I bought a Tava [pan] which can either be used to make chappathi or Dosa. I already have a Dosa tava. I need to season this pan for making Chapatthi. The pan is slightly heavy & slightly rusted coz of lying idle. Please tell me how to get it ready for Chapathi-frying???
Hello Geevee, I too had a rusty iron pan once. I cleaned it well with soap and water. Dried it and smeared some oil and left it. I then began to use it and it is fine now. HTH. Susi
Hi Anuusri, Thanks for you tips in - grinding work so easy. I use to grind for vadai and will grind for idli. From now I will include grinding for adai also with the above.
Re: Something@kitchenWhich i Practice-DummiesGuideForNewlyMarried- Timesaving shortcu Anuusri, Never knew this before ...... always used to add salt while grinding . Plus I was soaking urad for at least 6 hours !!!! Will try your tip of soaking less time & draining for more time ... thanks for sharing.
I got this tips about maintaining wooden spatula, spoons etc., from a kind shop-keeper. 1. Never wash while the spatula is still hot. 2. If you used for, for example making dosai, then wipe off the oil with a tissue paper and then wash. 3. Once the spatula is cooled, lightly soap with washing liquid and scrub. Wash well and leave to dry. The spatula should be left open on all sides to air dry.. 4. Never soak the wooden spatula in water to wash. 5. Always hand wash and do not wash in dish-washer. I started following these tips and mine are lasting pretty well than before. Latha