cousin and her hubby ran towards the road after seeing the first big tsumani. they really went into the jaws of death and came out. till today i am shocked at wat happend. i pray to God to give us all the strength to pass thru all the tough times we face.


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