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Learning C++ Programming

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by nayidulhan, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Everyone! :)
    My 14 year old daughter wants to learn C++ programming. She is familiar with Python and Java. She learned these 2 languages either in school or through a mentor. She next wants to learn C++ programming, albeit mostly on her own. Could anyone please suggest any simple to follow online resources (YT links/ courses, etc.) for beginners? Thanks in anticipation! :)

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey nayidulhan, good to see a thread from you!

    The pros and cons of introducing programming in the age of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT, the appropriate age to start learning, and the decision between following a structured curriculum or allowing the child to take the lead and explore independently are all highly subjective and nuanced topics. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, making it a conversation worthy of deeper exploration in a separate thread. Here below I am sharing a few resources for learning C++ :

    1. Learn C++ – Skill up with our free tutorials (note the website name learncpp dot com has no hyphens, do not use a similar sounding website that has a hyphen between "learn" and "cpp")

    The first few lessons in learncpp dot com talk about installing an IDE on the computer, maybe for a young kid better to use an online IDE at the start. I vaguely remember the site has some ads, there is no ad-free paid version. Maybe once or twice take a look at the kind of ads showing up.

    2. W3Schools.com
    w3schools is a popular online tutorial place for programming languages. I found this YouTube video provides a good video companion for the first few chapters of the w3Schools C++ course:

    You said your child wants to learn on her own, if that changes there are a few online tutor options like https://www.teacheron.com/ (a weekly meeting to ask doubts might not be a bad idea)

    Repeating for those in the back bench:
    The pros and cons of introducing programming in the age of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT, the appropriate age to start learning, and the decision between following a structured curriculum or allowing the child to take the lead and explore independently are all highly subjective and nuanced topics. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, making it a conversation worthy of deeper exploration in a separate thread.
    nayidulhan likes this.
  3. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    why does she want to learn c++.

    udemy has decent courses . they offer discount now and then. just pick a good reviewed one and go with it.
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  4. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks, @Rihana! :)
    Thanks a lot for your reply! I love to hear from you – always!

    Could you please please share your thoughts on this? Your opinion helps me clear my thinking. :)

    My daughter is not exactly rigid with learning on her own. She says she is open to learning from a good tutor. Actually, she is getting interested in competitive programming and C++ is the recommended language there.

    I will explore the resources you have linked here. Thanks again, Rihana. :)
  5. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks for your reply, @lavani! :) My daughter is taking interest in competitive programming. So, we are exploring the details. We read that the most preferred language there is C++. Python and Java are used too but only at the initial levels.
    I have never tried udemy so I have no idea about their courses. Are these recorded sessions or is there live online tutoring?
  6. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Hi @hrastro! :) How have you been?
    Do you have any idea about competitive programming? And C++ programming? I request you to kindly take time out of your schedule to write to me about what you know/ think. :)
  7. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    ah. good .

    learn the language. - practice - https://www.hackerrank.com/dashboard

    you can buy a book. or this course. I just picked.

    learn data structures/ algorithms - Competitive Programming - A Complete Guide - GeeksforGeeks

    then compete - CodeChef | CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

    any book can teach the syntax . a lot of practice needed in coding.

    competitive programming is not about finding the best readable code, it is about the writing fast code in shortest time and that takes shortest memory and cpu cycles.

    this is long journey. :) .. good luck.
    Rihana and nayidulhan like this.
  8. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Thanks a lot, @lavani for the pointers. They are a big help. :)

    You know quite a bit about competitive programming. :) Please add here whenever you think of something that could be useful to my daughter in her preps. Thanks in anticipation. :)
  9. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    i am programmer. all new roles now a days make you test on algorithms. i am tired :) .

    above step 1 and 2 itself will take about 6 months to year. do not collect too much info. :) . there is something called tutorial hell. and it is true. where we just feel good about watching tutorials. the actual preparation and grind is a very boring and long process.

    this is final place to test - where it is recognized world wide - The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

    till then Wax on Wax OFF . If you have seen karate kid :) . you will know.

    another real info. do not take negative. this is big leap. if she knew python and java. is she really good into it. just because you know c++ , does not quality you to compete . these are serious college kids who spend hours in honing their skills in math, algorithms. i am not saying do not learn c++. you can just buy the book Thinking in c++ and learn. but stick to 1 language .

    this is irrespective to any new learning. all skills when in early stages look fun when they are easy. when you cross that basic stage, you plateau, because that is boring part when you need to push lot of work to move up. lol :) . sounds like marriage too .
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
    nayidulhan likes this.
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Structured Guidance for Competitive Programming
    Competitive programming requires significant time and effort for preparation. Since students already have a busy schedule with schoolwork, it’s essential to approach preparation in a structured way to make the most of their limited time.

    Online Resources
    There are several free resources available, including well-known online courses and PDF books. The key is to choose resources that are directly relevant to the specific competitions your child plans to participate in. Google the competition name to find the most recommended course or book for that competition.

    Choose the Competitions
    A good starting point is to decide which competitions to focus on, as preparation strategies often vary depending on the event. Most competition websites provide a list of recommended resources, which can guide preparation. Additionally, searching the competition name on platforms like Quora or Reddit can provide valuable advice and insights from past participants. I personally would recommend sticking to solo competitions and not team based ones at least to start with.

    Programming Language Recommendations
    C++ is widely considered the preferred language for competitive programming due to its speed and functionality, but the choice of language only becomes critical at advanced levels. For beginners, it’s better to start with a language they are already comfortable with, like Java or Python, and practice problems from previous years of a given competition. While practicing, they can also begin learning C++ syntax in parallel. Once they reach a higher level, switching to C++ will be easier and should take just a few days.

    Starting with C++: An Alternative Approach
    If preferred, your child could start with C++ from the beginning, but this involves a steeper learning curve. This approach may work well for those who are willing to dedicate extra time early on.
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